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path: root/pkgs/build-support
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/build-support')
8 files changed, 321 insertions, 12 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/appimage/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/appimage/default.nix
index 6d4dbfbe421b0..b974b8f68712c 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/appimage/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/appimage/default.nix
@@ -61,6 +61,14 @@ rec {
     (args // {
       inherit name extraPkgs;
       src = extract { inherit name src; };
+      # passthru src to make nix-update work
+      # hack to keep the origin position (unsafeGetAttrPos)
+      passthru = lib.pipe args [
+        lib.attrNames
+        (lib.remove "src")
+        (removeAttrs args)
+      ] // args.passthru or { };
   defaultFhsEnvArgs = {
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
index 6b07865928e62..c6ab4589aefac 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/docker/default.nix
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@
 , vmTools
 , writeReferencesToFile
 , writeScript
+, writeShellScriptBin
 , writeText
 , writeTextDir
 , writePython3
@@ -78,7 +79,7 @@ let
 rec {
   examples = callPackage ./examples.nix {
-    inherit buildImage buildLayeredImage fakeNss pullImage shadowSetup buildImageWithNixDb;
+    inherit buildImage buildLayeredImage fakeNss pullImage shadowSetup buildImageWithNixDb streamNixShellImage;
   tests = {
@@ -1034,4 +1035,188 @@ rec {
+  # This function streams a docker image that behaves like a nix-shell for a derivation
+  streamNixShellImage =
+    { # The derivation whose environment this docker image should be based on
+      drv
+    , # Image Name
+      name ? drv.name + "-env"
+    , # Image tag, the Nix's output hash will be used if null
+      tag ? null
+    , # User id to run the container as. Defaults to 1000, because many
+      # binaries don't like to be run as root
+      uid ? 1000
+    , # Group id to run the container as, see also uid
+      gid ? 1000
+    , # The home directory of the user
+      homeDirectory ? "/build"
+    , # The path to the bash binary to use as the shell. See `NIX_BUILD_SHELL` in `man nix-shell`
+      shell ? bashInteractive + "/bin/bash"
+    , # Run this command in the environment of the derivation, in an interactive shell. See `--command` in `man nix-shell`
+      command ? null
+    , # Same as `command`, but runs the command in a non-interactive shell instead. See `--run` in `man nix-shell`
+      run ? null
+    }:
+      assert lib.assertMsg (! (drv.drvAttrs.__structuredAttrs or false))
+        "streamNixShellImage: Does not work with the derivation ${drv.name} because it uses __structuredAttrs";
+      assert lib.assertMsg (command == null || run == null)
+        "streamNixShellImage: Can't specify both command and run";
+      let
+        # A binary that calls the command to build the derivation
+        builder = writeShellScriptBin "buildDerivation" ''
+          exec ${lib.escapeShellArg (stringValue drv.drvAttrs.builder)} ${lib.escapeShellArgs (map stringValue drv.drvAttrs.args)}
+        '';
+        staticPath = "${dirOf shell}:${lib.makeBinPath [ builder ]}";
+        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L493-L526
+        rcfile = writeText "nix-shell-rc" ''
+          unset PATH
+          dontAddDisableDepTrack=1
+          # TODO: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L506
+          [ -e $stdenv/setup ] && source $stdenv/setup
+          PATH=${staticPath}:"$PATH"
+          SHELL=${lib.escapeShellArg shell}
+          BASH=${lib.escapeShellArg shell}
+          set +e
+          [ -n "$PS1" -a -z "$NIX_SHELL_PRESERVE_PROMPT" ] && PS1='\n\[\033[1;32m\][nix-shell:\w]\$\[\033[0m\] '
+          if [ "$(type -t runHook)" = function ]; then
+            runHook shellHook
+          fi
+          unset NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY
+          shopt -u nullglob
+          shopt -s execfail
+          ${optionalString (command != null || run != null) ''
+            ${optionalString (command != null) command}
+            ${optionalString (run != null) run}
+            exit
+          ''}
+        '';
+        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/globals.hh#L464-L465
+        sandboxBuildDir = "/build";
+        # This function closely mirrors what this Nix code does:
+        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L1102
