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path: root/nixos/tests/scion
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Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/tests/scion')
7 files changed, 426 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/README.rst b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/README.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..b2448a2dc9add
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/README.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+This NixOS VM test implements the network topology outlined in https://github.com/scionproto/scion/blob/27983125bccac6b84d1f96f406853aab0e460405/doc/tutorials/deploy.rst#sample-scion-demo-topology, below is an excerpt from that document
+Sample SCION Demo Topology
+The topology of the ISD includes the inter-AS connections to neighboring ASes, and defines the underlay IP/UDP addresses of services and routers running in this AS. This is specified in topology files - this guide later explains how to configure these files. A following graphic depicts the topology on a high level.
+.. figure:: https://github.com/scionproto/scion/raw/27983125bccac6b84d1f96f406853aab0e460405/doc/tutorials/deploy/SCION-deployment-guide.drawio.png
+   :width: 95 %
+   :figwidth: 100 %
+   *Figure 1 - Topology of the sample SCION demo environment. It consists of 1 ISD, 3 core ASes and 2 non-core ASes.*
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/default.nix b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..0c9686fbfbadf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# implements https://github.com/scionproto/scion/blob/27983125bccac6b84d1f96f406853aab0e460405/doc/tutorials/deploy.rst
+import ../../make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, ... }:
+  trust-root-configuration-keys = pkgs.runCommand "generate-trc-keys.sh" {
+    buildInputs = [
+      pkgs.scion
+    ];
+  } ''
+    set -euo pipefail
+    mkdir /tmp/tutorial-scion-certs && cd /tmp/tutorial-scion-certs
+    mkdir AS{1..5}
+    # Create voting and root keys and (self-signed) certificates for core ASes
+    pushd AS1
+    scion-pki certificate create --not-after=3650d --profile=sensitive-voting <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:1 sensitive voting cert"}') sensitive-voting.pem sensitive-voting.key
+    scion-pki certificate create --not-after=3650d --profile=regular-voting <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:1 regular voting cert"}') regular-voting.pem regular-voting.key
+    scion-pki certificate create --not-after=3650d --profile=cp-root <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:1 cp root cert"}') cp-root.pem cp-root.key
+    popd
+    pushd AS2
+    scion-pki certificate create --not-after=3650d --profile=cp-root <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:2 cp root cert"}') cp-root.pem cp-root.key
+    popd
+    pushd AS3
+    scion-pki certificate create --not-after=3650d --profile=sensitive-voting <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:3 sensitive voting cert"}') sensitive-voting.pem sensitive-voting.key
+    scion-pki certificate create --not-after=3650d --profile=regular-voting <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:3 regular voting cert"}') regular-voting.pem regular-voting.key
+    popd
+    # Create the TRC (Trust Root Configuration)
+    mkdir tmp
+    echo '
+    isd = 42
+    description = "Demo ISD 42"
+    serial_version = 1
+    base_version = 1
+    voting_quorum = 2
+    core_ases = ["ffaa:1:1", "ffaa:1:2", "ffaa:1:3"]
+    authoritative_ases = ["ffaa:1:1", "ffaa:1:2", "ffaa:1:3"]
+    cert_files = ["AS1/sensitive-voting.pem", "AS1/regular-voting.pem", "AS1/cp-root.pem", "AS2/cp-root.pem", "AS3/sensitive-voting.pem", "AS3/regular-voting.pem"]
+    [validity]
+    not_before = '$(date +%s)'
+    validity = "365d"' \
+    > trc-B1-S1-pld.tmpl
+    scion-pki trc payload --out=tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.pld.der --template trc-B1-S1-pld.tmpl
+    rm trc-B1-S1-pld.tmpl
+    # Sign and bundle the TRC
+    scion-pki trc sign tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.pld.der AS1/sensitive-voting.{pem,key} --out tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.AS1-sensitive.trc
+    scion-pki trc sign tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.pld.der AS1/regular-voting.{pem,key} --out tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.AS1-regular.trc
+    scion-pki trc sign tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.pld.der AS3/sensitive-voting.{pem,key} --out tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.AS3-sensitive.trc
+    scion-pki trc sign tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.pld.der AS3/regular-voting.{pem,key} --out tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.AS3-regular.trc
+    scion-pki trc combine tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.AS{1,3}-{sensitive,regular}.trc --payload tmp/ISD42-B1-S1.pld.der --out ISD42-B1-S1.trc
+    rm tmp -r
+    # Create CA key and certificate for issuing ASes
+    pushd AS1
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-ca <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:1 CA cert"}') cp-ca.pem cp-ca.key --ca cp-root.pem --ca-key cp-root.key
+    popd
+    pushd AS2
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-ca <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:2 CA cert"}') cp-ca.pem cp-ca.key --ca cp-root.pem --ca-key cp-root.key
+    popd
+    # Create AS key and certificate chains
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-as <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:1 AS cert"}') AS1/cp-as.pem AS1/cp-as.key --ca AS1/cp-ca.pem --ca-key AS1/cp-ca.key --bundle
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-as <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:2 AS cert"}') AS2/cp-as.pem AS2/cp-as.key --ca AS2/cp-ca.pem --ca-key AS2/cp-ca.key --bundle
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-as <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:3 AS cert"}') AS3/cp-as.pem AS3/cp-as.key --ca AS1/cp-ca.pem --ca-key AS1/cp-ca.key --bundle
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-as <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:4", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:4 AS cert"}') AS4/cp-as.pem AS4/cp-as.key --ca AS1/cp-ca.pem --ca-key AS1/cp-ca.key --bundle
+    scion-pki certificate create --profile=cp-as <(echo '{"isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:5", "common_name": "42-ffaa:1:5 AS cert"}') AS5/cp-as.pem AS5/cp-as.key --ca AS2/cp-ca.pem --ca-key AS2/cp-ca.key --bundle
+    for i in {1..5}
+    do
+      mkdir -p $out/AS$i
+      cp AS$i/cp-as.{key,pem} $out/AS$i
+    done
+    mv *.trc $out
+  '';
+  imports = hostId: [
+    ({
+      services.scion = {
+        enable = true;
+        bypassBootstrapWarning = true;
+      };
+      networking = {
+        useNetworkd = true;
+        useDHCP = false;
+      };
+      systemd.network.networks."01-eth1" = {
+        name = "eth1";
+        networkConfig.Address = "192.168.1.${toString hostId}/24";
