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path: root/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.rs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 559 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.rs b/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 094508f595d8f..0000000000000
--- a/pkgs/test/nixpkgs-check-by-name/src/eval.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-use crate::nix_file::CallPackageArgumentInfo;
-use crate::nixpkgs_problem::NixpkgsProblem;
-use crate::ratchet;
-use crate::ratchet::RatchetState::Loose;
-use crate::ratchet::RatchetState::Tight;
-use crate::structure;
-use crate::utils;
-use crate::validation::ResultIteratorExt as _;
-use crate::validation::{self, Validation::Success};
-use crate::NixFileStore;
-use relative_path::RelativePathBuf;
-use std::path::Path;
-use anyhow::Context;
-use serde::Deserialize;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
-use std::process;
-use tempfile::NamedTempFile;
-/// Attribute set of this structure is returned by eval.nix
-enum Attribute {
-    /// An attribute that should be defined via pkgs/by-name
-    ByName(ByNameAttribute),
-    /// An attribute not defined via pkgs/by-name
-    NonByName(NonByNameAttribute),
-enum NonByNameAttribute {
-    /// The attribute doesn't evaluate
-    EvalFailure,
-    EvalSuccess(AttributeInfo),
-enum ByNameAttribute {
-    /// The attribute doesn't exist at all
-    Missing,
-    Existing(AttributeInfo),
-struct AttributeInfo {
-    /// The location of the attribute as returned by `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos`
-    location: Option<Location>,
-    attribute_variant: AttributeVariant,
-/// The structure returned by a successful `builtins.unsafeGetAttrPos`
-#[derive(Deserialize, Clone, Debug)]
-struct Location {
-    pub file: PathBuf,
-    pub line: usize,
-    pub column: usize,
-impl Location {
-    // Returns the [file] field, but relative to Nixpkgs
-    fn relative_file(&self, nixpkgs_path: &Path) -> anyhow::Result<RelativePathBuf> {
-        let path = self.file.strip_prefix(nixpkgs_path).with_context(|| {
-            format!(
-                "The file ({}) is outside Nixpkgs ({})",
-                self.file.display(),
-                nixpkgs_path.display()
-            )
-        })?;
-        Ok(RelativePathBuf::from_path(path).expect("relative path"))
-    }
-pub enum AttributeVariant {
-    /// The attribute is not an attribute set, we're limited in the amount of information we can get
-    /// from it (though it's obviously not a derivation)
-    NonAttributeSet,
-    AttributeSet {
-        /// Whether the attribute is a derivation (`lib.isDerivation`)
-        is_derivation: bool,
-        /// The type of callPackage
-        definition_variant: DefinitionVariant,
-    },
-pub enum DefinitionVariant {
-    /// An automatic definition by the `pkgs/by-name` overlay
-    /// Though it's detected using the internal _internalCallByNamePackageFile attribute,
-    /// which can in theory also be used by other code
-    AutoDefinition,
-    /// A manual definition of the attribute, typically in `all-packages.nix`
-    ManualDefinition {
-        /// Whether the attribute is defined as `pkgs.callPackage ...` or something else.
-        is_semantic_call_package: bool,
-    },
-/// Check that the Nixpkgs attribute values corresponding to the packages in pkgs/by-name are
-/// of the form `callPackage <package_file> { ... }`.
-/// See the `eval.nix` file for how this is achieved on the Nix side
-pub fn check_values(
-    nixpkgs_path: &Path,
-    nix_file_store: &mut NixFileStore,
-    package_names: Vec<String>,
-    keep_nix_path: bool,
-) -> validation::Result<ratchet::Nixpkgs> {
-    // Write the list of packages we need to check into a temporary JSON file.
-    // This can then get read by the Nix evaluation.
-    let attrs_file = NamedTempFile::new().with_context(|| "Failed to create a temporary file")?;
-    // We need to canonicalise this path because if it's a symlink (which can be the case on
-    // Darwin), Nix would need to read both the symlink and the target path, therefore need 2
-    // NIX_PATH entries for restrict-eval. But if we resolve the symlinks then only one predictable
-    // entry is needed.
