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path: root/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 1118 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/invocation.emb b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/invocation.emb
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a0c5cb5fc2ca..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/invocation.emb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-  "<% @var filename %>" = buildLispPackage
-    ((f: x: (x // (f x)))
-       (qlOverrides."<% @var filename %>" or (x: {}))
-       (import ./quicklisp-to-nix-output/<% @var filename %>.nix {
-         inherit fetchurl;<% @loop deps %>
-           "<% @var filename %>" = quicklisp-to-nix-packages."<% @var filename %>";<% @endloop %>
-       }));
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/nix-package.emb b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/nix-package.emb
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b0940ba55a64..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/nix-package.emb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-/* Generated file. */
-args @ { fetchurl, ... }:
-rec {
-  baseName = "<% @var filename %>";
-  version = "<% @var version %>";<% @if parasites %>
-  parasites = [<% (dolist (p (getf env :parasites)) (format t " \"~A\"" p)) %> ];<% @endif %>
-  description = <%= (format nil "~s" (cl-emb::getf-emb "description")) %>;
-  deps = [ <% @loop deps %>args."<% @var filename %>" <% @endloop %>];
-  src = fetchurl {
-    url = "<% @var url %>";
-    sha256 = "<% @var sha256 %>";
-  };
-  packageName = "<% @var name %>";
-  asdFilesToKeep = ["<% @var name %>.asd"];
-  overrides = x: x;
-/* <%= cl-emb-intern::topenv %> */
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/parasitic-invocation.emb b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/parasitic-invocation.emb
deleted file mode 100644
index bdee1c6dcf165..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/parasitic-invocation.emb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-  "<% @var filename %>" = quicklisp-to-nix-packages."<% @var host-filename %>";
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a82b6cafa6fe..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/ql-to-nix.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,327 +0,0 @@
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-util)
-  (load "util.lisp"))
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap)
-  (load "quicklisp-bootstrap.lisp"))
-(defpackage :ql-to-nix
-  (:use :common-lisp :ql-to-nix-util :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap))
-(in-package :ql-to-nix)
-;; We're going to pull in our dependencies at image dumping time in an
-;; isolated quicklisp installation.  Unfortunately, that means that we
-;; can't yet access the symbols for our dependencies.  We can probably
-;; do better (by, say, loading these dependencies before this file),
-;; but...
-(defvar *required-systems* nil)
-(push :cl-emb *required-systems*)
-(wrap :cl-emb register-emb)
-(wrap :cl-emb execute-emb)
-(push :external-program *required-systems*)
-(wrap :external-program run)
-(push :cl-ppcre *required-systems*)
-(wrap :cl-ppcre split)
-(wrap :cl-ppcre regex-replace-all)
-(wrap :cl-ppcre scan)
-(push :alexandria *required-systems*)
-(wrap :alexandria read-file-into-string)
-(wrap :alexandria write-string-into-file)
-(push :md5 *required-systems*)
-(wrap :md5 md5sum-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist find-system)
-(wrap :ql-dist release)
-(wrap :ql-dist provided-systems)
-(wrap :ql-dist archive-url)
-(wrap :ql-dist local-archive-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist ensure-local-archive-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist archive-md5)
-(wrap :ql-dist name)
-(wrap :ql-dist short-description)
-(defun escape-filename (s)
-  (format
-   nil "~a~{~a~}"
-   (if (scan "^[a-zA-Z_]" s) "" "_")
-   (loop
-      for x in (map 'list 'identity s)
-      collect
-        (case x
-          (#\/ "_slash_")
-          (#\\ "_backslash_")
-          (#\_ "__")
-          (#\. "_dot_")
-          (#\+ "_plus_")
-          (t x)))))
-(defvar *system-info-bin*
-  (let* ((path (uiop:getenv "system-info"))
-         (path-dir (if (equal #\/ (aref path (1- (length path))))
-                       path
-                       (concatenate 'string path "/")))
-         (pathname (parse-namestring path-dir)))
-    (merge-pathnames #P"bin/quicklisp-to-nix-system-info" pathname))
-  "The path to the quicklisp-to-nix-system-info binary.")
-(defvar *cache-dir* nil
-  "The folder where fasls will be cached.")
-(defun raw-system-info (system-name)
-  "Run quicklisp-to-nix-system-info on the given system and return the
-form produced by the program."
-  (when *cache-dir*
-    (let ((command `(,*system-info-bin* "--cacheDir" ,(namestring *cache-dir*) ,system-name)))
-      (handler-case
-          (return-from raw-system-info
-            (read (make-string-input-stream (uiop:run-program command :output :string))))
-        (error (e)
-          ;; Some systems don't like the funky caching that we're
-          ;; doing.  That's okay.  Let's try it uncached before we
-          ;; give up.
-          (warn "Unable to use cache for system ~A.~%~A" system-name e)))))
-  (read (make-string-input-stream (uiop:run-program `(,*system-info-bin* ,system-name) :output :string))))
-(defvar *system-data-memoization-path* nil
-  "The path to the folder where fully-resolved system information can
-be cached.
-If information for a system is found in this directory, `system-data'
-will use it instead of re-computing the system data.")
-(defvar *system-data-in-memory-memoization*
-  (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))
-(defun memoized-system-data-path (system)
-  "Return the path to the file that (if it exists) contains
-pre-computed system data."
-  (when *system-data-memoization-path*
-    (merge-pathnames
-      (make-pathname
-        :name (escape-filename (string system))
-        :type "txt") *system-data-memoization-path*)))
-(defun memoized-system-data (system)
-  "Attempts to locate memoized system data in the path specified by
-  (multiple-value-bind (value found) (gethash system *system-data-in-memory-memoization*)
-    (when found
-      (return-from memoized-system-data (values value found))))
-  (let ((path (memoized-system-data-path system)))
-    (unless path
-      (return-from memoized-system-data (values nil nil)))
-    (with-open-file (s path :if-does-not-exist nil :direction :input)
-      (unless s
-        (return-from memoized-system-data (values nil nil)))
-      (return-from memoized-system-data (values (read s) t)))))
-(defun set-memoized-system-data (system data)
-  "Store system data in the path specified by
-  (setf (gethash system *system-data-in-memory-memoization*) data)
-  (let ((path (memoized-system-data-path system)))
-    (unless path
-      (return-from set-memoized-system-data data))
-    (with-open-file (s path :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-      (format s "~W" data)))
-  data)
-(defun system-data (system)
-  "Examine a quicklisp system name and figure out everything that is
-required to produce a nix package.
-This function stores results for memoization purposes in files within
-  (multiple-value-bind (value found) (memoized-system-data system)
-    (when found
-      (return-from system-data value)))
-  (format t "Examining system ~A~%" system)
-  (let* ((system-info (raw-system-info system))
-         (host (getf system-info :host))
-         (host-name (getf system-info :host-name))
-         (name (getf system-info :name)))
-    (when host
-      (return-from system-data
-        (set-memoized-system-data
-         system
-         (list
-          :system (getf system-info :system)
-          :host host
-          :filename (escape-filename name)
-          :host-filename (escape-filename host-name)))))
-    (let* ((url (getf system-info :url))
-           (sha256 (getf system-info :sha256))
-           (archive-data (nix-prefetch-url url :expected-sha256 sha256))
-           (archive-path (getf archive-data :path))
-           (archive-md5 (string-downcase
-                         (format nil "~{~16,2,'0r~}"
-                                 (map 'list 'identity (md5sum-file archive-path)))))
-           (stated-md5 (getf system-info :md5))
-           (dependencies (getf system-info :dependencies))
-           (deps (mapcar (lambda (x) (list :name x :filename (escape-filename x)))
-                         dependencies))
-           (description (getf system-info :description))
-           (siblings (getf system-info :siblings))
-           (release-name (getf system-info :release-name))
-           (parasites (getf system-info :parasites))
-           (version (regex-replace-all
-                     (format nil "~a-" name) release-name "")))
-      (assert (equal archive-md5 stated-md5))
-      (set-memoized-system-data
-       system
-       (list
-        :system system
-        :description description
-        :sha256 sha256
-        :url url
-        :md5 stated-md5
-        :name name
-        :filename (escape-filename name)
-        :deps deps
-        :dependencies dependencies
-        :version version
-        :siblings siblings
-        :parasites parasites)))))
-(defun parasitic-p (data)
-  (getf data :host))
-(defvar *loaded-from* (or *compile-file-truename* *load-truename*)
-  "Where this source file is located.")
-(defun this-file ()
-  "Where this source file is located or an error."
-  (or *loaded-from* (error "Not sure where this file is located!")))
-(defun nix-expression (system)
-  (execute-emb
-    "nix-package"
-    :env (system-data system)))
-(defun nix-invocation (system)
-  (let ((data (system-data system)))
-    (if (parasitic-p data)
-        (execute-emb
-         "parasitic-invocation"
-         :env data)
-        (execute-emb
-         "invocation"
-         :env data))))
-(defun systems-closure (systems)
-  (let*
-    ((seen (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-    (loop
-      with queue := systems
-      with res := nil
-      while queue
-      for next := (pop queue)
-      for old := (gethash next seen)
-      for data := (unless old (system-data next))
-      for deps := (getf data :dependencies)
-      for siblings := (getf data :siblings)
-      unless old do
-      (progn
-        (push next res)
-        (setf queue (append queue deps)))
-      do (setf (gethash next seen) t)
-      finally (return res))))
-(defun ql-to-nix (target-directory)
-  (let*
-    ((systems
-       (split
-         (format nil "~%")
-         (read-file-into-string
-          (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-systems.txt" target-directory))))
-     (closure (systems-closure systems))
-     (invocations
-       (loop for s in closure
-             collect (list :code (nix-invocation s)))))
-    (loop
-      for s in closure
-       do (unless (parasitic-p (system-data s))
-            (write-string-into-file
-             (nix-expression s)
-             (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix-output/~a.nix"
-                     target-directory (escape-filename s))
-             :if-exists :supersede)))
-    (write-string-into-file
-      (execute-emb
-        "top-package"
-        :env (list :invocations invocations))
-      (format nil "~a/quicklisp-to-nix.nix" target-directory)
-      :if-exists :supersede)))
-(defun print-usage-and-quit ()
-  "Does what it says on the tin."
-  (format *error-output* "Usage:
-    ~A [--help] [--cacheSystemInfoDir <path>] [--cacheFaslDir <path>] <work-dir>
-    --cacheSystemInfoDir Store computed system info in the given directory
-    --cacheFaslDir Store intermediate fast load files in the given directory
-    --help Print usage and exit
-    <work-dir> Path to directory with quicklisp-to-nix-systems.txt
-" (uiop:argv0))
-  (uiop:quit 2))
-(defun main ()
-  "Make it go"
-  (let ((argv (uiop:command-line-arguments))
-        work-directory
-        cache-system-info-directory
-        cache-fasl-directory)
-    (loop :while argv :for arg = (pop argv) :do
-       (cond
-         ((equal arg "--cacheSystemInfoDir")
-          (unless argv
-            (format *error-output* "--cacheSystemInfoDir requires an argument~%")
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-          (setf cache-system-info-directory (pop argv)))
-         ((equal arg "--cacheFaslDir")
-          (unless argv
-            (format *error-output* "--cacheFaslDir requires an argument~%")
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-          (setf cache-fasl-directory (pop argv)))
-         ((equal arg "--help")
-          (print-usage-and-quit))
-         (t
-          (when argv
-            (format *error-output* "Only one positional argument allowed~%")
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-          (setf work-directory arg))))
-    (when cache-system-info-directory
-      (setf cache-system-info-directory (pathname-as-directory (pathname cache-system-info-directory)))
-      (ensure-directories-exist cache-system-info-directory))
-    (labels
-        ((make-go (*cache-dir*)
-           (format t "Caching fasl files in ~A~%" *cache-dir*)
-           (let ((*system-data-memoization-path* cache-system-info-directory))
-             (ql-to-nix work-directory))))
-      (if cache-fasl-directory
-          (make-go (truename (pathname-as-directory (parse-namestring (ensure-directories-exist cache-fasl-directory)))))
-          (with-temporary-directory (*cache-dir*)
-            (make-go *cache-dir*))))))
-(defun dump-image ()
-  "Make an executable"
-  (dolist (system *required-systems*)
-    (asdf:make system))
-  (register-emb "nix-package" (merge-pathnames #p"nix-package.emb" (this-file)))
-  (register-emb "invocation" (merge-pathnames #p"invocation.emb" (this-file)))
-  (register-emb "parasitic-invocation" (merge-pathnames #p"parasitic-invocation.emb" (this-file)))
-  (register-emb "top-package" (merge-pathnames #p"top-package.emb" (this-file)))
-  (setf uiop:*image-entry-point* #'main)
-  (setf uiop:*lisp-interaction* nil)
-  (setf *loaded-from* nil) ;; Break the link to our source
-  (uiop:dump-image "quicklisp-to-nix" :executable t))
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/quicklisp-bootstrap.lisp b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/quicklisp-bootstrap.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c4a682007fdd..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/quicklisp-bootstrap.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-util)
-  (load "ql-to-nix-util.lisp"))
-(defpackage :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap
-  (:use :common-lisp :ql-to-nix-util)
-  (:export #:with-quicklisp)
-  (:documentation
-   "This package provides a way to create a temporary quicklisp installation."))
-(in-package :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (safety 3)))
-;; This file cannot have any dependencies beyond quicklisp and asdf.
-;; Otherwise, we'll miss some dependencies!
-(defvar *quicklisp*
-  (namestring (pathname-as-directory (uiop:getenv "quicklisp")))
-  "The path to the nix quicklisp package.")
-(defun prepare-quicklisp-dir (target-dir quicklisp-prototype-dir)
-  "Install quicklisp into the specified `target-dir'.
-`quicklisp-prototype-dir' should be the path to the quicklisp nix
-  (ensure-directories-exist target-dir)
-  (dolist (subdir '(#P"dists/quicklisp/" #P"tmp/" #P"local-projects/" #P"quicklisp/"))
-    (ensure-directories-exist (merge-pathnames subdir target-dir)))
-  (with-open-file (s (merge-pathnames #P"dists/quicklisp/enabled.txt" target-dir) :direction :output :if-exists :supersede)
-    (format s "1~%"))
-  (uiop:copy-file
-   (merge-pathnames #P"lib/common-lisp/quicklisp/quicklisp-distinfo.txt" quicklisp-prototype-dir)
-   (merge-pathnames #P"dists/quicklisp/distinfo.txt" target-dir))
-  (uiop:copy-file
-   (merge-pathnames #P"lib/common-lisp/quicklisp/asdf.lisp" quicklisp-prototype-dir)
-   (merge-pathnames #P"asdf.lisp" target-dir))
-  (uiop:copy-file
-   (merge-pathnames #P"lib/common-lisp/quicklisp/setup.lisp" quicklisp-prototype-dir)
-   (merge-pathnames #P"setup.lisp" target-dir))
-  (copy-directory-tree
-   (merge-pathnames #P"lib/common-lisp/quicklisp/quicklisp/" quicklisp-prototype-dir)
-   (merge-pathnames #P"quicklisp/" target-dir)))
-(defun call-with-quicklisp (function &key (target-dir :temp) (cache-dir :temp))
-  "Invoke the given function with the path to a quicklisp installation.
-Quicklisp will be loaded before the function is called.  `target-dir'
-can either be a pathname for the place where quicklisp should be
-installed or `:temp' to request installation in a temporary directory.
-`cache-dir' can either be a pathname for a place to store fasls or
-`:temp' to request caching in a temporary directory."
-  (when (find-package :ql)
-    (error "Already loaded quicklisp in this process"))
-  (labels
-      ((make-ql (ql-dir)
-         (prepare-quicklisp-dir ql-dir *quicklisp*)
-         (with-temporary-asdf-cache (ql-dir)
-           (load (merge-pathnames #P"setup.lisp" ql-dir))
-           (if (eq :temp cache-dir)
-               (funcall function ql-dir)
-               (with-asdf-cache (ql-dir cache-dir)
-                 (funcall function ql-dir))))))
-    (if (eq :temp target-dir)
-        (with-temporary-directory (dir)
-          (make-ql dir))
-        (make-ql target-dir))))
-(defmacro with-quicklisp ((quicklisp-dir) (&key (cache-dir :temp)) &body body)
-  "Install quicklisp in a temporary directory, load it, bind
-`quicklisp-dir' to the path where quicklisp was installed, and then
-evaluate `body'.
-`cache-dir' can either be a pathname for a place to store fasls or
-`:temp' to request caching in a temporary directory."
-  `(call-with-quicklisp
-    (lambda (,quicklisp-dir)
-      ,@body)
-    :cache-dir ,cache-dir))
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/system-info.lisp b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/system-info.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index af8d450272c05..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/system-info.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,493 +0,0 @@
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-util)
-  (load "util.lisp"))
-(unless (find-package :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap)
-  (load "quicklisp-bootstrap.lisp"))
-(defpackage :ql-to-nix-system-info
-  (:use :common-lisp :ql-to-nix-quicklisp-bootstrap :ql-to-nix-util)
-  (:export #:dump-image))
-(in-package :ql-to-nix-system-info)
-(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
-  (defparameter *implementation-systems*
-    (append
-      #+sbcl(list :sb-posix :sb-bsd-sockets :sb-rotate-byte :sb-cltl2
-                  :sb-introspect :sb-rt :sb-concurrency)))
-  (mapcar (function require) *implementation-systems*))
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (safety 3)))
-;; This file cannot have any dependencies beyond quicklisp and asdf.
-;; Otherwise, we'll miss some dependencies!
-;; (Implementation-provided dependencies are special, though)
-;; We can't load quicklisp until runtime (at which point we'll create
-;; an isolated quicklisp installation).  These wrapper functions are
-;; nicer than funcalling intern'd symbols every time we want to talk
-;; to quicklisp.
-(wrap :ql apply-load-strategy)
-(wrap :ql compute-load-strategy)
-(wrap :ql show-load-strategy)
-(wrap :ql quicklisp-systems)
-(wrap :ql ensure-installed)
-(wrap :ql quicklisp-releases)
-(wrap :ql-dist archive-md5)
-(wrap :ql-dist archive-url)
-(wrap :ql-dist ensure-local-archive-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist find-system)
-(wrap :ql-dist local-archive-file)
-(wrap :ql-dist name)
-(wrap :ql-dist provided-systems)
-(wrap :ql-dist release)
-(wrap :ql-dist short-description)
-(wrap :ql-dist system-file-name)
-(wrap :ql-impl-util call-with-quiet-compilation)
-(defvar *version* (uiop:getenv "version")
-  "The version number of this program")
-(defvar *main-system* nil
-  "The name of the system we're trying to extract info from.")
-(defvar *found-parasites* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)
-  "Names of systems which have been identified as parasites.
-A system is parasitic if its name doesn't match the name of the file
-it is defined in.  So, for example, if foo and foo-bar are both
-defined in a file named foo.asd, foo would be the host system and
-foo-bar would be a parasitic system.
-Parasitic systems are not generally loaded without loading the host
-system first.
-Keys are system names.  Values are unspecified.")
-(defvar *found-dependencies* (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)
-  "Hash table containing the set of dependencies discovered while installing a system.
-Keys are system names.  Values are unspecified.")
-(defun decode-asdf-dependency (name)
-  "Translates an asdf system dependency description into a system name.
-For example, translates (:version :foo \"1.0\") into \"foo\"."
-  (etypecase name
-    (symbol
-     (setf name (symbol-name name)))
-    (string)
-    (cons
-     (ecase (first name)
-       (:version
-        (warn "Discarding version information ~A" name)
-        ;; There's nothing we can do about this.  If the version we
-        ;; have around is good enough, then we're golden.  If it isn't
-        ;; good enough, then we'll error out and let a human figure it
-        ;; out.
-        (setf name (second name))
-        (return-from decode-asdf-dependency
-          (decode-asdf-dependency name)))
-       (:feature
-        (if (find (second name) *features*)
-            (return-from decode-asdf-dependency
-              (decode-asdf-dependency (third name)))
-            (progn
-              (warn "Dropping dependency due to missing feature: ~A" name)
-              (return-from decode-asdf-dependency nil))))
-       (:require
-        ;; This probably isn't a dependency we can satisfy using
-        ;; quicklisp, but we might as well try anyway.
-        (return-from decode-asdf-dependency
-          (decode-asdf-dependency (second name)))))))
-  (string-downcase name))
-(defun found-new-parasite (system-name)
-  "Record that the given system has been identified as a parasite."
-  (setf system-name (decode-asdf-dependency system-name))
-  (setf (gethash system-name *found-parasites*) t)
-  (when (nth-value 1 (gethash system-name *found-dependencies*))
-    (error "Found dependency on parasite")))
-(defun known-parasite-p (system-name)
-  "Have we previously identified this system as a parasite?"
-  (nth-value 1 (gethash system-name *found-parasites*)))
-(defun found-parasites ()
-  "Return a vector containing all identified parasites."
-  (let ((systems (make-array (hash-table-size *found-parasites*) :fill-pointer 0)))
-    (loop :for system :being :the :hash-keys :of *found-parasites* :do
-       (vector-push system systems))
-    systems))
-(defvar *track-dependencies* nil
-  "When this variable is nil, found-new-dependency will not record
-(defun parasitic-relationship-p (potential-host potential-parasite)
-  "Returns t if potential-host and potential-parasite have a parasitic relationship.
-See `*found-parasites*'."
-  (let ((host-ql-system (find-system potential-host))
-        (parasite-ql-system (find-system potential-parasite)))
-    (and host-ql-system parasite-ql-system
-         (not (equal (name host-ql-system)
-                     (name parasite-ql-system)))
-         (equal (system-file-name host-ql-system)
-                (system-file-name parasite-ql-system)))))
-(defun found-new-dependency (name)
-  "Record that the given system has been identified as a dependency.
