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path: root/pkgs/aszlig/mutt/default.nix
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authoraszlig <aszlig@nix.build>2020-08-08 03:24:28 +0200
committeraszlig <aszlig@nix.build>2020-08-08 03:27:26 +0200
commit90721ace8c77fa4203e21dc5926c2da816416845 (patch)
tree852902b4232762d7806f9457f58ce9915b101792 /pkgs/aszlig/mutt/default.nix
parent3440c6ec3d3dd52faaf624c1d221fb778e652e98 (diff)
pkgs/aszlig: Add Mutt configuration
I've been using this configuration since years already but so far it has
been residing in ~/.muttrc and I copied to new machines accordingly.

The reason why I didn't add it here was because the config was too ugly
and I never got so far as to properly re-do it.

Unfortunately, the config is still ugly as hell, but at least we now
generate it from a structured Nix format and also the IMAP/SMTP user and
server infos are now retrieved via gopass instead.

This also includes my small prank multipart/alternative filter, which
should hopefully "encourange" recipients to disable HTML

Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@nix.build>
Diffstat (limited to 'pkgs/aszlig/mutt/default.nix')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/aszlig/mutt/default.nix b/pkgs/aszlig/mutt/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a453031d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/aszlig/mutt/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+{ lib, writers, gopass, writeScript, mutt
+, realName ? "aszlig"
+, emailAddr ? "aszlig@nix.build"
+, gopassEntry ? "misc/mailfresser"
+  askYes = { __askYes = true; };
+  askNo  = { __askNo = true; };
+  execCommand = cmd: { __execCmd = cmd; };
+  passwd = execCommand "${gopass}/bin/gopass show -o ${gopassEntry}";
+  userRaw = "`${gopass}/bin/gopass show ${gopassEntry} username`";
+  serverRaw = "`${gopass}/bin/gopass show ${gopassEntry} server`";
+  config = {
+    folder.__raw = "\"imap://${serverRaw}/\"";
+    imap_user.__raw = "\"${userRaw}\"";
+    imap_pass = passwd;
+    smtp_url.__raw = "\"smtp://${userRaw}@${serverRaw}/\"";
+    smtp_pass = passwd;
+    spoolfile = "+INBOX";
+    imap_idle = true;
+    imap_delim_chars = "/";
+    record = "+sent-mail";
+    postponed = "+Drafts";
+    send_multipart_alternative = askYes;
+    send_multipart_alternative_filter = writers.writePython3 "multipart" {
+      flakeIgnore = [ "E111" "E121" ];
+    } ''
+      import string
+      import sys
+      DELAY_SEC = 20
+      in_escape = False
+      original = ""
+      for c in sys.stdin.read():
+        if c == "'":
+          original += r"\'"
+        elif c == "\\":
+          original += r"\\"
+        elif c in "\n<>" or (in_escape and c in string.hexdigits):
+          original += r'\{:X}'.format(ord(c))
+          in_escape = True
+          continue
+        else:
+          original += c
+        in_escape = False
+      style = '''.join([
+        '#liar::after{content:"... okay, I lied. Here\'s the text:"}',
+        "#original::after{content:'" + original + "'}",
+        '#content{',
+        f'-webkit-animation:dontbesocruelwk 0s {DELAY_SEC}s forwards;',
+        f'-moz-animation:dontbesocruelmoz 0s {DELAY_SEC}s forwards;',
+        f'-o-animation:dontbesocruelo 0s {DELAY_SEC}s forwards;',
+        f'animation:dontbesocruel 0s {DELAY_SEC}s forwards',
+        '}',
+        '@-webkit-keyframes dontbesocruelwk{to{visibility:visible}}',
+        '@-moz-keyframes dontbesocruelmoz{to{visibility:visible}}',
