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path: root/pkgs/by-name/im/immich/package.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/by-name/im/immich/package.nix')
1 files changed, 250 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/by-name/im/immich/package.nix b/pkgs/by-name/im/immich/package.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bb1778ee207f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/by-name/im/immich/package.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+  lib,
+  stdenvNoCC,
+  buildNpmPackage,
+  fetchFromGitHub,
+  fetchpatch2,
+  python3,
+  nodejs,
+  node-gyp,
+  runCommand,
+  nixosTests,
+  immich-machine-learning,
+  # build-time deps
+  glib,
+  pkg-config,
+  makeWrapper,
+  curl,
+  cacert,
+  unzip,
+  # runtime deps
+  exiftool,
+  jellyfin-ffmpeg, # Immich depends on the jellyfin customizations, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/issues/351943
+  imagemagick,
+  libraw,
+  libheif,
+  vips,
+  buildNpmPackage' = buildNpmPackage.override { inherit nodejs; };
+  sources = lib.importJSON ./sources.json;
+  inherit (sources) version;
+  buildLock = {
+    sources =
+      builtins.map
+        (p: {
+          name = p.pname;
+          inherit (p) version;
+          inherit (p.src) rev;
+        })
+        [
+          imagemagick
+          libheif
+          libraw
+        ];
+    packages = [ ];
+  };
+  # The geodata website is not versioned, so we use the internet archive
+  geodata =
+    runCommand "immich-geodata"
+      {
+        outputHash = "sha256-imqSfzXaEMNo9T9tZr80sr/89n19kiFc8qwidFzRUaY=";
+        outputHashMode = "recursive";
+        nativeBuildInputs = [
+          cacert
+          curl
+          unzip
+        ];
+        meta.license = lib.licenses.cc-by-40;
+      }
+      ''
+        mkdir $out
+        url="https://web.archive.org/web/20240724153050/http://download.geonames.org/export/dump"
+        curl -Lo ./cities500.zip "$url/cities500.zip"
+        curl -Lo $out/admin1CodesASCII.txt "$url/admin1CodesASCII.txt"
+        curl -Lo $out/admin2Codes.txt "$url/admin2Codes.txt"
+        curl -Lo $out/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.geojson \
+          https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvkelso/natural-earth-vector/ca96624a56bd078437bca8184e78163e5039ad19/geojson/ne_10m_admin_0_countries.geojson
+        unzip ./cities500.zip -d $out/
+        echo "2024-07-24T15:30:50Z" > $out/geodata-date.txt
+      '';
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "immich-app";
+    repo = "immich";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    inherit (sources) hash;
+  };
+  openapi = buildNpmPackage' {
+    pname = "immich-openapi-sdk";
+    inherit version;
+    src = "${src}/open-api/typescript-sdk";
+    inherit (sources.components."open-api/typescript-sdk") npmDepsHash;
+    installPhase = ''
+      runHook preInstall
+      npm config delete cache
+      npm prune --omit=dev --omit=optional
+      mkdir -p $out
+      mv package.json package-lock.json node_modules build $out/
+      runHook postInstall
+    '';
+  };
+  web = buildNpmPackage' {
+    pname = "immich-web";
+    inherit version src;
+    sourceRoot = "${src.name}/web";
+    inherit (sources.components.web) npmDepsHash;
+    preBuild = ''
+      rm node_modules/@immich/sdk
+      ln -s ${openapi} node_modules/@immich/sdk
+      # Rollup does not find the dependency otherwise
+      ln -s node_modules/@immich/sdk/node_modules/@oazapfts node_modules/
+    '';
+    installPhase = ''
+      runHook preInstall
+      cp -r build $out
+      runHook postInstall
+    '';
+  };
+  node-addon-api = stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
+    pname = "node-addon-api";
+    version = "8.0.0";
+    src = fetchFromGitHub {
+      owner = "nodejs";
+      repo = "node-addon-api";
+      rev = "v${version}";
+      hash = "sha256-k3v8lK7uaEJvcaj1sucTjFZ6+i5A6w/0Uj9rYlPhjCE=";
+    };
+    installPhase = ''
+      mkdir $out
+      cp -r *.c *.h *.gyp *.gypi index.js package-support.json package.json tools $out/
+    '';
+  };
+  vips' = vips.overrideAttrs (prev: {
+    mesonFlags = prev.mesonFlags ++ [ "-Dtiff=disabled" ];
+  });
+buildNpmPackage' {
+  pname = "immich";
+  inherit version;
+  src = "${src}/server";
+  inherit (sources.components.server) npmDepsHash;
+  postPatch = ''
+    # pg_dumpall fails without database root access
+    # see https://github.com/immich-app/immich/issues/13971
+    substituteInPlace src/services/backup.service.ts \
+      --replace-fail '`pg_dumpall`' '`pg_dump`'
+  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [
+    pkg-config
+    python3
+    makeWrapper
+    glib
+    node-gyp
+  ];
+  buildInputs = [
+    jellyfin-ffmpeg
+    imagemagick
+    libraw
+    libheif
+    vips' # Required for sharp
+  ];
+  # Required because vips tries to write to the cache dir
+  makeCacheWritable = true;
+  preBuild = ''
+    pushd node_modules/sharp
+    mkdir node_modules
+    ln -s ${node-addon-api} node_modules/node-addon-api
+    ${lib.getExe nodejs} install/check
+    rm -r node_modules
+    popd
+    rm -r node_modules/@img/sharp*
+    # If exiftool-vendored.pl isn't found, exiftool is searched for on the PATH
+    rm -r node_modules/exiftool-vendored.*
+    substituteInPlace node_modules/exiftool-vendored/dist/DefaultExifToolOptions.js \
+      --replace-fail "checkPerl: !(0, IsWin32_1.isWin32)()," "checkPerl: false,"
+  '';
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    npm config delete cache
+    npm prune --omit=dev
+    mkdir -p $out/build
+    mv package.json package-lock.json node_modules dist resources $out/
+    ln -s ${web} $out/build/www
+    ln -s ${geodata} $out/build/geodata
+    echo '${builtins.toJSON buildLock}' > $out/build/build-lock.json
+    makeWrapper ${lib.getExe nodejs} $out/bin/admin-cli --add-flags $out/dist/main --add-flags cli
+    makeWrapper ${lib.getExe nodejs} $out/bin/server --add-flags $out/dist/main --chdir $out \
+      --set IMMICH_BUILD_DATA $out/build --set NODE_ENV production \
+      --suffix PATH : "${
+        lib.makeBinPath [
+          exiftool
+          jellyfin-ffmpeg
+        ]
+      }"
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  passthru = {
+    tests = {
+      inherit (nixosTests) immich;
+    };
+    machine-learning = immich-machine-learning;
+    inherit
+      src
+      sources
+      web
+      geodata
+      ;
+    updateScript = ./update.sh;
+  };
+  meta = {
+    description = "Self-hosted photo and video backup solution";
+    homepage = "https://immich.app/";
+    license = lib.licenses.agpl3Only;
+    maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [
+      dotlambda
+      jvanbruegge
+      Scrumplex
+      titaniumtown
+    ];
+    platforms = lib.platforms.linux;
+    mainProgram = "server";
+  };