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path: root/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card')
2 files changed, 130 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card/default.nix b/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..d6ec293f31de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ lib
+, mkYarnPackage
+, fetchYarnDeps
+, fetchFromGitHub
+mkYarnPackage rec {
+  pname = "button-card";
+  version = "4.1.2";
+  src = fetchFromGitHub {
+    owner = "custom-cards";
+    repo = "button-card";
+    rev = "v${version}";
+    hash = "sha256-Ntg1sNgAehcL2fT0rP0YHzV5q6rB5p1TyFXtbZyB3Vo=";
+  };
+  packageJSON = ./package.json;
+  offlineCache = fetchYarnDeps {
+    yarnLock = src + "/yarn.lock";
+    hash = "sha256-OFnsRR9zA9D22xBdh4XfLueGVA2ERXmGEp54x0OFDFY=";
+  };
+  buildPhase = ''
+    runHook preBuild
+    yarn build
+    runHook postBuild
+  '';
+  installPhase = ''
+    runHook preInstall
+    mkdir $out
+    cp ./deps/button-card/dist/button-card.js $out
+    runHook postInstall
+  '';
+  doDist = false;
+  meta = with lib; {
+    description = "Lovelace button-card for home assistant";
+    homepage = "https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card";
+    changelog = "https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card/blob/${src.rev}/CHANGELOG.md";
+    license = licenses.mit;
+    maintainers = with maintainers; [ k900 ];
+    platforms = platforms.all;
+  };
diff --git a/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card/package.json b/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card/package.json
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..55bf125124708
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/servers/home-assistant/custom-lovelace-modules/button-card/package.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+  "name": "button-card",
+  "version": "4.1.2",
+  "description": "Button card for lovelace",
+  "main": "dist/button-card.js",
+  "scripts": {
+    "build": "npm run lint && npm run rollup",
+    "rollup": "rollup -c",
+    "babel": "babel dist/button-card.js --out-file dist/button-card.js",
+    "lint": "eslint src/*.ts",
+    "watch": "rollup -c --watch",
+    "postversion": "npm run build",
+    "audit-fix": "npx yarn-audit-fix"
+  },
+  "repository": {
+    "type": "git",
+    "url": "git+https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card.git"
+  },
+  "keywords": [
+    "lovelace"
+  ],
+  "author": "kuuji",
+  "contributors": [
+    "Ian Richardson (https://github.com/iantrich)",
+    "Jérôme Wiedemann (https://github.com/RomRider)"
+  ],
+  "license": "MIT",
+  "bugs": {
+    "url": "https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card/issues"
+  },
+  "homepage": "https://github.com/custom-cards/button-card#readme",
+  "devDependencies": {
+    "@babel/core": "^7.12.3",
+    "@babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties": "^7.12.1",
+    "@babel/plugin-proposal-decorators": "^7.12.1",
+    "@rollup/plugin-babel": "^5.2.1",
+    "@rollup/plugin-commonjs": "^16.0.0",
+    "@rollup/plugin-json": "^4.0.2",
+    "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve": "^10.0.0",
+    "@semantic-release/changelog": "^5.0.1",
+    "@semantic-release/commit-analyzer": "^8.0.1",
+    "@semantic-release/exec": "^5.0.0",
+    "@semantic-release/git": "^9.0.0",
+    "@semantic-release/npm": "^7.0.10",
+    "@semantic-release/release-notes-generator": "^9.0.1",
+    "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.1.0",
+    "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.1.0",
+    "conventional-changelog-conventionalcommits": "^4.5.0",
+    "eslint": "7.12.1",
+    "eslint-config-airbnb-base": "^14.1.0",
+    "eslint-config-prettier": "^6.15.0",
+    "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.22.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-prettier": "^3.1.2",
+    "npm": "^6.14.3",
+    "prettier": "^2.1.2",
+    "prettier-eslint": "^11.0.0",
+    "rollup": "^2.33.1",
+    "rollup-plugin-cleanup": "^3.2.1",
+    "rollup-plugin-serve": "^1.1.0",
+    "rollup-plugin-terser": "^7.0.2",
+    "rollup-plugin-typescript2": "^0.29.0",
+    "semantic-release": "^17.3.8",
+    "ts-lit-plugin": "^1.1.10",
+    "typescript": "^4.0.5",
+    "typescript-styled-plugin": "^0.15.0",
+    "yarn-audit-fix": "^9.3.10"
+  },
+  "dependencies": {
+    "@ctrl/tinycolor": "^3.1.6",
+    "@material/mwc-ripple": "^0.19.1",
+    "fast-copy": "^2.1.0",
+    "home-assistant-js-websocket": "^8.2.0",
+    "lit": "^2.7.6",
+    "lit-element": "^3.3.2",
+    "lit-html": "^2.7.5",
+    "memoize-one": "^6.0.0"
+  }