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path: root/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 327 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a82b6cafa6fe..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-util)
-  (load "util.lisp"))
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap)
-  (load "quicklisp-bootstrap.lisp"))
-(defpackage :ql-to-nix
-  (:use :common-lisp :ql-to-nix-util :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap))
-(in-package :ql-to-nix)
-;; We're going to pull in our dependencies at image dumping time in an
-;; isolated quicklisp installation.  Unfortunately, that means that we
-;; can't yet access the symbols for our dependencies.  We can probably
-;; do better (by, say, loading these dependencies before this file),
-;; but...
-(defvar *required-systems* nil)
-(push :cl-emb *required-systems*)
-(wrap :cl-emb register-emb)
-(wrap :cl-emb execute-emb)
-(push :external-program *required-systems*)
-(wrap :external-program run)
-(push :cl-ppcre *required-systems*)
-(wrap :cl-ppcre split)
-(wrap :cl-ppcre regex-replace-all)
-(wrap :cl-ppcre scan)
-(push :alexandria *required-systems*)
-(wrap :alexandria read-file-into-string)
-(wrap :alexandria write-string-into-file)
-(push :md5 *required-systems*)
-(wrap :md5 md5sum-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist find-system)
-(wrap :ql-dist release)
-(wrap :ql-dist provided-systems)
-(wrap :ql-dist archive-url)
-(wrap :ql-dist local-archive-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist ensure-local-archive-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist archive-md5)
-(wrap :ql-dist name)
-(wrap :ql-dist short-description)
-(defun escape-filename (s)
-  (format
-   nil "~a~{~a~}"
-   (if (scan "^[a-zA-Z_]" s) "" "_")
-   (loop
-      for x in (map 'list 'identity s)
-      collect
-        (case x
-          (#\/ "_slash_")
-          (#\\ "_backslash_")
-          (#\_ "__")
-          (#\. "_dot_")
-          (#\+ "_plus_")
-          (t x)))))
-(defvar *system-info-bin*
-  (let* ((path (uiop:getenv "system-info"))
-         (path-dir (if (equal #\/ (aref path (1- (length path))))
-                       path
-                       (concatenate 'string path "/")))
-         (pathname (parse-namestring path-dir)))
-    (merge-pathnames #P"bin/quicklisp-to-nix-system-info" pathname))
-  "The path to the quicklisp-to-nix-system-info binary.")
-(defvar *cache-dir* nil
-  "The folder where fasls will be cached.")
-(defun raw-system-info (system-name)
-  "Run quicklisp-to-nix-system-info on the given system and return the
-form produced by the program."
-  (when *cache-dir*
-    (let ((command `(,*system-info-bin* "--cacheDir" ,(namestring *cache-dir*) ,system-name)))
-      (handler-case
-          (return-from raw-system-info
-            (read (make-string-input-stream (uiop:run-program command :output :string))))
-        (error (e)
-          ;; Some systems don't like the funky caching that we're
-          ;; doing.  That's okay.  Let's try it uncached before we
-          ;; give up.
-          (warn "Unable to use cache for system ~A.~%~A" system-name e)))))
-  (read (make-string-input-stream (uiop:run-program `(,*system-info-bin* ,system-name) :output :string))))
-(defvar *system-data-memoization-path* nil
-  "The path to the folder where fully-resolved system information can
-be cached.
-If information for a system is found in this directory, `system-data'
-will use it instead of re-computing the system data.")
-(defvar *system-data-in-memory-memoization*
-  (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
-(defun memoized-system-data-path (system)
-  "Return the path to the file that (if it exists) contains
-pre-computed system data."
-  (when *system-data-memoization-path*
-    (merge-pathnames
-      (make-pathname
-        :name (escape-filename (string system))
-        :type "txt") *system-data-memoization-path*)))
-(defun memoized-system-data (system)
-  "Attempts to locate memoized system data in the path specified by
-  (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash system *system-data-in-memory-memoization*)
-    (when found
-      (return-from memoized-system-data (values value found))))
-  (let ((path (memoized-system-data-path system)))
-    (unless path
-      (return-from memoized-system-data (values nil nil)))
-    (with-open-file (s path :if-does-not-exist nil :direction :input)
-      (unless s
-        (return-from memoized-system-data (values nil nil)))
-      (return-from memoized-system-data (values (read s) t)))))
-(defun set-memoized-system-data (system data)
-  "Store system data in the path specified by
-  (setf (gethash system *system-data-in-memory-memoization*) data)
-  (let ((path (memoized-system-data-path system)))
-    (unless path
-      (return-from set-memoized-system-data data))
-    (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-      (format s "~W" data)))
-  data)
-(defun system-data (system)
-  "Examine a quicklisp system name and figure out everything that is
-required to produce a nix package.
-This function stores results for memoization purposes in files within
-  (multiple-value-bind (value found) (memoized-system-data system)
-    (when found
-      (return-from system-data value)))
-  (format t "Examining system ~A~%" system)
-  (let* ((system-info (raw-system-info system))
-         (host (getf system-info :host))
-         (host-name (getf system-info :host-name))
-         (name (getf system-info :name)))
-    (when host
-      (return-from system-data
-        (set-memoized-system-data
-         system
-         (list
-          :system (getf system-info :system)
-          :host host
-          :filename (escape-filename name)
-          :host-filename (escape-filename host-name)))))
-    (let* ((url (getf system-info :url))
-           (sha256 (getf system-info :sha256))
-           (archive-data (nix-prefetch-url url :expected-sha256 sha256))
-           (archive-path (getf archive-data :path))
-           (archive-md5 (string-downcase
-                         (format nil "~{~16,2,'0r~}"
-                                 (map 'list 'identity (md5sum-file archive-path)))))
-           (stated-md5 (getf system-info :md5))
-           (dependencies (getf system-info :dependencies))
-           (deps (mapcar (lambda (x) (list :name x :filename (escape-filename x)))
-                         dependencies))
-           (description (getf system-info :description))
-           (siblings (getf system-info :siblings))
-           (release-name (getf system-info :release-name))
-           (parasites (getf system-info :parasites))
-           (version (regex-replace-all
-                     (format nil "~a-" name) release-name "")))
-      (assert (equal archive-md5 stated-md5))
-      (set-memoized-system-data
-       system
-       (list
-        :system system
-        :description description
-        :sha256 sha256
-        :url url
-        :md5 stated-md5
-        :name name
-        :filename (escape-filename name)
-        :deps deps
-        :dependencies dependencies
-        :version version
-        :siblings siblings
-        :parasites parasites)))))
-(defun parasitic-p (data)
-  (getf data :host))
-(defvar *loaded-from* (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*)
-  "Where this source file is located.")
-(defun this-file ()
-  "Where this source file is located or an error."
-  (or *loaded-from* (error "Not sure where this file is located!")))
-(defun nix-expression (system)
-  (execute-emb
-    "nix-package"
-    :env (system-data system)))
-(defun nix-invocation (system)
-  (let ((data (system-data system)))
-    (if (parasitic-p data)
-        (execute-emb
-         "parasitic-invocation"
-         :env data)
-        (execute-emb
-         "invocation"
-         :env data))))
-(defun systems-closure (systems)
-  (let*
-    ((seen (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (loop
-      with queue := systems
-      with res := nil
-      while queue
-      for next := (pop queue)
-      for old := (gethash next seen)
-      for data := (unless old (system-data next))
-      for deps := (getf data :dependencies)
-      for siblings := (getf data :siblings)
-      unless old do
-      (progn
-        (push next res)
-        (setf queue (append queue deps)))
-      do (setf (gethash next seen) t)
-      finally (return res))))
-(defun ql-to-nix (target-directory)
-  (let*
-    ((systems
-       (split
-         (format nil "~%")
-         (read-file-into-string
-          (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-systems.txt" target-directory))))
-     (closure (systems-closure systems))
-     (invocations
-       (loop for s in closure
-             collect (list :code (nix-invocation s)))))
-    (loop
-      for s in closure
-       do (unless (parasitic-p (system-data s))
-            (write-string-into-file
-             (nix-expression s)
-             (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-output/~a.nix"
-                     target-directory (escape-filename s))
-             :if-exists :supersede)))
-    (write-string-into-file
-      (execute-emb
-        "top-package"
-        :env (list :invocations invocations))
-      (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix.nix" target-directory)
-      :if-exists :supersede)))
-(defun print-usage-and-quit ()
-  "Does what it says on the tin."
-  (format *error-output* "Usage:
-    ~A [--help] [--cacheSystemInfoDir <path>] [--cacheFaslDir <path>] <work-dir>
-    --cacheSystemInfoDir Store computed system info in the given directory
-    --cacheFaslDir Store intermediate fast load files in the given directory
-    --help Print usage and exit
-    <work-dir> Path to directory with quicklisp-to-nix-systems.txt
-" (uiop:argv0))
-  (uiop:quit 2))
-(defun main ()
-  "Make it go"
-  (let ((argv (uiop:command-line-arguments))
-        work-directory
-        cache-system-info-directory
-        cache-fasl-directory)
-    (loop :while argv :for arg = (pop argv) :do
-       (cond
-         ((equal arg "--cacheSystemInfoDir")
-          (unless argv
-            (format *error-output* "--cacheSystemInfoDir requires an argument~%")
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-          (setf cache-system-info-directory (pop argv)))
-         ((equal arg "--cacheFaslDir")
-          (unless argv
-            (format *error-output* "--cacheFaslDir requires an argument~%")
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-          (setf cache-fasl-directory (pop argv)))
-         ((equal arg "--help")
-          (print-usage-and-quit))
-         (t
-          (when argv
-            (format *error-output* "Only one positional argument allowed~%")
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-          (setf work-directory arg))))
-    (when cache-system-info-directory
-      (setf cache-system-info-directory (pathname-as-directory (pathname cache-system-info-directory)))
-      (ensure-directories-exist cache-system-info-directory))
-    (labels
-        ((make-go (*cache-dir*)
-           (format t "Caching fasl files in ~A~%" *cache-dir*)
-           (let ((*system-data-memoization-path* cache-system-info-directory))
-             (ql-to-nix work-directory))))
-      (if cache-fasl-directory
-          (make-go (truename (pathname-as-directory (parse-namestring (ensure-directories-exist cache-fasl-directory)))))
-          (with-temporary-directory (*cache-dir*)
-            (make-go *cache-dir*))))))
-(defun dump-image ()
-  "Make an executable"
-  (dolist (system *required-systems*)
-    (asdf:make system))
-  (register-emb "nix-package" (merge-pathnames #p"nix-package.emb" (this-file)))
-  (register-emb "invocation" (merge-pathnames #p"invocation.emb" (this-file)))
-  (register-emb "parasitic-invocation" (merge-pathnames #p"parasitic-invocation.emb" (this-file)))
-  (register-emb "top-package" (merge-pathnames #p"top-package.emb" (this-file)))
-  (setf uiop:*image-entry-point* #'main)
-  (setf uiop:*lisp-interaction* nil)
-  (setf *loaded-from* nil) ;; Break the link to our source
-  (uiop:dump-image "quicklisp-to-nix" :executable t))