+      };
+      environment.etc = {
+        "scion/topology.json".source = ./topology${toString hostId}.json;
+        "scion/crypto/as".source = trust-root-configuration-keys + "/AS${toString hostId}";
+        "scion/certs/ISD42-B1-S1.trc".source = trust-root-configuration-keys + "/ISD42-B1-S1.trc";
+        "scion/keys/master0.key".text = "U${toString hostId}v4k23ZXjGDwDofg/Eevw==";
+        "scion/keys/master1.key".text = "dBMko${toString hostId}qMS8DfrN/zP2OUdA==";
+      };
+      environment.systemPackages = [
+        pkgs.scion
+      ];
+    })
+  ];
+  name = "scion-test";
+  nodes = {
+    scion01 = { ... }: {
+      imports = (imports 1);
+    };
+    scion02 = { ... }: {
+      imports = (imports 2);
+    };
+    scion03 = { ... }: {
+      imports = (imports 3);
+    };
+    scion04 = { ... }: {
+      imports = (imports 4);
+    };
+    scion05 = { ... }: {
+      imports = (imports 5);
+    };
+  };
+  testScript = let
+    pingAll = pkgs.writeShellScript "ping-all-scion.sh" ''
+      addresses="42-ffaa:1:1 42-ffaa:1:2 42-ffaa:1:3 42-ffaa:1:4 42-ffaa:1:5"
+      timeout=100
+      wait_for_all() {
+        for as in "$@"
+        do
+          scion showpaths $as --no-probe > /dev/null
+          return 1
+        done
+        return 0
+      }
+      ping_all() {
+        for as in "$@"
+        do
+          scion ping "$as," -c 3
+        done
+        return 0
+      }
+      for i in $(seq 0 $timeout); do
+        wait_for_all $addresses && exit 0
+        ping_all $addresses && exit 0
+        sleep 1
+      done
+    '';
+  in
+  ''
+    # List of AS instances
+    machines = [scion01, scion02, scion03, scion04, scion05]
+    # Wait for scion-control.service on all instances
+    for i in machines:
+        i.wait_for_unit("scion-control.service")
+    # Execute pingAll command on all instances
+    for i in machines:
+        i.succeed("${pingAll} >&2")
+    # Restart scion-dispatcher and ping again to test robustness
+    for i in machines:
+        i.succeed("systemctl restart scion-dispatcher >&2")
+        i.succeed("${pingAll} >&2")
+  '';
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology1.json b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology1.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..de51515eebc2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+  "attributes": [
+    "core"
+  ],
+  "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1",
+  "mtu": 1472,
+  "control_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "discovery_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "border_routers": {
+    "br": {
+      "internal_addr": "",
+      "interfaces": {
+        "1": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:4",
+          "link_to": "child",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "2": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2",
+          "link_to": "core",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "3": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3",
+          "link_to": "core",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology2.json b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology2.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..f8e10d5d1f75d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+  "attributes": [
+    "core"
+  ],
+  "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2",
+  "mtu": 1472,
+  "control_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "discovery_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "border_routers": {
+    "br": {
+      "internal_addr": "",
+      "interfaces": {
+        "1": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1",
+          "link_to": "core",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "2": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3",
+          "link_to": "core",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "3": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:5",
+          "link_to": "child",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology3.json b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology3.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..53cee431885b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology3.json
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+  "attributes": [
+    "core"
+  ],
+  "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3",
+  "mtu": 1472,
+  "control_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "discovery_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "border_routers": {
+    "br": {
+      "internal_addr": "",
+      "interfaces": {
+        "1": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1",
+          "link_to": "core",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "2": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2",
+          "link_to": "core",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "3": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:4",
+          "link_to": "child",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "4": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:5",
+          "link_to": "child",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology4.json b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology4.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..03c507a4daf58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology4.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "attributes": [],
+  "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:4",
+  "mtu": 1472,
+  "control_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "discovery_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "border_routers": {
+    "br": {
+      "internal_addr": "",
+      "interfaces": {
+        "1": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:1",
+          "link_to": "parent",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "2": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3",
+          "link_to": "parent",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology5.json b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology5.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..6114c1f73c2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nixos/tests/scion/freestanding-deployment/topology5.json
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+  "attributes": [],
+  "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:5",
+  "mtu": 1472,
+  "control_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "discovery_service": {
+    "cs": {
+      "addr": ""
+    }
+  },
+  "border_routers": {
+    "br": {
+      "internal_addr": "",
+      "interfaces": {
+        "1": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:2",
+          "link_to": "parent",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        },
+        "2": {
+          "underlay": {
+            "public": "",
+            "remote": ""
+          },
+          "isd_as": "42-ffaa:1:3",
+          "link_to": "parent",
+          "mtu": 1472
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }