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path: root/pkgs/data/fonts
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/data/fonts')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 603 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/default.nix b/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/default.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index b5a5d26b5122d..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/default.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
-{ stdenv
-, stdenvNoCC
-, lib
-, gitUpdater
-, fetchFromGitHub
-, fetchurl
-, cairo
-, nixosTests
-, pkg-config
-, pngquant
-, which
-, imagemagick
-, zopfli
-, buildPackages
-, variants ? [ ]
-  notoLongDescription = ''
-    When text is rendered by a computer, sometimes characters are
-    displayed as “tofu”. They are little boxes to indicate your device
-    doesn’t have a font to display the text.
-    Google has been developing a font family called Noto, which aims to
-    support all languages with a harmonious look and feel. Noto is
-    Google’s answer to tofu. The name noto is to convey the idea that
-    Google’s goal is to see “no more tofu”.  Noto has multiple styles and
-    weights, and freely available to all.
-  '';
-rec {
-  mkNoto =
-    { pname
-    , variants ? [ ]
-    , longDescription ? notoLongDescription
-    }:
-    stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation rec {
-      inherit pname;
-      version = "23.11.1";
-      src = fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "notofonts";
-        repo = "notofonts.github.io";
-        rev = "noto-monthly-release-${version}";
-        hash = "sha256-qBHLCOfVBOn9CV194S4cYw9nhHyAe2AUBJHQMvyEfW8=";
-      };
-      _variants = map (variant: builtins.replaceStrings [ " " ] [ "" ] variant) variants;
-      installPhase = ''
-        # We check availability in order of variable -> otf -> ttf
-        # unhinted -- the hinted versions use autohint
-        # maintaining maximum coverage.
-        #
-        # We have a mix of otf and ttf fonts
-        local out_font=$out/share/fonts/noto
-      '' + (if _variants == [ ] then ''
-        for folder in $(ls -d fonts/*/); do
-          if [[ -d "$folder"unhinted/variable-ttf ]]; then
-            install -m444 -Dt $out_font "$folder"unhinted/variable-ttf/*.ttf
-          elif [[ -d "$folder"unhinted/otf ]]; then
-            install -m444 -Dt $out_font "$folder"unhinted/otf/*.otf
-          else
-            install -m444 -Dt $out_font "$folder"unhinted/ttf/*.ttf
-          fi
-        done
-      '' else ''
-        for variant in $_variants; do
-          if [[ -d fonts/"$variant"/unhinted/variable-ttf ]]; then
-            install -m444 -Dt $out_font fonts/"$variant"/unhinted/variable-ttf/*.ttf
-          elif [[ -d fonts/"$variant"/unhinted/otf ]]; then
-            install -m444 -Dt $out_font fonts/"$variant"/unhinted/otf/*.otf
-          else
-            install -m444 -Dt $out_font fonts/"$variant"/unhinted/ttf/*.ttf
-          fi
-        done
-      '');
-      passthru.updateScript = gitUpdater {
-        rev-prefix = "noto-monthly-release-";
-      };
-      meta = with lib; {
-        description = "Beautiful and free fonts for many languages";
-        homepage = "https://www.google.com/get/noto/";
-        inherit longDescription;
-        license = licenses.ofl;
-        platforms = platforms.all;
-        maintainers = with maintainers; [ mathnerd314 emily jopejoe1 ];
-      };
-    };
-  mkNotoCJK = { typeface, version, sha256 }:
-    stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
-      pname = "noto-fonts-cjk-${lib.toLower typeface}";
-      inherit version;
-      src = fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "googlefonts";
-        repo = "noto-cjk";
-        rev = "${typeface}${version}";
-        inherit sha256;
-        sparseCheckout = [ "${typeface}/Variable/OTC" ];
-      };
-      installPhase = ''
-        install -m444 -Dt $out/share/fonts/opentype/noto-cjk ${typeface}/Variable/OTC/*.otf.ttc
-      '';
-      passthru.tests.noto-fonts = nixosTests.noto-fonts;
-      meta = with lib; {
-        description = "Beautiful and free fonts for CJK languages";
-        homepage = "https://www.google.com/get/noto/help/cjk/";
-        longDescription = ''
-          Noto ${typeface} CJK is a ${lib.toLower typeface} typeface designed as
-          an intermediate style between the modern and traditional. It is
-          intended to be a multi-purpose digital font for user interface
-          designs, digital content, reading on laptops, mobile devices, and
-          electronic books. Noto ${typeface} CJK comprehensively covers
-          Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Japanese, and Korean in a
-          unified font family. It supports regional variants of ideographic
-          characters for each of the four languages. In addition, it supports
-          Japanese kana, vertical forms, and variant characters (itaiji); it
-          supports Korean hangeul — both contemporary and archaic.