-    let attrs_file_path = attrs_file.path().canonicalize()?;
-    serde_json::to_writer(&attrs_file, &package_names).with_context(|| {
-        format!(
-            "Failed to serialise the package names to the temporary path {}",
-            attrs_file_path.display()
-        )
-    })?;
-    let expr_path = std::env::var("NIX_CHECK_BY_NAME_EXPR_PATH")
-        .with_context(|| "Could not get environment variable NIX_CHECK_BY_NAME_EXPR_PATH")?;
-    // With restrict-eval, only paths in NIX_PATH can be accessed, so we explicitly specify the
-    // ones needed needed
-    let mut command = process::Command::new("nix-instantiate");
-    command
-        // Inherit stderr so that error messages always get shown
-        .stderr(process::Stdio::inherit())
-        .args([
-            "--eval",
-            "--json",
-            "--strict",
-            "--readonly-mode",
-            "--restrict-eval",
-            "--show-trace",
-        ])
-        // Pass the path to the attrs_file as an argument and add it to the NIX_PATH so it can be
-        // accessed in restrict-eval mode
-        .args(["--arg", "attrsPath"])
-        .arg(&attrs_file_path)
-        .arg("-I")
-        .arg(&attrs_file_path)
-        // Same for the nixpkgs to test
-        .args(["--arg", "nixpkgsPath"])
-        .arg(nixpkgs_path)
-        .arg("-I")
-        .arg(nixpkgs_path);
-    // Clear NIX_PATH to be sure it doesn't influence the result
-    // But not when requested to keep it, used so that the tests can pass extra Nix files
-    if !keep_nix_path {
-        command.env_remove("NIX_PATH");
-    }
-    command.args(["-I", &expr_path]);
-    command.arg(expr_path);
-    let result = command
-        .output()
-        .with_context(|| format!("Failed to run command {command:?}"))?;
-    if !result.status.success() {
-        anyhow::bail!("Failed to run command {command:?}");
-    }
-    // Parse the resulting JSON value
-    let attributes: Vec<(String, Attribute)> = serde_json::from_slice(&result.stdout)
-        .with_context(|| {
-            format!(
-                "Failed to deserialise {}",
-                String::from_utf8_lossy(&result.stdout)
-            )
-        })?;
-    let check_result = validation::sequence(
-        attributes
-            .into_iter()
-            .map(|(attribute_name, attribute_value)| {
-                let check_result = match attribute_value {
-                    Attribute::NonByName(non_by_name_attribute) => handle_non_by_name_attribute(
-                        nixpkgs_path,
-                        nix_file_store,
-                        &attribute_name,
-                        non_by_name_attribute,
-                    )?,
-                    Attribute::ByName(by_name_attribute) => by_name(
-                        nix_file_store,
-                        nixpkgs_path,
-                        &attribute_name,
-                        by_name_attribute,
-                    )?,
-                };
-                Ok::<_, anyhow::Error>(check_result.map(|value| (attribute_name.clone(), value)))
-            })
-            .collect_vec()?,
-    );
-    Ok(check_result.map(|elems| ratchet::Nixpkgs {
-        package_names: elems.iter().map(|(name, _)| name.to_owned()).collect(),
-        package_map: elems.into_iter().collect(),
-    }))
-/// Handles the evaluation result for an attribute in `pkgs/by-name`,
-/// turning it into a validation result.
-fn by_name(
-    nix_file_store: &mut NixFileStore,
-    nixpkgs_path: &Path,
-    attribute_name: &str,
-    by_name_attribute: ByNameAttribute,
-) -> validation::Result<ratchet::Package> {
-    use ratchet::RatchetState::*;
-    use ByNameAttribute::*;
-    let relative_package_file = structure::relative_file_for_package(attribute_name);
-    // At this point we know that `pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix` has to exists.
-    // This match decides whether the attribute `foo` is defined accordingly
-    // and whether a legacy manual definition could be removed
-    let manual_definition_result = match by_name_attribute {
-        // The attribute is missing
-        Missing => {
-            // This indicates a bug in the `pkgs/by-name` overlay, because it's supposed to
-            // automatically defined attributes in `pkgs/by-name`
-            NixpkgsProblem::UndefinedAttr {
-                relative_package_file: relative_package_file.to_owned(),
-                package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-            }
-            .into()
-        }
-        // The attribute exists
-        Existing(AttributeInfo {
-            // But it's not an attribute set, which limits the amount of information we can get
-            // about this attribute (see ./eval.nix)
-            attribute_variant: AttributeVariant::NonAttributeSet,
-            location: _location,
-        }) => {
-            // The only thing we know is that it's definitely not a derivation, since those are
-            // always attribute sets.
