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path: root/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/from-quicklisp/barebones-quicklisp-expression.sh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/from-quicklisp/barebones-quicklisp-expression.sh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 174 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/from-quicklisp/barebones-quicklisp-expression.sh b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/from-quicklisp/barebones-quicklisp-expression.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 7959d1146f7c6..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/from-quicklisp/barebones-quicklisp-expression.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-#! /bin/sh
-  nix-instantiate "$(dirname "$0")"/../../../../ -A "lispPackages.$name" > /dev/null && exit
-grep "^$name\$" "$NIX_LISP_PACKAGES_DEFINED_LIST" > /dev/null && exit
-[ -z "$NIX_QUICKLISP_DIR" ] && {
-  export NIX_QUICKLISP_DIR="$(mktemp -d --tmpdir nix-quicklisp.XXXXXX)"
-[ -f "$NIX_QUICKLISP_DIR/setup.lisp" ] || {
-  "$(dirname "$0")/quicklisp-beta-env.sh" "$NIX_QUICKLISP_DIR" &> /dev/null < /dev/null
-description="$("$(dirname "$0")/asdf-description.sh" "$name")"
-[ -z "$description" ] && {
-  description="$(curl -L https://github.com/quicklisp/quicklisp-projects/raw/master/"$name"/description.txt)"
-  [ "$(echo "$description" | wc -l)" -gt 10 ] && description=""
-dependencies="$("$(dirname "$0")/quicklisp-dependencies.sh" "$name" | xargs)"
-ql_src="$(curl -L https://github.com/quicklisp/quicklisp-projects/raw/master/"$name"/source.txt)"
-ql_src_type="${ql_src%% *}"
-url="${ql_src##* }"
-[ "$ql_src_type" = "kmr-git" ] && {
-  ql_src_type=git
-  url="http://git.kpe.io/$url.git"
-[ "$ql_src_type" = ediware-http ] && {
-  ql_src_type=github
-  url="edicl/$url";
-[ "$ql_src_type" = xach-http ] && {
-  ql_src_type=github
-  url="xach/$url";
-[ "$ql_src_type" = github ] && {
-  ql_src_type=git
-  url="https://github.com/$url";
-  version="$("$(dirname "$0")/urls-from-page.sh" "$url/releases/" | grep /tag/ | head -n 1 | xargs -l1 basename)"
-  rev="refs/tags/$version";
-[ "$ql_src_type" = git ] && {
-  fetcher="pkgs.fetchgit"
-  ( [ "${url#git://github.com/}" != "$url" ] ||
-    [ "${url#https://github.com/}" != "$url" ]
-    ) && {
-    url="${url/git:/https:}"
-    url="${url%.git}"
-    [ -z "$rev" ] && rev=$("$(dirname "$0")/urls-from-page.sh" "$url/commits" | grep /commit/ | head -n 1 | xargs basename)
-    hash=$("$(dirname "$0")/../../../build-support/fetchgit/nix-prefetch-git" "$url" "$rev" | grep . | tail -n 1)
-    [ -z "$version" ] && version="git-$(date +%Y%m%d)";
-  }
-  [ "${url#git://common-lisp.net/}" != "$url" ] && {
-    http_repo_url="$url"
-    http_repo_url="${http_repo_url/git:/http:}"
-    http_repo_url="${http_repo_url/\/projects\// /r/projects/}"
-    http_repo_head="$http_repo_url/refs/heads/master"
-    echo "$http_repo_head" >&2
-    [ -z "$rev" ] && rev=$(curl -L "$http_repo_head");
-    hash=$("$(dirname "$0")/../../../build-support/fetchgit/nix-prefetch-git" "$url" "$rev")
-    [ -z "$version" ] && version="git-$(date +%Y%m%d)";
-  }
-  [ "${url#http://git.b9.com/}" != "$url" ] && {