-        '';
-        license = licenses.ofl;
-        platforms = platforms.all;
-        maintainers = with maintainers; [ mathnerd314 emily ];
-      };
-    };
-  noto-fonts = mkNoto {
-    pname = "noto-fonts";
-  };
-  noto-fonts-lgc-plus = mkNoto {
-    pname = "noto-fonts-lgc-plus";
-    variants = [
-      "Noto Sans"
-      "Noto Serif"
-      "Noto Sans Mono"
-      "Noto Music"
-      "Noto Sans Symbols"
-      "Noto Sans Symbols 2"
-      "Noto Sans Math"
-    ];
-    longDescription = ''
-      This package provides the Noto Fonts, but only for latin, greek
-      and cyrillic scripts, as well as some extra fonts. To create a
-      custom Noto package with custom variants, see the `mkNoto`
-      helper function.
-    '';
-  };
-  noto-fonts-cjk-sans = mkNotoCJK {
-    typeface = "Sans";
-    version = "2.004";
-    sha256 = "sha256-IgalJkiOAVjNxKaPAQWfb5hKeqclliR4qVXCq63FGWY=";
-  };
-  noto-fonts-cjk-serif = mkNotoCJK {
-    typeface = "Serif";
-    version = "2.002";
-    sha256 = "sha256-GLjpTAiHfygj1J4AdUVDJh8kykkFOglq+h4kyat5W9s=";
-  };
-  noto-fonts-color-emoji =
-    let
-      version = "2.042";
-      emojiPythonEnv =
-        buildPackages.python3.withPackages (p: with p; [ fonttools nototools ]);
-    in
-    stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
-      pname = "noto-fonts-emoji";
-      inherit version;
-      src = fetchFromGitHub {
-        owner = "googlefonts";
-        repo = "noto-emoji";
-        rev = "v${version}";
-        hash = "sha256-otJQMXrBIPrxD1vCdgcrZ2h1a9XAMbqEBFumjz1XJ54=";
-      };
-      depsBuildBuild = [
-        buildPackages.stdenv.cc
-        pkg-config
-        cairo
-      ];
-      nativeBuildInputs = [
-        imagemagick
-        zopfli
-        pngquant
-        which
-        emojiPythonEnv
-      ];
-      postPatch = ''
-        patchShebangs *.py
-        patchShebangs third_party/color_emoji/*.py
-        # remove check for virtualenv, since we handle
-        # python requirements using python.withPackages
-        sed -i '/ifndef VIRTUAL_ENV/,+2d' Makefile
-        # Make the build verbose so it won't get culled by Hydra thinking that
-        # it somehow got stuck doing nothing.
