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path: root/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 178 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b40430427351..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :ql-to-nix-util
-  (:use :common-lisp)
-  (:export #:nix-prefetch-url #:wrap #:pathname-as-directory #:copy-directory-tree #:with-temporary-directory #:sym #:with-temporary-asdf-cache #:with-asdf-cache)
-  (:documentation
-   "A collection of useful functions and macros that ql-to-nix will use."))
-(in-package :ql-to-nix-util)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (safety 3)))
-;; This file cannot have any dependencies beyond quicklisp and asdf.
-;; Otherwise, we'll miss some dependencies!
-(defun pathname-as-directory (pathname)
-  "Given a pathname, make it into a path to a directory.
-This is sort of like putting a / at the end of the path."
-  (unless (pathname-name pathname)
-    (return-from pathname-as-directory pathname))
-  (let* ((old-dir (pathname-directory pathname))
-         (old-name (pathname-name pathname))
-         (old-type (pathname-type pathname))
-         (last-dir
-          (cond
-            (old-type
-             (format nil "~A.~A" old-name old-type))
-            (t
-             old-name)))
-         (new-dir (if old-dir
-                      (concatenate 'list old-dir (list last-dir))
-                      (list :relative last-dir))))
-    (make-pathname :name nil :directory new-dir :type nil :defaults pathname)))
-(defvar *nix-prefetch-url-bin*
-  (namestring (merge-pathnames #P"bin/nix-prefetch-url" (pathname-as-directory (uiop:getenv "nix-prefetch-url"))))
-  "The path to the nix-prefetch-url binary")
-(defun nix-prefetch-url (url &key expected-sha256)
-  "Invoke the nix-prefetch-url program.
-Returns a plist with two keys.
-:sha256 => The sha of the fetched file
-:path => The path to the file in the nix store"
-  (when expected-sha256
-    (setf expected-sha256 (list expected-sha256)))
-  (let* ((stdout
-          (with-output-to-string (so)
-            (uiop:run-program
-             `(,*nix-prefetch-url-bin* "--print-path" ,url ,@expected-sha256)
-             :output so)))
-         (stream (make-string-input-stream stdout)))
-    (list
-     :sha256 (read-line stream)
-     :path (read-line stream))))
-(defmacro wrap (package symbol-name)
-  "Create a function which looks up the named symbol at runtime and
-invokes it with the same arguments.
-If you can't load a system until runtime, this macro gives you an
-easier way to write
-    (funcall (intern \"SYMBOL-NAME\" :package-name) arg)
-Instead, you can write
-    (wrap :package-name symbol-name)
-    (symbol-name arg)"
-  (let ((args (gensym "ARGS")))
-    `(defun ,symbol-name (&rest ,args)
-       (apply (sym ',package ',symbol-name) ,args))))
-(defun copy-directory-tree (src-dir target-dir)
-  "Recursively copy every file in `src-dir' into `target-dir'.
-This function traverses symlinks."
-  (when (or (not (pathname-directory target-dir))
-            (pathname-name target-dir))
-    (error "target-dir must be a dir"))
-  (when (or (not (pathname-directory src-dir))
-            (pathname-name src-dir))
-    (error "src-dir must be a dir"))
-  (let ((src-wild (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild :defaults src-dir)))
-    (dolist (entity (uiop:directory* src-wild))
-      (if (pathname-name entity)
-          (uiop:copy-file entity (make-pathname :type (pathname-type entity) :name (pathname-name entity) :defaults target-dir))
-          (let ((new-target-dir
-                 (make-pathname
-                  :directory (concatenate 'list (pathname-directory target-dir) (last (pathname-directory entity))))))
-            (ensure-directories-exist new-target-dir)
-            (copy-directory-tree entity new-target-dir))))))
-(defun call-with-temporary-directory (function)
-  "Create a temporary directory, invoke the given function by passing
-in the pathname for the directory, and then delete the directory."
-  (let* ((dir (uiop:run-program '("mktemp" "-d") :output :line))
-         (parsed (parse-namestring dir))
-         (parsed-as-dir (pathname-as-directory parsed)))
-    (assert (uiop:absolute-pathname-p dir))
-    (unwind-protect
-         (funcall function parsed-as-dir)
-      (uiop:delete-directory-tree
-       parsed-as-dir
-       :validate
-       (lambda (path)
-         (and (uiop:absolute-pathname-p path)
-              (equal (subseq (pathname-directory path) 0 (length (pathname-directory parsed-as-dir)))
-                     (pathname-directory parsed-as-dir))))))))
-(defmacro with-temporary-directory ((dir-name) &body body)
-  "See `call-with-temporary-directory'."
-  `(call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (,dir-name) ,@body)))
-(defun sym (package sym)
-  "A slightly less picky version of `intern'.
-Unlike `intern', the `sym' argument can be a string or a symbol.  If
-it is a symbol, then the `symbol-name' is `intern'ed into the
-specified package.
-The arguments are also reversed so that the package comes first."
-  (etypecase sym
-    (symbol (setf sym (symbol-name sym)))
-    (string))
-  (intern sym package))
-(defvar *touch-bin*
-  (namestring (merge-pathnames #P"bin/touch" (pathname-as-directory (uiop:getenv "touch"))))
-  "Path to the touch binary.")
-(defvar *cache-dir* nil
-  "When asdf cache remapping is in effect (see `with-asdf-cache'),
-this stores the path to the fasl cache directory.")
-(defvar *src-dir* nil
-  "When asdf cache remapping is in effect (see `with-asdf-cache'),
-this stores the path to the source directory.
-Only lisp files within the source directory will have their fasls
-cached in the cache directory.")
-(defun remap (path prefix)
-  "Implements the cache policy described in `with-asdf-cache'."
-  (declare (ignore prefix))
-  (let* ((ql-dirs (pathname-directory *src-dir*))
-         (ql-dirs-length (length ql-dirs))
-         (path-prefix (subseq (pathname-directory path) 0 ql-dirs-length))
-         (path-postfix (subseq (pathname-directory path) ql-dirs-length)))
-    (unless (equal path-prefix ql-dirs)
-      (return-from remap path))
-    (let ((result (make-pathname :directory (concatenate 'list (pathname-directory *cache-dir*) path-postfix) :defaults path)))
-      (with-open-file (s result :direction :probe :if-does-not-exist nil)
-        (when s
-          (uiop:run-program `(,*touch-bin* ,(namestring result)))))
-      result)))
-(defmacro with-temporary-asdf-cache ((src-dir) &body body)
-  "Create a temporary directory, and then use it as the ASDF cache
-directory for source files in `src-dir'.
-See `with-asdf-cache'."
-  (let ((tmp-dir (gensym "ORIGINAL-VALUE")))
-    `(with-temporary-directory (,tmp-dir)
-       (with-asdf-cache (,src-dir ,tmp-dir)
-         ,@body))))
-(defmacro with-asdf-cache ((src-dir cache-dir) &body body)
-  "When ASDF compiles a lisp file in `src-dir', store the fasl in `cache-dir'."
-  (let ((original-value (gensym "ORIGINAL-VALUE")))
-    `(let ((,original-value asdf:*output-translations-parameter*)
-           (*src-dir* ,src-dir)
-           (*cache-dir* ,cache-dir))
-       (unwind-protect
-            (progn
-              (asdf:initialize-output-translations
-               '(:output-translations
-                 :INHERIT-CONFIGURATION
-                 ;; FIXME: Shouldn't we only be remaping things
-                 ;; actually in the src dir?  Oh well.
-                 (t (:function remap))))
-              ,@body)
-         (asdf:initialize-output-translations ,original-value)))))