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path: root/pkgs/development/compilers/dotnet/patch-nupkgs.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/compilers/dotnet/patch-nupkgs.nix')
1 files changed, 87 insertions, 78 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/compilers/dotnet/patch-nupkgs.nix b/pkgs/development/compilers/dotnet/patch-nupkgs.nix
index c351ea7b32ef..6885d8df71f3 100644
--- a/pkgs/development/compilers/dotnet/patch-nupkgs.nix
+++ b/pkgs/development/compilers/dotnet/patch-nupkgs.nix
@@ -1,83 +1,92 @@
-{ stdenv
-, lib
-, zlib
-, curl
-, icu
-, libunwind
-, libuuid
-, openssl
-, lttng-ust_2_12
-, patchelf
-, writeShellScriptBin
+  stdenv,
+  lib,
+  zlib,
+  curl,
+  icu,
+  libunwind,
+  libuuid,
+  openssl,
+  lttng-ust_2_12,
+  patchelf,
+  writeShellScriptBin,
-  binaryRPath = lib.makeLibraryPath ([
-    stdenv.cc.cc
-    zlib
-    curl
-    icu
-    libunwind
-    libuuid
-    openssl
-  ] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isLinux lttng-ust_2_12);
+  binaryRPath = lib.makeLibraryPath (
+    [
+      stdenv.cc.cc
+      zlib
+      curl
+      icu
+      libunwind
+      libuuid
+      openssl
+    ]
+    ++ lib.optional stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux lttng-ust_2_12
+  );
-in writeShellScriptBin "patch-nupkgs" (''
-  set -euo pipefail
-  shopt -s nullglob
-  isELF() {
-      local fn="$1"
-      local fd
-      local magic
-      exec {fd}< "$fn"
-      read -r -n 4 -u "$fd" magic
-      exec {fd}<&-
-      if [ "$magic" = $'\177ELF' ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi
-  }
-  cd "$1"
-'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isLinux ''
-  for x in */* */*; do
-    # .nupkg.metadata is written last, so we know the packages is complete
-    [[ -d "$x" ]] && [[ -f "$x"/.nupkg.metadata ]] \
-      && [[ ! -f "$x"/.nix-patched ]] || continue
-    echo "Patching package $x"
-    find "$x" -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -rd "" p; do
-      if [[ "$p" != *.nix-patched ]] \
-        && isELF "$p" \
-        && ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf --print-interpreter "$p" &>/dev/null; then
-        tmp="$p".$$.nix-patched
-        # if this fails to copy then another process must have patched it
-        cp --reflink=auto "$p" "$tmp" || continue
-        echo "Patchelfing $p as $tmp"
-        ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf \
-          --set-interpreter "${stdenv.cc.bintools.dynamicLinker}" \
-          "$tmp" ||:
-        # This makes sure that if the binary requires some specific runtime dependencies, it can find it.
-        # This fixes dotnet-built binaries like crossgen2
-        ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf \
-          --add-needed libicui18n.so \
-          --add-needed libicuuc.so \
-          --add-needed libz.so \
-          --add-needed libssl.so \
-          "$tmp"
-        ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf \
-          --add-rpath "${binaryRPath}" \
-          "$tmp" ||:
-        mv "$tmp" "$p"
-      fi
+writeShellScriptBin "patch-nupkgs" (
+  ''
+    set -euo pipefail
+    shopt -s nullglob
+    isELF() {
+        local fn="$1"
+        local fd
+        local magic
+        exec {fd}< "$fn"
+        read -r -n 4 -u "$fd" magic
+        exec {fd}<&-
+        if [ "$magic" = $'\177ELF' ]; then return 0; else return 1; fi
+    }
+    cd "$1"
+  ''
+  + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux ''
+    for x in */* */*; do
+      # .nupkg.metadata is written last, so we know the packages is complete
+      [[ -d "$x" ]] && [[ -f "$x"/.nupkg.metadata ]] \
+        && [[ ! -f "$x"/.nix-patched ]] || continue
+      echo "Patching package $x"
+      find "$x" -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -rd "" p; do
+        if [[ "$p" != *.nix-patched ]] \
+          && isELF "$p" \
+          && ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf --print-interpreter "$p" &>/dev/null; then
+          tmp="$p".$$.nix-patched
+          # if this fails to copy then another process must have patched it
+          cp --reflink=auto "$p" "$tmp" || continue
+          echo "Patchelfing $p as $tmp"
+          ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf \
+            --set-interpreter "${stdenv.cc.bintools.dynamicLinker}" \
+            "$tmp" ||:
+          # This makes sure that if the binary requires some specific runtime dependencies, it can find it.
+          # This fixes dotnet-built binaries like crossgen2
+          ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf \
+            --add-needed libicui18n.so \
+            --add-needed libicuuc.so \
+            --add-needed libz.so \
+            --add-needed libssl.so \
+            "$tmp"
+          ${patchelf}/bin/patchelf \
+            --add-rpath "${binaryRPath}" \
+            "$tmp" ||:
+          mv "$tmp" "$p"
+        fi
+      done
+      touch "$x"/.nix-patched
-    touch "$x"/.nix-patched
-  done
-'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
-  for x in microsoft.dotnet.ilcompiler/*; do
-    # .nupkg.metadata is written last, so we know the packages is complete
-    [[ -d "$x" ]] && [[ -f "$x"/.nupkg.metadata ]] \
-      && [[ ! -f "$x"/.nix-patched-ilcompiler ]] || continue
-    echo "Patching package $x"
-    pushd "$x"
-    sed -i 's: -no_code_signature_warning::g' build/Microsoft.NETCore.Native.targets
-    sed -i 's:Include="-ld_classic"::g' build/Microsoft.NETCore.Native.Unix.targets
-    touch .nix-patched-ilcompiler
-    popd
-  done
+  ''
+  + lib.optionalString stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin ''
+    for x in microsoft.dotnet.ilcompiler/*; do
+      # .nupkg.metadata is written last, so we know the packages is complete
+      [[ -d "$x" ]] && [[ -f "$x"/.nupkg.metadata ]] \
+        && [[ ! -f "$x"/.nix-patched-ilcompiler ]] || continue
+      echo "Patching package $x"
+      pushd "$x"
+      sed -i 's: -no_code_signature_warning::g' build/Microsoft.NETCore.Native.targets
+      sed -i 's:Include="-ld_classic"::g' build/Microsoft.NETCore.Native.Unix.targets
+      touch .nix-patched-ilcompiler
+      popd
+    done
+  ''