-    http_repo_url="$url"
-    http_repo_url="${http_repo_url/git:/http:}"
-    http_repo_head="$http_repo_url/refs/heads/master"
-    echo "$http_repo_head" >&2
-    rev=$(curl -L "$http_repo_head");
-    hash=$("$(dirname "$0")/../../../build-support/fetchgit/nix-prefetch-git" "$url" "$rev" | tail -n 1)
-    version="git-$(date +%Y%m%d)";
-  }
-  [ "${url#http://common-lisp.net/}" != "$url" ] && {
-    http_repo_url="$url"
-    http_repo_url="${http_repo_url/git:/http:}"
-    http_repo_head="$http_repo_url/refs/heads/master"
-    echo "$http_repo_head" >&2
-    rev=$(curl -L "$http_repo_head");
-    hash=$("$(dirname "$0")/../../../build-support/fetchgit/nix-prefetch-git" "$url" "$rev" | tail -n 1)
-    version="git-$(date +%Y%m%d)";
-  }
-[ "$ql_src_type" = cvs ] && {
-  fetcher="pkgs.fetchcvs"
-  date="$(date -d yesterday +%Y-%m-%d)"
-  version="cvs-$date"
-  module="${module:-$name}"
-  hash=$(USE_DATE=1 "$(dirname "$0")/../../../build-support/fetchcvs/nix-prefetch-cvs" "$url" "$module" "$date")
-  cvsRoot="$url"
-  unset url
-[ "$ql_src_type" = clnet-darcs ] && {
-  ql_src_type=darcs
-  url="http://common-lisp.net/project/$url/darcs/$url/"
-[ "$ql_src_type" = darcs ] && {
-  fetcher="pkgs.fetchdarcs"
-  [ -z "$version" ] &&
-  version="$(curl "$url/_darcs/inventory" | grep '\[TAG ' | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/.* //')"
-  [ -z "$version" ] &&
-  version="$(curl "$url/_darcs/hashed_inventory" | grep '\[TAG ' | tail -n 1 | sed -e 's/.* //')"
-  rev="$version";
-  hash=$(echo "
-  with (import <nixpkgs> {});
-      fetchdarcs {
-        url=''$url'';
-    rev=''$version'';
-    sha256=''0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000'';
-    }" | nix-instantiate - | tail -n 1 |
-    xargs nix-store -r 2>&1 | tee /dev/stderr | grep 'instead has' | tail -n 1 |
-    sed -e 's/.* instead has .//;s/[^0-9a-z].*//')
-[ "$ql_src_type" = froydware-http ] && {
-  dirurl="http://method-combination.net/lisp/files/";
-  url="$("$(dirname "$0")/urls-from-page.sh" "$dirurl" |
-    grep "/${url}_" | grep -v "[.]asc\$" | tail -n 1)"
-  ql_src_type=http
-[ "$ql_src_type" = http ] && {
-  fetcher="pkgs.fetchurl";
-  version="$(echo "$url" | sed -re 's@.*[-_]([0-9.]+)[-._].*@\1@')"
-  hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "$url" | grep . | tail -n 1)"
-[ "$ql_src_type" = https ] && {
-  fetcher="pkgs.fetchurl";
-  version="$(echo "$url" | sed -re 's@.*[-_]([0-9.]+)[-._].*@\1@')"
-  hash="$(nix-prefetch-url "$url" | grep . | tail -n 1)"
-if [ "$ql_src" = '{"error":"Not Found"}' ]; then
-    echo "# $name: not found"
-cat << EOF | grep -Ev '^[ ]+$'
-  $name = buildLispPackage rec {
-    baseName = "$name";
-    version = "${version:-\${Set me //}";
-    description = "$description";
-    deps = [$dependencies];
-    # Source type: $ql_src_type
-    src = ${fetcher:-pkgs.fetchurl} {
-      ${url:+url = ''$url'';}
-      sha256 = "${hash:-0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000}";
-      ${rev:+rev = ''$rev'';}
-      ${date:+date = ''$date'';}
-      ${module:+module = ''$module'';}
-      ${cvsRoot:+cvsRoot = ''$cvsRoot'';}
-    };
-  };
-for i in $dependencies; do "$0" "$i"; done