+        '@-o-keyframes dontbesocruelo{to{visibility:visible}}',
+        '@keyframes dontbesocruel{to{visibility:visible}}',
+      ])
+      document = '''.join([
+        '<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en">',
+        '<head>',
+        '<title>&#128169;</title>',
+        f'<style>{style}</style>',
+        '</head>',
+        '<body>',
+        '<p>',
+        'This email can only be read in ',
+        '<a href="https://useplaintext.email/">plain text</a>.',
+        '</p>',
+        '<div id="content" style="visibility:hidden">',
+        '<p id="liar"></p>',
+        '<pre id="original"></pre>',
+        '</div>',
+        '</body>',
+        '</html>',
+      ])
+      sys.stdout.write("text/html\n\n" + document + "\n")
+    '';
+    use_from = true;
+    from = emailAddr;
+    realname = realName;
+    envelope_from = true;
+    move = false;
+    copy = true;
+    mark_old = false;
+    bounce_delivered = false;
+    pgp_autosign = true;
+    pgp_use_gpg_agent = true;
+    crypt_use_gpgme = true;
+    crypt_verify_sig = true;
+    history = 200;
+    pager_stop = true;
+    use_domain = true;
+    sort.__raw = "threads";
+    sort_aux.__raw = "last-date-received";
+    index_format = "%4C %Z %{%b %d %Y %H:%M} %-15.15L (%?l?%4l&%4c?) %s";
+  };
+  mkCfgValue = val:
+    if val == true then "yes"
+    else if val == false then "no"
+    else if val == askYes then "ask-yes"
+    else if val == askNo then "ask-no"
+    else if val ? __execCmd then "\"`${val.__execCmd}`\""
+    else if val ? __raw then val.__raw
+    else if lib.isInt val then toString val
+    else lib.escapeShellArg val;
+  genConfig = cfg: let
+    mkKeyVal = key: val: "set ${key}=${mkCfgValue val}";
+  in lib.concatStringsSep "\n" (lib.mapAttrsToList mkKeyVal cfg) + "\n";
+  # XXX: Uuuugly, clean up ASAP.
+  trailer = ''
+    mailboxes +INBOX +catapult +list-errors +list-staff +root@mf.de
+    ignore *
+    unignore date from to cc subject x-mailer resent-from reply-to user-agent
+    hdr_order date from to cc subject
+    macro compose "<Esc>1" "<edit-from><kill-line>aszlig <\"\^[0-9]+$\"@regexmail.net><enter>"
+    # paint different quote levels
+    color	quoted  	green	default
+    color	quoted1 	cyan	default
+    color	quoted2 	yellow	default
+    color	quoted3		red	default
+    color normal    white black
+    color attachment brightyellow black
+    color hdrdefault cyan black
+    color indicator black cyan
+    color markers   brightred black
+    color quoted    green black
+    color signature cyan black
+    color status    brightgreen blue
+    color tilde     blue black
+    color tree      red black
+    color body brightred default "[\-\.+_a-zA-Z0-9]+@[\-\.a-zA-Z0-9]+" # email
+    color body brightblue default "(http|ftp)://[\-\.\,/+=&%~_:?\#a-zA-Z0-9]+" # URL
+    color body brightgreen default "(^| |[-.[:alnum:]]+:+)~?\(/[-_.'[:alnum:]]+\)+/?" # Unix file path
+    color body brightgreen	default "(^| +)[[:alpha:]]:[-_.[:alnum:]\]+" # DOS file path
+    color body brightmagenta default "(^|[ '\"]+)\\$[[:alpha:]][-_[:alpha:]]+" # variable
+    color body brightred default "(^| )[*_]+[-&[:alnum:]]+[*_]( |$)" # bold/underline
+    color body yellow default "(^| )[;:8][-^o]?[)>(|/\\DP]+" # smiley
+    color body red default "[!?]{3,}" # exclamation
+    color body green default "^ *[-+*o] +" # list item
+    # date formats
+    color body cyan default "[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?( ?(AM|PM|am|pm))?( +[+-][0-9]{4})?"