-        sed -i 's;\t@;\t;' Makefile
-      '';
-      enableParallelBuilding = true;
-      installPhase = ''
-        runHook preInstall
-        mkdir -p $out/share/fonts/noto
-        cp NotoColorEmoji.ttf $out/share/fonts/noto
-        runHook postInstall
-      '';
-      meta = with lib; {
-        description = "Color emoji font";
-        homepage = "https://github.com/googlefonts/noto-emoji";
-        license = with licenses; [ ofl asl20 ];
-        platforms = platforms.all;
-        maintainers = with maintainers; [ mathnerd314 sternenseemann ];
-      };
-    };
-  noto-fonts-monochrome-emoji =
-    # Metadata fetched from
-    #  https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts?key=${GOOGLE_FONTS_TOKEN}&family=Noto+Emoji
-    let metadata = with builtins; head (fromJSON (readFile ./noto-emoji.json)).items;
-        urlHashes = with builtins; fromJSON (readFile ./noto-emoji.hashes.json);
-    in
-    stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
-      pname = "noto-fonts-monochrome-emoji";
-      version = "${lib.removePrefix "v" metadata.version}.${metadata.lastModified}";
-      preferLocalBuild = true;
-      dontUnpack = true;
-      srcs = let
-        weightNames = {
-          "300"   = "Light";
-          regular = "Regular";
-          "500"   = "Medium";
-          "600"   = "SemiBold";
-          "700"   = "Bold";
-        };
-      in lib.mapAttrsToList
-        (variant: url: fetchurl { name = "NotoEmoji-${weightNames.${variant}}.ttf";
-                                  hash = urlHashes.${url};
-                                  inherit url; } )
-        metadata.files;
-      installPhase = ''
-        runHook preInstall
-        for src in $srcs; do
-          install -D $src $out/share/fonts/noto/$(stripHash $src)
-        done
-        runHook postInstall
-      '';
-      meta = with lib; {
-        description = "Monochrome emoji font";
-        homepage = "https://fonts.google.com/noto/specimen/Noto+Emoji";
-        license = [ licenses.ofl ];
-        maintainers = [ maintainers.nicoo ];
-        platforms = platforms.all;
-        sourceProvenance = [ sourceTypes.binaryBytecode ];
-      };
-    };
-  noto-fonts-emoji-blob-bin =
-    let
-      pname = "noto-fonts-emoji-blob-bin";
-      version = "15.0";
-    in
-    stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
-      inherit pname version;
-      src = fetchurl {
-        url = "https://github.com/C1710/blobmoji/releases/download/v${version}/Blobmoji.ttf";
-        hash = "sha256-3MPWZ1A2ups171dNIiFTJ3C1vZiGy6I8ZF70aUfrePk=";
-      };
-      dontUnpack = true;
-      installPhase = ''
-        runHook preInstall
-        install -Dm 444 $src $out/share/fonts/blobmoji/Blobmoji.ttf
-        runHook postInstall
-      '';
-      meta = with lib; {
-        description = "Noto Emoji with extended Blob support";
-        homepage = "https://github.com/C1710/blobmoji";
-        license = with licenses; [ ofl asl20 ];
-        platforms = platforms.all;
-        maintainers = with maintainers; [ rileyinman jk ];
-      };
-    };
diff --git a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.hashes.json b/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.hashes.json
deleted file mode 100644
index e9ad1c327f4f9..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.hashes.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob_10jwvS-FGJCMY.ttf": "sha256-B8XBpYycOYBjrhjlnyiz42YukIoOjGTd3NN3EY00NiQ=",
-  "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob-r0jwvS-FGJCMY.ttf": "sha256-Zfwh9q2GrL5Dwp+J/8Ddd2IXCaUXpQ7dE3CqgCMMyPs=",
-  "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob-Z0jwvS-FGJCMY.ttf": "sha256-/O5b2DzM8g97NAdJgIC/RsQ7E5P7USKq7TXyDuUE3WQ=",
-  "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob911TwvS-FGJCMY.ttf": "sha256-vrjB8GlhzWAe6jG/Srpy8R431VivNtWbCa5Uh4ATnmU=",
-  "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob9M1TwvS-FGJCMY.ttf": "sha256-EbnZt8h4Lcl0yJoOKmXlF1nfcP5hZv7n4cEQ10yBkcg="
diff --git a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.json b/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.json
deleted file mode 100644
index c729634b9e1e7..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-  "kind": "webfonts#webfontList",
-  "items": [
-    {
-      "family": "Noto Emoji",
-      "variants": [
-        "300",
-        "regular",
-        "500",
-        "600",
-        "700"
-      ],
-      "subsets": [
-        "emoji"
-      ],
-      "version": "v47",
-      "lastModified": "2023-09-27",
-      "files": {
-        "300": "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob_10jwvS-FGJCMY.ttf",
-        "regular": "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob-r0jwvS-FGJCMY.ttf",
-        "500": "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob-Z0jwvS-FGJCMY.ttf",
-        "600": "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob911TwvS-FGJCMY.ttf",
-        "700": "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob9M1TwvS-FGJCMY.ttf"
-      },
-      "category": "sans-serif",
-      "kind": "webfonts#webfont",
-      "menu": "http://fonts.gstatic.com/s/notoemoji/v47/bMrnmSyK7YY-MEu6aWjPDs-ar6uWaGWuob-r0gwuQeU.ttf"
-    }
-  ]
diff --git a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.py b/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.py
deleted file mode 100755
index 9f1eadd95bca5..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/noto-emoji.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,183 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env nix-shell
-#! nix-shell -i "python3 -I" -p python3
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Iterable, Optional
-from urllib import request
-import hashlib, json
-def getMetadata(apiKey: str, family: str = "Noto Emoji"):
-    '''Fetch the Google Fonts metadata for a given family.