+        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libexpr/eval.cc#L1981-L2036
+        stringValue = value:
+          # We can't just use `toString` on all derivation attributes because that
+          # would not put path literals in the closure. So we explicitly copy
+          # those into the store here
+          if builtins.typeOf value == "path" then "${value}"
+          else if builtins.typeOf value == "list" then toString (map stringValue value)
+          else toString value;
+        # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L992-L1004
+        drvEnv = lib.mapAttrs' (name: value:
+          let str = stringValue value;
+          in if lib.elem name (drv.drvAttrs.passAsFile or [])
+          then lib.nameValuePair "${name}Path" (writeText "pass-as-text-${name}" str)
+          else lib.nameValuePair name str
+        ) drv.drvAttrs //
+          # A mapping from output name to the nix store path where they should end up
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libexpr/primops.cc#L1253
+          lib.genAttrs drv.outputs (output: builtins.unsafeDiscardStringContext drv.${output}.outPath);
+        # Environment variables set in the image
+        envVars = {
+          # Root certificates for internet access
+          SSL_CERT_FILE = "${cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt";
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1027-L1030
+          # PATH = "/path-not-set";
+          # Allows calling bash and `buildDerivation` as the Cmd
+          PATH = staticPath;
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1032-L1038
+          HOME = homeDirectory;
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1040-L1044
+          NIX_STORE = storeDir;
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1046-L1047
+          # TODO: Make configurable?
+          NIX_BUILD_CORES = "1";
+        } // drvEnv // {
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1008-L1010
+          NIX_BUILD_TOP = sandboxBuildDir;
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1012-L1013
+          TMPDIR = sandboxBuildDir;
+          TEMPDIR = sandboxBuildDir;
+          TMP = sandboxBuildDir;
+          TEMP = sandboxBuildDir;
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1015-L1019
+          PWD = sandboxBuildDir;
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1071-L1074
+          # We don't set it here because the output here isn't handled in any special way
+          # NIX_LOG_FD = "2";
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L1076-L1077
+          TERM = "xterm-256color";
+        };
+      in streamLayeredImage {
+        inherit name tag;
+        contents = [
+          binSh
+          usrBinEnv
+          (fakeNss.override {
+            # Allows programs to look up the build user's home directory
+            # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/ffe155abd36366a870482625543f9bf924a58281/src/libstore/build/local-derivation-goal.cc#L906-L910
+            # Slightly differs however: We use the passed-in homeDirectory instead of sandboxBuildDir.
+            # We're doing this because it's arguably a bug in Nix that sandboxBuildDir is used here: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/6379
+            extraPasswdLines = [
+              "nixbld:x:${toString uid}:${toString gid}:Build user:${homeDirectory}:/noshell"
+            ];
+            extraGroupLines = [
+              "nixbld:!:${toString gid}:"
+            ];
+          })
+        ];
+        fakeRootCommands = ''
+          # Effectively a single-user installation of Nix, giving the user full
+          # control over the Nix store. Needed for building the derivation this
+          # shell is for, but also in case one wants to use Nix inside the
+          # image
+          mkdir -p ./nix/{store,var/nix} ./etc/nix
+          chown -R ${toString uid}:${toString gid} ./nix ./etc/nix
+          # Gives the user control over the build directory
+          mkdir -p .${sandboxBuildDir}
+          chown -R ${toString uid}:${toString gid} .${sandboxBuildDir}
+        '';
+        # Run this image as the given uid/gid
+        config.User = "${toString uid}:${toString gid}";
+        config.Cmd =
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L185-L186
+          # https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.8.0/src/nix-build/nix-build.cc#L534-L536
+          if run == null
+          then [ shell "--rcfile" rcfile ]