+    color body cyan default "(\(19|20\)?[0-9]{2}/[01]?[0-9]/[0123]?[0-9]|[0123]?[0-9][/.][01]?[0-9][/.]\(19|20\)?[0-9]{2})(( at)? +[0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?( ?(AM|PM|am|pm))?( +[+-][0-9]{4})?)?"
+    color body cyan default "((Sun(day)?|Mon(day)?|Tue(sday)?|Wed(nesday)?|Thur(sday)?|Fri(day)?|Sat(urday)?),? +)?(Jan(uary)?|Feb(ruary)?|Mar(ch)?|Apr(il)?|May|June?|July?|Aug(ust)?|Sep(ember)?|Oct(ober)?|Nov(ember)?|Dec(ember)?)[ .]+[0-9]{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)?,?( +(19|20)[0-9]{2}(,?( at)? [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?( ?(AM|PM|am|pm))?( +[+-][0-9]{4})?)?)?"
+    color body cyan default "((Sun(day)?|Mon(day)?|Tue(sday)?|Wed(nesday)?|Thur(sday)?|Fri(day)?|Sat(urday)?),? +)?[0-9]{1,2}(st|nd|rd|th)?[ .]+(Jan(uary)?|Feb(ruary)?|Mar(ch)?|Apr(il)?|May|June?|July?|Aug(ust)?|Sep(ember)?|Oct(ober)?|Nov(ember)?|Dec(ember)?),?( +(19|20)?[0-9]{2})?(( at)? [0-9]{1,2}:[0-9]{2}(:[0-9]{2})?( ?(AM|PM|am|pm))?( +[+-][0-9]{4})?)?"
+    color header   brightgreen default ^From:
+    color header   brightcyan default ^To:
+    color header   brightcyan default ^Reply-To:
+    color header   brightcyan default ^Cc:
+    color header   brightblue default ^Subject:
+    color	header	brightcyan	default "^newsgroups: "
+    color   header  yellow  default "^Delivered-To: "
+    color   header  green   default "^sender: "
+    color   header  green   default "^organi[sz]ation: "
+    color   header  green   default "x-editor: "
+    color   header  green   default "(x-mailer|user-agent): "
+    color   header  green   default "X-Operating-System: "
+    color   header  green   default "X-MimeOLE: "
+    color   header  green   default "X-Accept-Language: "
+    color	header	red	default	"^message-id:"
+    color	header	red	default	"^in-reply-to: "
+    color	header	red	default	"^references: "
+    color	header	cyan	default	"^followup-to: "
+    color	header	cyan	default	"^mail-followup-to: "
+    color	header	cyan	default	"^reply-to: "
+    color	header	magenta	default	"MIME-Version: "
+    color	header	magenta	default	"Content-Type: "
+    color	header	magenta	default	"Content-Transfer-Encoding: "
+    color	header	magenta	default	"Content-Disposition: "
+    color	header	magenta	default	"Content-Encoding: "
+    color	header	magenta	default	"Content-Language: "
+    color index brightblue default '~P' # from me
+    color index cyan default '~p' # personal
+    color index brightcyan default '~G' # PGP
+    color index brightred default '~F' # flagged
+    color index green default '~Q' # replied
+    color index brightwhite default '~N' # new
+    color index red default '~D' # deleted
+    # spam
+    color index magenta default "\(Resent-\)?Message-Id: <>"
+    color index magenta default "\(Resent-\)?Message-Id: '<.* .*>'"
+    color index magenta default "\(Resent-\)?Message-Id: localhost"
+    color index magenta default "! \(Resent-\)?Message-Id: @"
+    color index magenta default '~C Undisclosed.*Recipients'
+  '';
+in mutt.overrideAttrs (drv: {
+  postInstall = (drv.postInstall or "") + ''
+    echo -n ${lib.escapeShellArg (genConfig config)} > "$out/etc/Muttrc"
+    echo -n ${lib.escapeShellArg trailer} >> "$out/etc/Muttrc"
+  '';