-    An API key can be obtained by anyone with a Google account (🚮) from
-      `https://developers.google.com/fonts/docs/developer_api#APIKey`
-    '''
-    from urllib.parse import urlencode
-    with request.urlopen(
-            "https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts?" +
-            urlencode({ 'key': apiKey, 'family': family })
-    ) as req:
-        return json.load(req)
-def getUrls(metadata) -> Iterable[str]:
-    '''Fetch all files' URLs from Google Fonts' metadata.
-    The metadata must obey the API v1 schema, and can be obtained from:
-      https://www.googleapis.com/webfonts/v1/webfonts?key=${GOOGLE_FONTS_TOKEN}&family=${FAMILY}
-    '''
-    return ( url for i in metadata['items'] for _, url in i['files'].items() )
-def hashUrl(url: str, *, hash: str = 'sha256'):
-    '''Compute the hash of the data from HTTP GETing a given `url`.
-    The `hash` must be an algorithm name `hashlib.new` accepts.
-    '''
-    with request.urlopen(url) as req:
-        return hashlib.new(hash, req.read())
-def sriEncode(h) -> str:
-    '''Encode a hash in the SRI format.
-    Takes a `hashlib` object, and produces a string that
-    nixpkgs' `fetchurl` accepts as `hash` parameter.
-    '''
-    from base64 import b64encode
-    return f"{h.name}-{b64encode(h.digest()).decode()}"
-def validateSRI(sri: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
-    '''Decode an SRI hash, return `None` if invalid.
-    This is not a full SRI hash parser, hash options aren't supported.
-    '''
-    from base64 import b64decode
-    if sri is None:
-        return None
-    try:
-        hashName, b64 = sri.split('-', 1)
-        h = hashlib.new(hashName)
-        digest = b64decode(b64, validate=True)
-        assert len(digest) == h.digest_size
-    except:
-        return None
-    else:
-        return sri
-def hashUrls(
-    urls: Iterable[str],
-    knownHashes: dict[str, str] = {},
-) -> dict[str, str]:
-    '''Generate a `dict` mapping URLs to SRI-encoded hashes.
-    The `knownHashes` optional parameter can be used to avoid
-    re-downloading files whose URL have not changed.
-    '''
-    return {
-        url: validateSRI(knownHashes.get(url)) or sriEncode(hashUrl(url))
-        for url in urls
-    }
-def atomicFileUpdate(target: Path):
-    '''Atomically replace the contents of a file.
-    Yields an open file to write into; upon exiting the context,
-    the file is closed and (atomically) replaces the `target`.
-    Guarantees that the `target` was either successfully overwritten
-    with new content and no exception was raised, or the temporary
-    file was cleaned up.
-    '''
-    from tempfile import mkstemp
-    fd, _p = mkstemp(
-        dir = target.parent,
-        prefix = target.name,
-    )
-    tmpPath = Path(_p)
-    try:
-        with open(fd, 'w') as f:
-            yield f
-        tmpPath.replace(target)
-    except Exception:
-        tmpPath.unlink(missing_ok = True)
-        raise
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    from os import environ
-    from urllib.error import HTTPError
-    environVar = 'GOOGLE_FONTS_TOKEN'
-    currentDir = Path(__file__).parent
-    metadataPath = currentDir / 'noto-emoji.json'
-    try:
-        apiToken = environ[environVar]
-        metadata = getMetadata(apiToken)
-    except (KeyError, HTTPError) as exn:
-        # No API key in the environment, or the query was rejected.