+          else [ shell rcfile ];
+        config.WorkingDir = sandboxBuildDir;
+        config.Env = lib.mapAttrsToList (name: value: "${name}=${value}") envVars;
+      };
+  # Wrapper around streamNixShellImage to build an image from the result
+  buildNixShellImage = { drv, ... }@args:
+    let
+      stream = streamNixShellImage args;
+    in
+    runCommand "${drv.name}-env.tar.gz"
+      {
+        inherit (stream) imageName;
+        passthru = { inherit (stream) imageTag; };
+        nativeBuildInputs = [ pigz ];
+      } "${stream} | pigz -nT > $out";
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/docker/examples.nix b/pkgs/build-support/docker/examples.nix
index 1e9f07045e370..802b2f79f0fc5 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/docker/examples.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/docker/examples.nix
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
 #  $ nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A dockerTools.examples.redis
 #  $ docker load < result
-{ pkgs, buildImage, buildLayeredImage, fakeNss, pullImage, shadowSetup, buildImageWithNixDb, pkgsCross }:
+{ pkgs, buildImage, buildLayeredImage, fakeNss, pullImage, shadowSetup, buildImageWithNixDb, pkgsCross, streamNixShellImage }:
   nixosLib = import ../../../nixos/lib {
@@ -715,4 +715,118 @@ rec {
     config = {
+  nix-shell-basic = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-basic";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.hello;
+  };
+  nix-shell-hook = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-hook";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {
+      shellHook = ''
+        echo "This is the shell hook!"
+        exit
+      '';
+    };
+  };
+  nix-shell-inputs = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-inputs";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {
+      nativeBuildInputs = [
+        pkgs.hello
+      ];
+    };
+    command = ''
+      hello
+    '';
+  };
+  nix-shell-pass-as-file = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-pass-as-file";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {
+      str = "this is a string";
+      passAsFile = [ "str" ];
+    };
+    command = ''
+      cat "$strPath"
+    '';
+  };
+  nix-shell-run = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-run";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {};
+    run = ''
+      case "$-" in
+      *i*) echo This shell is interactive ;;
+      *) echo This shell is not interactive ;;
+      esac
+    '';
+  };
+  nix-shell-command = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-command";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {};
+    command = ''
+      case "$-" in
+      *i*) echo This shell is interactive ;;
+      *) echo This shell is not interactive ;;
+      esac
+    '';
+  };
+  nix-shell-writable-home = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-writable-home";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {};
+    run = ''
+      if [[ "$HOME" != "$(eval "echo ~$(whoami)")" ]]; then
+        echo "\$HOME ($HOME) is not the same as ~\$(whoami) ($(eval "echo ~$(whoami)"))"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      if ! touch $HOME/test-file; then
+        echo "home directory is not writable"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      echo "home directory is writable"
+    '';
+  };
+  nix-shell-nonexistent-home = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-nonexistent-home";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.mkShell {};
+    homeDirectory = "/homeless-shelter";
+    run = ''
+      if [[ "$HOME" != "$(eval "echo ~$(whoami)")" ]]; then
+        echo "\$HOME ($HOME) is not the same as ~\$(whoami) ($(eval "echo ~$(whoami)"))"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      if -e $HOME; then
+        echo "home directory exists"
+        exit 1
+      fi
+      echo "home directory doesn't exist"
+    '';
+  };
+  nix-shell-build-derivation = streamNixShellImage {
+    name = "nix-shell-build-derivation";
+    tag = "latest";
+    drv = pkgs.hello;
+    run = ''
+      buildDerivation
+      $out/bin/hello
+    '';
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/fake-nss/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/fake-nss/default.nix
index 9e0b60133e00f..7d85ec5fc0a5f 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/fake-nss/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/fake-nss/default.nix