-            //
-            // We can't know whether the attribute is automatically or manually defined for sure,
-            // and while we could check the location, the error seems clear enough as is.
-            NixpkgsProblem::NonDerivation {
-                relative_package_file: relative_package_file.to_owned(),
-                package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-            }
-            .into()
-        }
-        // The attribute exists
-        Existing(AttributeInfo {
-            // And it's an attribute set, which allows us to get more information about it
-            attribute_variant:
-                AttributeVariant::AttributeSet {
-                    is_derivation,
-                    definition_variant,
-                },
-            location,
-        }) => {
-            // Only derivations are allowed in `pkgs/by-name`
-            let is_derivation_result = if is_derivation {
-                Success(())
-            } else {
-                NixpkgsProblem::NonDerivation {
-                    relative_package_file: relative_package_file.to_owned(),
-                    package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-                }
-                .into()
-            };
-            // If the definition looks correct
-            let variant_result = match definition_variant {
-                // An automatic `callPackage` by the `pkgs/by-name` overlay.
-                // Though this gets detected by checking whether the internal
-                // `_internalCallByNamePackageFile` was used
-                DefinitionVariant::AutoDefinition => {
-                    if let Some(_location) = location {
-                        // Such an automatic definition should definitely not have a location
-                        // Having one indicates that somebody is using `_internalCallByNamePackageFile`,
-                        NixpkgsProblem::InternalCallPackageUsed {
-                            attr_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-                        }
-                        .into()
-                    } else {
-                        Success(Tight)
-                    }
-                }
-                // The attribute is manually defined, e.g. in `all-packages.nix`.
-                // This means we need to enforce it to look like this:
-                //   callPackage ../pkgs/by-name/fo/foo/package.nix { ... }
-                DefinitionVariant::ManualDefinition {
-                    is_semantic_call_package,
-                } => {
-                    // We should expect manual definitions to have a location, otherwise we can't
-                    // enforce the expected format
-                    if let Some(location) = location {
-                        // Parse the Nix file in the location
-                        let nix_file = nix_file_store.get(&location.file)?;
-                        // The relative path of the Nix file, for error messages
-                        let relative_location_file = location.relative_file(nixpkgs_path).with_context(|| {
-                            format!("Failed to resolve the file where attribute {attribute_name} is defined")
-                        })?;
-                        // Figure out whether it's an attribute definition of the form `= callPackage <arg1> <arg2>`,
-                        // returning the arguments if so.
-                        let (optional_syntactic_call_package, definition) = nix_file
-                            .call_package_argument_info_at(location.line, location.column, nixpkgs_path)
-                            .with_context(|| {
-                                format!("Failed to get the definition info for attribute {attribute_name}")
-                            })?;
-                        by_name_override(
-                            attribute_name,
-                            relative_package_file,
-                            is_semantic_call_package,
-                            optional_syntactic_call_package,
-                            definition,
-                            location,
-                            relative_location_file,
-                        )
-                    } else {
-                        // If manual definitions don't have a location, it's likely `mapAttrs`'d
-                        // over, e.g. if it's defined in aliases.nix.