-        match exn:
-            case KeyError if exn.args[0] == environVar:
-                print(f"No '{environVar}' in the environment, "
-                       "skipping metadata update")
-            case HTTPError if exn.getcode() == 403:
-                print("Got HTTP 403 (Forbidden)")
-                if apiToken != '':
-                    print("Your Google API key appears to be valid "
-                          "but does not grant access to the fonts API.")
-                    print("Aborting!")
-                    raise SystemExit(1)
-            case HTTPError if exn.getcode() == 400:
-                # Printing the supposed token should be fine, as this is
-                #  what the API returns on invalid tokens.
-                print(f"Got HTTP 400 (Bad Request), is this really an API token: '{apiToken}' ?")
-            case _:
-                # Unknown error, let's bubble it up
-                raise
-        # In that case just use the existing metadata
-        with metadataPath.open() as metadataFile:
-            metadata = json.load(metadataFile)
-        lastModified = metadata["items"][0]["lastModified"];
-        print(f"Using metadata from file, last modified {lastModified}")
-    else:
-        # If metadata was successfully fetched, validate and persist it
-        lastModified = metadata["items"][0]["lastModified"];
-        print(f"Fetched current metadata, last modified {lastModified}")
-        with atomicFileUpdate(metadataPath) as metadataFile:
-            json.dump(metadata, metadataFile, indent = 2)
-            metadataFile.write("\n")  # Pacify nixpkgs' dumb editor config check
-    hashPath = currentDir / 'noto-emoji.hashes.json'
-    try:
-        with hashPath.open() as hashFile:
-            hashes = json.load(hashFile)
-    except FileNotFoundError:
-        hashes = {}
-    with atomicFileUpdate(hashPath) as hashFile:
-        json.dump(
-            hashUrls(getUrls(metadata), knownHashes = hashes),
-            hashFile,
-            indent = 2,
-        )
-        hashFile.write("\n")  # Pacify nixpkgs' dumb editor config check
diff --git a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/tools.nix b/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/tools.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b515b486f5f9..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/data/fonts/noto-fonts/tools.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-{ fetchFromGitHub, lib, buildPythonPackage, pythonOlder
-, afdko, appdirs, attrs, booleanoperations, brotlipy, click
-, defcon, fontmath, fontparts, fontpens, fonttools, lxml
-, mutatormath, pathspec, psautohint, pyclipper, pytz, regex, scour
-, toml, typed-ast, ufonormalizer, ufoprocessor, unicodedata2, zopfli
-, pillow, six, bash, setuptools-scm }:
-buildPythonPackage rec {
-  pname = "nototools";
-  version = "0.2.17";
-  disabled = pythonOlder "3.6";
-  src = fetchFromGitHub {
-    owner = "googlefonts";
-    repo = "nototools";
-    rev = "v${version}";
-    sha256 = "0jxydivqzggirc31jv7b4mrsjkg646zmra5m4h0pk4amgy65rvyp";
-  };
-  postPatch = ''
-    sed -i 's/use_scm_version=.*,/version="${version}",/' setup.py
-  '';
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ setuptools-scm ];
-  propagatedBuildInputs = [
-    afdko
-    appdirs
-    attrs
-    booleanoperations
-    brotlipy
-    click
-    defcon
-    fontmath
-    fontparts
-    fontpens
-    fonttools
-    lxml
-    mutatormath
-    pathspec
-    psautohint
-    pyclipper
-    pytz
-    regex
-    scour
-    toml
-    typed-ast
-    ufonormalizer
-    ufoprocessor
-    unicodedata2
-    zopfli
-  ];
-  nativeCheckInputs = [
-    pillow
-    six
-    bash
-  ];
-  checkPhase = ''
-    patchShebangs tests/
-    cd tests
-    rm gpos_diff_test.py # needs ttxn?
-    ./run_tests
-  '';
-  postInstall = ''
-    cp -r third_party $out
-  '';
-  meta = with lib; {
-    description = "Noto fonts support tools and scripts plus web site generation";
-    homepage = "https://github.com/googlefonts/nototools";
-    license = licenses.asl20;
-    maintainers = with maintainers; [ ];
-  };