-The named system may not be recorded as a dependency.  It may be left
-out for any number of reasons.  For example, if `*track-dependencies*'
-is nil then this function does nothing.  If the named system isn't a
-quicklisp system, this function does nothing."
-  (setf name (decode-asdf-dependency name))
-  (unless name
-    (return-from found-new-dependency))
-  (unless *track-dependencies*
-    (return-from found-new-dependency))
-  (when (known-parasite-p name)
-    (return-from found-new-dependency))
-  (when (parasitic-relationship-p *main-system* name)
-    (found-new-parasite name)
-    (return-from found-new-dependency))
-  (unless (find-system name)
-    (return-from found-new-dependency))
-  (setf (gethash name *found-dependencies*) t))
-(defun forget-dependency (name)
-  "Whoops.  Did I say that was a dependency?  My bad.
-Be very careful using this function!  You can remove a system from the
-dependency list, but you can't remove other effects associated with
-this system.  For example, transitive dependencies might still be in
-the dependency list."
-  (setf name (decode-asdf-dependency name))
-  (remhash name *found-dependencies*))
-(defun found-dependencies ()
-  "Return a vector containing all identified dependencies."
-  (let ((systems (make-array (hash-table-size *found-dependencies*) :fill-pointer 0)))
-    (loop :for system :being :the :hash-keys :of *found-dependencies* :do
-       (vector-push system systems))
-    systems))
-(defun host-system (system-name)
-  "If the given system is a parasite, return the name of the system that is its host.
-See `*found-parasites*'."
-  (let* ((system (find-system system-name))
-         (host-file (system-file-name system)))
-    (unless (equalp host-file system-name)
-      host-file)))
-(defun get-loaded (system)
-  "Try to load the named system using quicklisp and record any
-dependencies quicklisp is aware of.
-Unlike `our-quickload', this function doesn't attempt to install
-missing dependencies."
-  ;; Let's get this party started!
-  (let* ((strategy (compute-load-strategy system))
-         (ql-systems (quicklisp-systems strategy)))
-    (dolist (dep ql-systems)
-      (found-new-dependency (name dep)))
-    (show-load-strategy strategy)
-    (labels
-        ((make-go ()
-           (apply-load-strategy strategy)))
-      (call-with-quiet-compilation #'make-go)
-      (let ((asdf-system (asdf:find-system system)))
-        ;; If ASDF says that it needed a system, then we should
-        ;; probably track that.
-        (dolist (asdf-dep (asdf:component-sideway-dependencies asdf-system))
-          (found-new-dependency asdf-dep))
-        (dolist (asdf-dep (asdf:system-defsystem-depends-on asdf-system))
-          (found-new-dependency asdf-dep))))))
-(defun our-quickload (system)
-  "Attempt to install a package like quicklisp would, but record any
-dependencies that are detected during the install."
-  (setf system (string-downcase system))
-  ;; Load it quickly, but do it OUR way.  Turns out our way is very
-  ;; similar to the quicklisp way...
-  (let ((already-tried (make-hash-table :test #'equalp))) ;; Case insensitive
-    (tagbody
-     retry
-       (handler-case
-           (get-loaded system)
-         (asdf/find-component:missing-dependency (e)
-           (let ((required-by (asdf/find-component:missing-required-by e))
-                 (missing (asdf/find-component:missing-requires e)))
-             (unless (typep required-by 'asdf:system)
-               (error e))
-             (when (gethash missing already-tried)
-               (error "Dependency loop? ~A" missing))
-             (setf (gethash missing already-tried) t)
-             (let ((parasitic-p (parasitic-relationship-p *main-system* missing)))
-               (if parasitic-p
-                   (found-new-parasite missing)
-                   (found-new-dependency missing))
-               ;; We always want to track the dependencies of systems
-               ;; that share an asd file with the main system.  The
-               ;; whole asd file should be loadable.  Otherwise, we
-               ;; don't want to include transitive dependencies.
-               (let ((*track-dependencies* parasitic-p))
-                 (our-quickload missing)))
-             (format t "Attempting to load ~A again~%" system)
-             (go retry)))))))
-(defvar *blacklisted-parasites*
-  #("hu.dwim.stefil/documentation" ;; This system depends on :hu.dwim.stefil.test, but it should depend on hu.dwim.stefil/test
-    "named-readtables/doc" ;; Dependency cycle between named-readtabes and mgl-pax
-    "symbol-munger-test" ;; Dependency cycle between lisp-unit2 and symbol-munger
-    "cl-postgres-simple-date-tests" ;; Dependency cycle between cl-postgres and simple-date
-    "cl-containers/with-variates" ;; Symbol conflict between cl-variates:next-element, metabang.utilities:next-element
-    "serapeum/docs" ;; Weird issue with FUN-INFO redefinition
-    "spinneret/cl-markdown" ;; Weird issue with FUN-INFO redefinition
-    "spinneret/ps" ;; Weird issue with FUN-INFO redefinition
-    "spinneret/tests") ;; Weird issue with FUN-INFO redefinition
-  "A vector of systems that shouldn't be loaded by `quickload-parasitic-systems'.
-These systems are known to be troublemakers.  In some sense, all
-parasites are troublemakers (you shouldn't define parasitic systems!).
-However, these systems prevent us from generating nix packages and are
-thus doubly evil.")