-                        // We can't verify whether its of the expected `callPackage`, so error out
-                        NixpkgsProblem::CannotDetermineAttributeLocation {
-                            attr_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-                        }
-                        .into()
-                    }
-                }
-            };
-            // Independently report problems about whether it's a derivation and the callPackage variant
-            is_derivation_result.and(variant_result)
-        }
-    };
-    Ok(
-        // Packages being checked in this function are _always_ already defined in `pkgs/by-name`,
-        // so instead of repeating ourselves all the time to define `uses_by_name`, just set it
-        // once at the end with a map
-        manual_definition_result.map(|manual_definition| ratchet::Package {
-            manual_definition,
-            uses_by_name: Tight,
-        }),
-    )
-/// Handles the case for packages in `pkgs/by-name` that are manually overridden, e.g. in
-/// all-packages.nix
-fn by_name_override(
-    attribute_name: &str,
-    expected_package_file: RelativePathBuf,
-    is_semantic_call_package: bool,
-    optional_syntactic_call_package: Option<CallPackageArgumentInfo>,
-    definition: String,
-    location: Location,
-    relative_location_file: RelativePathBuf,
-) -> validation::Validation<ratchet::RatchetState<ratchet::ManualDefinition>> {
-    // At this point, we completed two different checks for whether it's a
-    // `callPackage`
-    match (is_semantic_call_package, optional_syntactic_call_package) {
-        // Something like `<attr> = foo`
-        (_, None) => NixpkgsProblem::NonSyntacticCallPackage {
-            package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-            file: relative_location_file,
-            line: location.line,
-            column: location.column,
-            definition,
-        }
-        .into(),
-        // Something like `<attr> = pythonPackages.callPackage ...`
-        (false, Some(_)) => NixpkgsProblem::NonToplevelCallPackage {
-            package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-            file: relative_location_file,
-            line: location.line,
-            column: location.column,
-            definition,
-        }
-        .into(),
-        // Something like `<attr> = pkgs.callPackage ...`
-        (true, Some(syntactic_call_package)) => {
-            if let Some(actual_package_file) = syntactic_call_package.relative_path {
-                if actual_package_file != expected_package_file {
-                    // Wrong path
-                    NixpkgsProblem::WrongCallPackagePath {
-                        package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-                        file: relative_location_file,
-                        line: location.line,
-                        actual_path: actual_package_file,
-                        expected_path: expected_package_file,
-                    }
-                    .into()
-                } else {
-                    // Manual definitions with empty arguments are not allowed
-                    // anymore, but existing ones should continue to be allowed
-                    let manual_definition_ratchet = if syntactic_call_package.empty_arg {
-                        // This is the state to migrate away from
-                        Loose(NixpkgsProblem::EmptyArgument {
-                            package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-                            file: relative_location_file,
-                            line: location.line,
-                            column: location.column,
-                            definition,
-                        })
-                    } else {
-                        // This is the state to migrate to
-                        Tight
-                    };
-                    Success(manual_definition_ratchet)
-                }
-            } else {
-                // No path
-                NixpkgsProblem::NonPath {
-                    package_name: attribute_name.to_owned(),
-                    file: relative_location_file,
-                    line: location.line,
-                    column: location.column,
-                    definition,
-                }
-                .into()
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// Handles the evaluation result for an attribute _not_ in `pkgs/by-name`,
-/// turning it into a validation result.
-fn handle_non_by_name_attribute(
-    nixpkgs_path: &Path,
-    nix_file_store: &mut NixFileStore,
-    attribute_name: &str,
-    non_by_name_attribute: NonByNameAttribute,
-) -> validation::Result<ratchet::Package> {
-    use ratchet::RatchetState::*;
-    use NonByNameAttribute::*;
-    // The ratchet state whether this attribute uses `pkgs/by-name`.
-    // This is never `Tight`, because we only either:
-    // - Know that the attribute _could_ be migrated to `pkgs/by-name`, which is `Loose`
-    // - Or we're unsure, in which case we use NonApplicable
-    let uses_by_name =
-        // This is a big ol' match on various properties of the attribute
-        // First, it needs to succeed evaluation. We can't know whether an attribute could be
-        // migrated to `pkgs/by-name` if it doesn't evaluate, since we need to check that it's a
-        // derivation.
-        //
-        // This only has the minor negative effect that if a PR that breaks evaluation
-        // gets merged, fixing those failures won't force anything into `pkgs/by-name`.
-        //
-        // For now this isn't our problem, but in the future we
-        // might have another check to enforce that evaluation must not be broken.
-        //
-        // The alternative of assuming that failing attributes would have been fit for `pkgs/by-name`
-        // has the problem that if a package evaluation gets broken temporarily,
-        // fixing it requires a move to pkgs/by-name, which could happen more
-        // often and isn't really justified.
-        if let EvalSuccess(AttributeInfo {
-            // We're only interested in attributes that are attribute sets (which includes
-            // derivations). Anything else can't be in `pkgs/by-name`.