@@ -2,17 +2,17 @@
 # Useful when packaging binaries that insist on using nss to look up
 # username/groups (like nginx).
 # /bin/sh is fine to not exist, and provided by another shim.
-{ symlinkJoin, writeTextDir, runCommand }:
+{ lib, symlinkJoin, writeTextDir, runCommand, extraPasswdLines ? [], extraGroupLines ? [] }:
 symlinkJoin {
   name = "fake-nss";
   paths = [
     (writeTextDir "etc/passwd" ''
       root:x:0:0:root user:/var/empty:/bin/sh
-      nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/var/empty:/bin/sh
+      ${lib.concatStrings (map (line: line + "\n") extraPasswdLines)}nobody:x:65534:65534:nobody:/var/empty:/bin/sh
     (writeTextDir "etc/group" ''
-      nobody:x:65534:
+      ${lib.concatStrings (map (line: line + "\n") extraGroupLines)}nobody:x:65534:
     (writeTextDir "etc/nsswitch.conf" ''
       hosts: files dns
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/default.nix
index 5ab86996e56b2..26cc678c571e7 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/default.nix
@@ -4,7 +4,9 @@
 , src ? null
 , srcs ? null
 , sourceRoot ? null
+, prePatch ? ""
 , patches ? [ ]
+, postPatch ? ""
 , nativeBuildInputs ? [ ]
 , buildInputs ? [ ]
   # The output hash of the dependencies for this project.
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@
   npmDeps = fetchNpmDeps {
-    inherit src srcs sourceRoot patches;
+    inherit src srcs sourceRoot prePatch patches postPatch;
     name = "${name}-npm-deps";
     hash = npmDepsHash;
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/hooks/npm-install-hook.sh b/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/hooks/npm-install-hook.sh
index c3983e2895681..59ea2da993d87 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/hooks/npm-install-hook.sh
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/node/build-npm-package/hooks/npm-install-hook.sh
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ npmInstallHook() {
     local -r nodeModulesPath="$packageOut/node_modules"
     if [ ! -d "$nodeModulesPath" ]; then
-        npm prune --omit dev $npmInstallFlags "${npmInstallFlagsArray[@]}" $npmFlags "${npmFlagsArray[@]}"
+        npm prune --omit dev --no-save $npmInstallFlags "${npmInstallFlagsArray[@]}" $npmFlags "${npmFlagsArray[@]}"
         find node_modules -maxdepth 1 -type d -empty -delete
         cp -r node_modules "$nodeModulesPath"
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/default.nix b/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/default.nix
index 7d5ea7cbfbe8f..7d6277df987f3 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/default.nix
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@
             hash = "sha256-X9mCwPqV5yP0S2GonNvpYnLSLJMd/SUIked+hMRxDpA=";
-          hash = "sha256-5Mg7KDJLMM5e/7BCHGinGAnBRft2ySQzvKW06p3u/0o=";
+          hash = "sha256-tEdElWJ+KBTxBobzXBpPopQSwK2usGW/it1+yfbVzBw=";
         linkDependencies = makeTest {
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
             hash = "sha256-1fGNxYJi1I4cXK/jinNG+Y6tPEOhP3QAqWOBEQttS9E=";
-          hash = "sha256-8xF8F74nHwL9KPN2QLsxnfvsk0rNCKOZniYJQCD5u/I=";
+          hash = "sha256-+KA8/orSBJ4EhuSyQO8IKSxsN/FAsYU3lOzq+awuxNQ=";
@@ -140,14 +140,14 @@
       buildPhase = ''
         runHook preBuild
-        if [[ ! -f package-lock.json ]]; then
+        if [[ ! -e package-lock.json ]]; then
           echo "ERROR: The package-lock.json file does not exist!"
           echo "package-lock.json is required to make sure that npmDepsHash doesn't change"
           echo "when packages are updated on npm."
-          echo "Hint: You can use the patches attribute to add a package-lock.json manually to the build."
+          echo "Hint: You can copy a vendored package-lock.json file via postPatch."
           exit 1
diff --git a/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/src/main.rs b/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/src/main.rs
index cf9651d42d649..3d2204071a66a 100644
--- a/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/src/main.rs
+++ b/pkgs/build-support/node/fetch-npm-deps/src/main.rs
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
                 data = Command::new("tar")
-                        "--mtime=0",
+                        "--mtime=@0",