-(defvar *blacklisted-parasites-table*
-  (let ((ht (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
-    (loop :for system :across *blacklisted-parasites* :do
-       (setf (gethash system ht) t))
-    ht)
-  "A hash table where each entry in `*blacklisted-parasites*' is an
-entry in the table.")
-(defun blacklisted-parasite-p (system-name)
-  "Returns non-nil if the named system is blacklisted"
-  (nth-value 1 (gethash system-name *blacklisted-parasites-table*)))
-(defun quickload-parasitic-systems (system)
-  "Attempt to load all the systems defined in the same asd as the named system.
-Blacklisted systems are skipped.  Dependencies of the identified
-parasitic systems will be tracked."
-  (let* ((asdf-system (asdf:find-system system))
-         (source-file (asdf:system-source-file asdf-system)))
-    (cond
-      (source-file
-       (loop :for system-name :being :the :hash-keys :of asdf/find-system::*registered-systems* :do
-             ; for an unclear reason, a literal 0 which is not a key in the hash table gets observed
-          (when (and (gethash system-name asdf/find-system::*registered-systems*)
-                     (parasitic-relationship-p system system-name)
-                     (not (blacklisted-parasite-p system-name)))
-            (found-new-parasite system-name)
-            (let ((*track-dependencies* t))
-              (our-quickload system-name)))))
-      (t
-       (unless (or (equal "uiop" system)
-                   (equal "asdf" system))
-         (warn "No source file for system ~A.  Can't identify parasites." system))))))
-(defun determine-dependencies (system)
-  "Load the named system and return a sorted vector containing all the
-quicklisp systems that were loaded to satisfy dependencies.
-This function should probably only be called once per process!
-Subsequent calls will miss dependencies identified by earlier calls."
-  (tagbody
-   retry
-     (restart-case
-         (let ((*standard-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
-               (*trace-output* (make-broadcast-stream))
-               (*main-system* system)
-               (*track-dependencies* t))
-           (our-quickload system)
-           (quickload-parasitic-systems system))
-       (try-again ()
-         :report "Start the quickload over again"
-         (go retry))
-       (die ()
-         :report "Just give up and die"
-         (uiop:quit 1))))
-  ;; Systems can't depend on themselves!
-  (forget-dependency system)
-  (values))
-(defun parasitic-system-data (parasite-system)
-  "Return a plist of information about the given known-parastic system.
-Sometimes we are asked to provide information about a system that is
-actually a parasite.  The only correct response is to point them
-toward the host system.  The nix package for the host system should
-have all the dependencies for this parasite already recorded.
-The plist is only meant to be consumed by other parts of
-  (let ((host-system (host-system parasite-system)))
-    (list
-     :system parasite-system
-     :host host-system
-     :name (string-downcase (format nil "~a" parasite-system))
-     :host-name (string-downcase (format nil "~a" host-system)))))
-(defun system-data (system)
-  "Produce a plist describing a system.
-The plist is only meant to be consumed by other parts of
-  (when (host-system system)
-    (return-from system-data
-      (parasitic-system-data system)))
-  (determine-dependencies system)
-  (let*
-      ((dependencies (sort (found-dependencies) #'string<))
-       (parasites (coerce (sort (found-parasites) #'string<) 'list))
-       (ql-system (find-system system))
-       (ql-release (release ql-system))
-       (ql-sibling-systems (provided-systems ql-release))
-       (url (archive-url ql-release))
-       (local-archive (local-archive-file ql-release))
-       (local-url (format nil "file://~a" (pathname local-archive)))
-       (archive-data
-        (progn
-          (ensure-local-archive-file ql-release)
-          ;; Stuff this archive into the nix store.  It was almost
-          ;; certainly going to end up there anyway (since it will
-          ;; probably be fetchurl'd for a nix package).  Also, putting
-          ;; it into the store also gives us the SHA we need.
-          (nix-prefetch-url local-url)))
-       (ideal-md5 (archive-md5 ql-release))
-       (raw-dependencies (coerce dependencies 'list))
-       (name (string-downcase (format nil "~a" system)))
-       (ql-sibling-names
-        (remove name (mapcar 'name ql-sibling-systems)
-                :test 'equal))
-       (dependencies raw-dependencies)
-       (description
-         (or
-           (ignore-errors (asdf:system-description (asdf:find-system system)))
-           "System lacks description"))
-       (release-name (short-description ql-release)))
-    (list
-     :system system
-     :description description
-     :sha256 (getf archive-data :sha256)
-     :url url
-     :md5 ideal-md5
-     :name name
-     :dependencies dependencies
-     :siblings ql-sibling-names
-     :release-name release-name
-     :parasites parasites)))
-(defvar *error-escape-valve* *error-output*
-  "When `*error-output*' is rebound to inhibit spew, this stream will
-still produce output.")
-(defun print-usage-and-quit ()
-  "Describe how to use this program... and then exit."
-  (format *error-output* "Usage:
-    ~A [--cacheDir <dir>] [--silent] [--debug] [--help|-h] <system-name>
-    --cacheDir Store (and look for) compiled lisp files in the given directory
-    --verbose Show compilation output
-    --debug Enter the debugger when a fatal error is encountered
-    --help Print usage and exit
-    <system-name> The quicklisp system to examine
-" (or (uiop:argv0) "quicklisp-to-nix-system-info"))
-  (uiop:quit 2))
-(defun main ()
-  "Make it go."
-  (let ((argv (uiop:command-line-arguments))
-        cache-dir
-        target-system
-        verbose-p
-        debug-p)
-    (handler-bind
-        ((warning
-          (lambda (w)
-            (format *error-escape-valve* "~A~%" w)))
-         (error
-          (lambda (e)
-            (if debug-p
-                (invoke-debugger e)
-                (progn
-                  (format *error-escape-valve* "~
-Failed to extract system info. Details are below. ~
-Run with --debug and/or --verbose for more info.