-            attribute_variant: AttributeVariant::AttributeSet {
-                // Indeed, we only care about derivations, non-derivation attribute sets can't be
-                // in `pkgs/by-name`
-                is_derivation: true,
-                // Of the two definition variants, really only the manual one makes sense here.
-                // Special cases are:
-                // - Manual aliases to auto-called packages are not treated as manual definitions,
-                //   due to limitations in the semantic callPackage detection. So those should be
-                //   ignored.
-                // - Manual definitions using the internal _internalCallByNamePackageFile are
-                //   not treated as manual definitions, since _internalCallByNamePackageFile is
-                //   used to detect automatic ones. We can't distinguish from the above case, so we
-                //   just need to ignore this one too, even if that internal attribute should never
-                //   be called manually.
-                definition_variant: DefinitionVariant::ManualDefinition { is_semantic_call_package }
-            },
-            // We need the location of the manual definition, because otherwise
-            // we can't figure out whether it's a syntactic callPackage
-            location: Some(location),
-        }) = non_by_name_attribute {
-        // Parse the Nix file in the location
-        let nix_file = nix_file_store.get(&location.file)?;
-        // The relative path of the Nix file, for error messages
-        let relative_location_file = location.relative_file(nixpkgs_path).with_context(|| {
-            format!("Failed to resolve the file where attribute {attribute_name} is defined")
-        })?;
-        // Figure out whether it's an attribute definition of the form `= callPackage <arg1> <arg2>`,
-        // returning the arguments if so.
-        let (optional_syntactic_call_package, _definition) = nix_file
-            .call_package_argument_info_at(
-                location.line,
-                location.column,
-                // Passing the Nixpkgs path here both checks that the <arg1> is within Nixpkgs, and
-                // strips the absolute Nixpkgs path from it, such that
-                // syntactic_call_package.relative_path is relative to Nixpkgs
-                nixpkgs_path
-                )
-            .with_context(|| {
-                format!("Failed to get the definition info for attribute {attribute_name}")
-            })?;
-        // At this point, we completed two different checks for whether it's a
-        // `callPackage`
-        match (is_semantic_call_package, optional_syntactic_call_package) {
-            // Something like `<attr> = { }`
-            (false, None)
-            // Something like `<attr> = pythonPackages.callPackage ...`
-            | (false, Some(_))
-            // Something like `<attr> = bar` where `bar = pkgs.callPackage ...`
-            | (true, None) => {
-                // In all of these cases, it's not possible to migrate the package to `pkgs/by-name`
-                NonApplicable
-            }
-            // Something like `<attr> = pkgs.callPackage ...`
-            (true, Some(syntactic_call_package)) => {
-                // It's only possible to migrate such a definitions if..
-                match syntactic_call_package.relative_path {
-                    Some(ref rel_path) if rel_path.starts_with(utils::BASE_SUBPATH) => {
-                        // ..the path is not already within `pkgs/by-name` like
-                        //
-                        //   foo-variant = callPackage ../by-name/fo/foo/package.nix {
-                        //     someFlag = true;
-                        //   }
-                        //
-                        // While such definitions could be moved to `pkgs/by-name` by using
-                        // `.override { someFlag = true; }` instead, this changes the semantics in
-                        // relation with overlays, so migration is generally not possible.
-                        //
-                        // See also "package variants" in RFC 140:
-                        // https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/blob/master/rfcs/0140-simple-package-paths.md#package-variants
-                        NonApplicable
-                    }
-                    _ => {
-                        // Otherwise, the path is outside `pkgs/by-name`, which means it can be
-                        // migrated
-                        Loose((syntactic_call_package, relative_location_file))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        // This catches all the cases not matched by the above `if let`, falling back to not being
-        // able to migrate such attributes
-        NonApplicable
-    };
-    Ok(Success(ratchet::Package {
-        // Packages being checked in this function _always_ need a manual definition, because
-        // they're not using `pkgs/by-name` which would allow avoiding it.
-        // so instead of repeating ourselves all the time to define `manual_definition`,
-        // just set it once at the end here
-        manual_definition: Tight,
-        uses_by_name,
-    }))