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path: root/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd')
2 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/sysusers.nix b/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/sysusers.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..c619c2d91eb09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/sysusers.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }:
+  cfg = config.systemd.sysusers;
+  userCfg = config.users;
+  sysusersConfig = pkgs.writeTextDir "00-nixos.conf" ''
+    # Type Name ID GECOS Home directory Shell
+    # Users
+    ${lib.concatLines (lib.mapAttrsToList
+      (username: opts:
+        let
+          uid = if opts.uid == null then "-" else toString opts.uid;
+        in
+          ''u ${username} ${uid}:${opts.group} "${opts.description}" ${opts.home} ${utils.toShellPath opts.shell}''
+      )
+      userCfg.users)
+    }
+    # Groups
+    ${lib.concatLines (lib.mapAttrsToList
+      (groupname: opts: ''g ${groupname} ${if opts.gid == null then "-" else toString opts.gid}'') userCfg.groups)
+    }
+    # Group membership
+    ${lib.concatStrings (lib.mapAttrsToList
+      (groupname: opts: (lib.concatMapStrings (username: "m ${username} ${groupname}\n")) opts.members ) userCfg.groups)
+    }
+  '';
+  staticSysusersCredentials = pkgs.runCommand "static-sysusers-credentials" { } ''
+    mkdir $out; cd $out
+    ${lib.concatLines (
+      (lib.mapAttrsToList
+        (username: opts: "echo -n '${opts.initialHashedPassword}' > 'passwd.hashed-password.${username}'")
+        (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.initialHashedPassword != null) userCfg.users))
+        ++
+      (lib.mapAttrsToList
+        (username: opts: "echo -n '${opts.initialPassword}' > 'passwd.plaintext-password.${username}'")
+        (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.initialPassword != null) userCfg.users))
+        ++
+      (lib.mapAttrsToList
+        (username: opts: "cat '${opts.hashedPasswordFile}' > 'passwd.hashed-password.${username}'")
+        (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.hashedPasswordFile != null) userCfg.users))
+      )
+    }
+  '';
+  staticSysusers = pkgs.runCommand "static-sysusers"
+    {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [ pkgs.systemd ];
+    } ''
+    mkdir $out
+    export CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY=${staticSysusersCredentials}
+    systemd-sysusers --root $out ${sysusersConfig}/00-nixos.conf
+  '';
+  options = {
+    # This module doesn't set it's own user options but reuses the ones from
+    # users-groups.nix
+    systemd.sysusers = {
+      enable = lib.mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "systemd-sysusers") // {
+        description = lib.mdDoc ''
+          If enabled, users are created with systemd-sysusers instead of with
+          the custom `update-users-groups.pl` script.
+          Note: This is experimental.
+        '';
+      };
+    };
+  };
+  config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable {
+    assertions = [
+      {
+        assertion = config.system.activationScripts.users == "";
+        message = "system.activationScripts.users has to be empty to use systemd-sysusers";
+      }
+      {
+        assertion = config.users.mutableUsers -> config.system.etc.overlay.enable;
+        message = "config.users.mutableUsers requires config.system.etc.overlay.enable.";
+      }
+    ];
+    systemd = lib.mkMerge [
+      ({
+        # Create home directories, do not create /var/empty even if that's a user's
+        # home.
+        tmpfiles.settings.home-directories = lib.mapAttrs'
+          (username: opts: lib.nameValuePair opts.home {
+            d = {
+              mode = opts.homeMode;
+              user = username;
+              group = opts.group;
+            };
+          })
+          (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.home != "/var/empty") userCfg.users);
+      })
+      (lib.mkIf config.users.mutableUsers {
+        additionalUpstreamSystemUnits = [
+          "systemd-sysusers.service"
+        ];
+        services.systemd-sysusers = {
+          # Enable switch-to-configuration to restart the service.
+          unitConfig.ConditionNeedsUpdate = [ "" ];
+          requiredBy = [ "sysinit-reactivation.target" ];
+          before = [ "sysinit-reactivation.target" ];
+          restartTriggers = [ "${config.environment.etc."sysusers.d".source}" ];
+          serviceConfig = {
+            LoadCredential = lib.mapAttrsToList
+              (username: opts: "passwd.hashed-password.${username}:${opts.hashedPasswordFile}")
+              (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.hashedPasswordFile != null) userCfg.users);
+            SetCredential = (lib.mapAttrsToList
+              (username: opts: "passwd.hashed-password.${username}:${opts.initialHashedPassword}")
+              (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.initialHashedPassword != null) userCfg.users))
+            ++
+            (lib.mapAttrsToList
+              (username: opts: "passwd.plaintext-password.${username}:${opts.initialPassword}")
+              (lib.filterAttrs (_username: opts: opts.initialPassword != null) userCfg.users))
+            ;
+          };
+        };
+      })
+    ];
+    environment.etc = lib.mkMerge [
+      (lib.mkIf (!userCfg.mutableUsers) {
+        "passwd" = {
+          source = "${staticSysusers}/etc/passwd";
+          mode = "0644";
+        };
+        "group" = {
+          source = "${staticSysusers}/etc/group";
+          mode = "0644";
+        };
+        "shadow" = {
+          source = "${staticSysusers}/etc/shadow";
+          mode = "0000";
+        };
+        "gshadow" = {
+          source = "${staticSysusers}/etc/gshadow";
+          mode = "0000";
+        };
+      })
+      (lib.mkIf userCfg.mutableUsers {
+        "sysusers.d".source = sysusersConfig;
+      })
+    ];
+  };
+  meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ nikstur ];
diff --git a/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/tmpfiles.nix b/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/tmpfiles.nix
index 183e2033ecb01..dae23eddd1e2b 100644
--- a/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/tmpfiles.nix
+++ b/nixos/modules/system/boot/systemd/tmpfiles.nix
@@ -150,6 +150,41 @@ in
+    # Allow systemd-tmpfiles to be restarted by switch-to-configuration. This
+    # service is not pulled into the normal boot process. It only exists for
+    # switch-to-configuration.
+    #
+    # This needs to be a separate unit because it does not execute
+    # systemd-tmpfiles with `--boot` as that is supposed to only be executed
+    # once at boot time.
+    #
+    # Keep this aligned with the upstream `systemd-tmpfiles-setup.service` unit.
+    systemd.services."systemd-tmpfiles-resetup" = {
+      description = "Re-setup tmpfiles on a system that is already running.";
+      requiredBy = [ "sysinit-reactivation.target" ];
+      after = [ "local-fs.target" "systemd-sysusers.service" "systemd-journald.service" ];
+      before = [ "sysinit-reactivation.target" "shutdown.target" ];
+      conflicts = [ "shutdown.target" ];
+      restartTriggers = [ config.environment.etc."tmpfiles.d".source ];
+      unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = false;
+      serviceConfig = {
+        Type = "oneshot";
+        RemainAfterExit = true;
+        ExecStart = "systemd-tmpfiles --create --remove --exclude-prefix=/dev";
+        SuccessExitStatus = "DATAERR CANTCREAT";
+        ImportCredential = [
+          "tmpfiles.*"
+          "loging.motd"
+          "login.issue"
+          "network.hosts"
+          "ssh.authorized_keys.root"
+        ];
+      };
+    };
     environment.etc = {
       "tmpfiles.d".source = (pkgs.symlinkJoin {
         name = "tmpfiles.d";