-~A~%" e)
-                  (uiop:quit 1))))))
-      (loop :while argv :do
-         (cond
-           ((equal "--cacheDir" (first argv))
-            (pop argv)
-            (unless argv
-              (error "--cacheDir expects an argument"))
-            (setf cache-dir (first argv))
-            (pop argv))
-           ((equal "--verbose" (first argv))
-            (setf verbose-p t)
-            (pop argv))
-           ((equal "--debug" (first argv))
-            (setf debug-p t)
-            (pop argv))
-           ((or (equal "--help" (first argv))
-                (equal "-h" (first argv)))
-            (print-usage-and-quit))
-           (t
-            (setf target-system (pop argv))
-            (when argv
-              (error "Can only operate on one system")))))
-      (unless target-system
-        (print-usage-and-quit))
-      (when cache-dir
-        (setf cache-dir (pathname-as-directory (parse-namestring cache-dir))))
-      (mapcar (function require) *implementation-systems*)
-      (with-quicklisp (dir) (:cache-dir (or cache-dir :temp))
-        (declare (ignore dir))
-        (let (system-data)
-          (let ((*error-output* (if verbose-p
-                                    *error-output*
-                                    (make-broadcast-stream)))
-                (*standard-output* (if verbose-p
-                                       *standard-output*
-                                       (make-broadcast-stream)))
-                (*trace-output* (if verbose-p
-                                    *trace-output*
-                                    (make-broadcast-stream))))
-            (format *error-output*
-                    "quicklisp-to-nix-system-info ~A~%ASDF ~A~%Quicklisp ~A~%Compiler ~A ~A~%"
-                    *version*
-                    (asdf:asdf-version)
-                    (funcall (intern "CLIENT-VERSION" :ql))
-                    (lisp-implementation-type)
-                    (lisp-implementation-version))
-            (setf system-data (system-data target-system)))
-          (cond
-            (system-data
-             (format t "~W~%" system-data)
-             (uiop:quit 0))
-            (t
-             (format *error-output* "Failed to determine system data~%")
-             (uiop:quit 1))))))))
-(defun dump-image ()
-  "Make an executable"
-  (setf uiop:*image-entry-point* #'main)
-  (setf uiop:*lisp-interaction* nil)
-  (uiop:dump-image "quicklisp-to-nix-system-info" :executable t))
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/top-package.emb b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/top-package.emb
deleted file mode 100644
index 38b4f67aa1c3b..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/top-package.emb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-{stdenv, lib, fetchurl, pkgs, clwrapper}:
-let quicklisp-to-nix-packages = rec {
-  inherit stdenv lib fetchurl clwrapper pkgs quicklisp-to-nix-packages;
-  callPackage = pkgs.lib.callPackageWith quicklisp-to-nix-packages;
-  buildLispPackage = callPackage ./define-package.nix;
-  qlOverrides = callPackage ./quicklisp-to-nix-overrides.nix {};
-<% @loop invocations %>
-<% @var code %>
-<% @endloop %>
-   quicklisp-to-nix-packages
diff --git a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp b/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b40430427351..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/development/lisp-modules-obsolete/quicklisp-to-nix/util.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-(defpackage :ql-to-nix-util
-  (:use :common-lisp)
-  (:export #:nix-prefetch-url #:wrap #:pathname-as-directory #:copy-directory-tree #:with-temporary-directory #:sym #:with-temporary-asdf-cache #:with-asdf-cache)
-  (:documentation
-   "A collection of useful functions and macros that ql-to-nix will use."))
-(in-package :ql-to-nix-util)
-(declaim (optimize (debug 3) (speed 0) (space 0) (compilation-speed 0) (safety 3)))
-;; This file cannot have any dependencies beyond quicklisp and asdf.
-;; Otherwise, we'll miss some dependencies!
-(defun pathname-as-directory (pathname)
-  "Given a pathname, make it into a path to a directory.
-This is sort of like putting a / at the end of the path."
-  (unless (pathname-name pathname)
-    (return-from pathname-as-directory pathname))
-  (let* ((old-dir (pathname-directory pathname))
-         (old-name (pathname-name pathname))
-         (old-type (pathname-type pathname))
-         (last-dir
-          (cond
-            (old-type
-             (format nil "~A.~A" old-name old-type))
-            (t
-             old-name)))
-         (new-dir (if old-dir
-                      (concatenate 'list old-dir (list last-dir))
-                      (list :relative last-dir))))
-    (make-pathname :name nil :directory new-dir :type nil :defaults pathname)))
-(defvar *nix-prefetch-url-bin*
-  (namestring (merge-pathnames #P"bin/nix-prefetch-url" (pathname-as-directory (uiop:getenv "nix-prefetch-url"))))
-  "The path to the nix-prefetch-url binary")
-(defun nix-prefetch-url (url &key expected-sha256)
-  "Invoke the nix-prefetch-url program.
-Returns a plist with two keys.
-:sha256 => The sha of the fetched file
-:path => The path to the file in the nix store"
-  (when expected-sha256
-    (setf expected-sha256 (list expected-sha256)))
-  (let* ((stdout
-          (with-output-to-string (so)
-            (uiop:run-program
-             `(,*nix-prefetch-url-bin* "--print-path" ,url ,@expected-sha256)
-             :output so)))
-         (stream (make-string-input-stream stdout)))
-    (list
-     :sha256 (read-line stream)
-     :path (read-line stream))))
-(defmacro wrap (package symbol-name)
-  "Create a function which looks up the named symbol at runtime and
-invokes it with the same arguments.
-If you can't load a system until runtime, this macro gives you an
-easier way to write
-    (funcall (intern \"SYMBOL-NAME\" :package-name) arg)
-Instead, you can write
-    (wrap :package-name symbol-name)
-    (symbol-name arg)"
-  (let ((args (gensym "ARGS")))
-    `(defun ,symbol-name (&rest ,args)
-       (apply (sym ',package ',symbol-name) ,args))))
-(defun copy-directory-tree (src-dir target-dir)
-  "Recursively copy every file in `src-dir' into `target-dir'.
-This function traverses symlinks."
-  (when (or (not (pathname-directory target-dir))
-            (pathname-name target-dir))
-    (error "target-dir must be a dir"))
-  (when (or (not (pathname-directory src-dir))
-            (pathname-name src-dir))
-    (error "src-dir must be a dir"))
-  (let ((src-wild (make-pathname :name :wild :type :wild :defaults src-dir)))
-    (dolist (entity (uiop:directory* src-wild))
-      (if (pathname-name entity)
-          (uiop:copy-file entity (make-pathname :type (pathname-type entity) :name (pathname-name entity) :defaults target-dir))
-          (let ((new-target-dir
-                 (make-pathname
-                  :directory (concatenate 'list (pathname-directory target-dir) (last (pathname-directory entity))))))
-            (ensure-directories-exist new-target-dir)
-            (copy-directory-tree entity new-target-dir))))))
-(defun call-with-temporary-directory (function)
-  "Create a temporary directory, invoke the given function by passing
-in the pathname for the directory, and then delete the directory."
-  (let* ((dir (uiop:run-program '("mktemp" "-d") :output :line))
-         (parsed (parse-namestring dir))
-         (parsed-as-dir (pathname-as-directory parsed)))
-    (assert (uiop:absolute-pathname-p dir))
-    (unwind-protect
-         (funcall function parsed-as-dir)
-      (uiop:delete-directory-tree
-       parsed-as-dir
-       :validate
-       (lambda (path)
-         (and (uiop:absolute-pathname-p path)
-              (equal (subseq (pathname-directory path) 0 (length (pathname-directory parsed-as-dir)))
-                     (pathname-directory parsed-as-dir))))))))
-(defmacro with-temporary-directory ((dir-name) &body body)
-  "See `call-with-temporary-directory'."
-  `(call-with-temporary-directory (lambda (,dir-name) ,@body)))
-(defun sym (package sym)
-  "A slightly less picky version of `intern'.
-Unlike `intern', the `sym' argument can be a string or a symbol.  If
-it is a symbol, then the `symbol-name' is `intern'ed into the
-specified package.
-The arguments are also reversed so that the package comes first."
-  (etypecase sym
-    (symbol (setf sym (symbol-name sym)))
-    (string))
-  (intern sym package))
-(defvar *touch-bin*
-  (namestring (merge-pathnames #P"bin/touch" (pathname-as-directory (uiop:getenv "touch"))))
-  "Path to the touch binary.")
-(defvar *cache-dir* nil
-  "When asdf cache remapping is in effect (see `with-asdf-cache'),
-this stores the path to the fasl cache directory.")
-(defvar *src-dir* nil
-  "When asdf cache remapping is in effect (see `with-asdf-cache'),
-this stores the path to the source directory.
-Only lisp files within the source directory will have their fasls
-cached in the cache directory.")
-(defun remap (path prefix)
-  "Implements the cache policy described in `with-asdf-cache'."
-  (declare (ignore prefix))
-  (let* ((ql-dirs (pathname-directory *src-dir*))
-         (ql-dirs-length (length ql-dirs))
-         (path-prefix (subseq (pathname-directory path) 0 ql-dirs-length))
-         (path-postfix (subseq (pathname-directory path) ql-dirs-length)))
-    (unless (equal path-prefix ql-dirs)
-      (return-from remap path))
-    (let ((result (make-pathname :directory (concatenate 'list (pathname-directory *cache-dir*) path-postfix) :defaults path)))
-      (with-open-file (s result :direction :probe :if-does-not-exist nil)
-        (when s
-          (uiop:run-program `(,*touch-bin* ,(namestring result)))))
-      result)))
-(defmacro with-temporary-asdf-cache ((src-dir) &body body)
-  "Create a temporary directory, and then use it as the ASDF cache
-directory for source files in `src-dir'.
-See `with-asdf-cache'."
-  (let ((tmp-dir (gensym "ORIGINAL-VALUE")))
-    `(with-temporary-directory (,tmp-dir)
-       (with-asdf-cache (,src-dir ,tmp-dir)
-         ,@body))))
-(defmacro with-asdf-cache ((src-dir cache-dir) &body body)
-  "When ASDF compiles a lisp file in `src-dir', store the fasl in `cache-dir'."
-  (let ((original-value (gensym "ORIGINAL-VALUE")))
-    `(let ((,original-value asdf:*output-translations-parameter*)
-           (*src-dir* ,src-dir)
-           (*cache-dir* ,cache-dir))
-       (unwind-protect
-            (progn
-              (asdf:initialize-output-translations
-               '(:output-translations
-                 :INHERIT-CONFIGURATION
-                 ;; FIXME: Shouldn't we only be remaping things
-                 ;; actually in the src dir?  Oh well.
-                 (t (:function remap))))
-              ,@body)
-         (asdf:initialize-output-translations ,original-value)))))