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authorDominik Ritter <dritter03@googlemail.com>2023-08-07 08:00:56 +0200
committerDominik Ritter <dritter03@googlemail.com>2023-08-07 08:00:56 +0200
commit1fe4bdb54267f540388220dd8591ae77487872a8 (patch)
parenta25943e34ae24e99548369dc19bfb5884cb59543 (diff)
enpass: update update script
1 files changed, 72 insertions, 93 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/tools/security/enpass/update_script.py b/pkgs/tools/security/enpass/update_script.py
index f8ec715cb5e4e..ab0b6ce3f48ed 100644..100755
--- a/pkgs/tools/security/enpass/update_script.py
+++ b/pkgs/tools/security/enpass/update_script.py
@@ -1,95 +1,74 @@
-from __future__ import print_function
-import argparse
-import bz2
-import email
+#! /usr/bin/env nix-shell
+#! nix-shell -i python3 -p python3 python3.pkgs.packaging python3.pkgs.requests
+import gzip
 import json
 import logging
-from itertools import product
-from operator import itemgetter
-import attr
-import pkg_resources
-from pathlib2 import Path
-from requests import Session
-from six.moves.urllib_parse import urljoin
-class ReleaseElement(object):
-    sha256 = attr.ib(repr=False)
-    size = attr.ib(convert=int)
-    path = attr.ib()
-log = logging.getLogger('enpass.updater')
-parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-parser.add_argument('--target', type=Path)
-session = Session()
-def parse_bz2_msg(msg):
-    msg = bz2.decompress(msg)
-    if '\n\n' in msg:
-        parts = msg.split('\n\n')
-        return list(map(email.message_from_string, parts))
-    return email.message_from_string(msg)
-def fetch_meta(repo, name, parse=email.message_from_string, split=False):
-    url = urljoin(repo, 'dists/stable', name)
-    response = session.get("{repo}/dists/stable/{name}".format(**locals()))
-    return parse(response.content)
-def fetch_filehashes(repo, path):
-    meta = fetch_meta(repo, path, parse=parse_bz2_msg)
-    for item in meta:
-        yield {
-            'version': pkg_resources.parse_version(str(item['Version'])),
-            'path': item['Filename'],
-            'sha256': item['sha256'],
-        }
-def fetch_archs(repo):
-    m = fetch_meta(repo, 'Release')
-    architectures = m['Architectures'].split()
-    elements = [ReleaseElement(*x.split()) for x in m['SHA256'].splitlines()]
-    elements = [x for x in elements if x.path.endswith('bz2')]
-    for arch, elem in product(architectures, elements):
-        if arch in elem.path:
-            yield arch, max(fetch_filehashes(repo, elem.path),
-                            key=itemgetter('version'))
-class OurVersionEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
-    def default(self, obj):
-        # the other way around to avoid issues with
-        # newer setuptools having strict/legacy versions
-        if not isinstance(obj, (dict, str)):
-            return str(obj)
-        return json.JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
-def main(repo, target):
-    logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG)
-    with target.open(mode='wb') as fp:
-        json.dump(
-            dict(fetch_archs(repo)), fp,
-            cls=OurVersionEncoder,
-            indent=2,
-            sort_keys=True)
-opts = parser.parse_args()
-main(opts.repo, opts.target)
+import pathlib
+import re
+import subprocess
+import sys
+from packaging import version
+import requests
+logging.basicConfig(stream=sys.stdout, level=logging.DEBUG)
+current_path = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent
+DATA_JSON = current_path.joinpath("data.json").resolve()
+logging.debug(f"Path to version file: {DATA_JSON}")
+last_new_version = None
+with open(DATA_JSON, "r") as versions_file:
+    versions = json.load(versions_file)
+def find_latest_version(arch):
+    CHECK_URL = f'https://apt.enpass.io/dists/stable/main/binary-{arch}/Packages.gz'
+    packages = gzip.decompress(requests.get(CHECK_URL).content).decode()
+    # Loop every package to find the newest one!
+    version_selector = re.compile("Version: (?P<version>.+)")
+    path_selector = re.compile("Filename: (?P<path>.+)")
+    hash_selector = re.compile("SHA256: (?P<sha256>.+)")
+    last_version = version.parse("0")
+    for package in packages.split("\n\n"):
+        matches = version_selector.search(package)
+        matched_version = matches.group('version') if matches and matches.group('version') else "0"
+        parsed_version = version.parse(matched_version)
+        if parsed_version > last_version:
+            path = path_selector.search(package).group('path')
+            sha256 = hash_selector.search(package).group('sha256')
+            last_version = parsed_version
+            return {"path": path, "sha256": sha256, "version": matched_version}
+for arch in versions.keys():
+    current_version = versions[arch]['version']
+    logging.info(f"Current Version for {arch} is {current_version}")
+    new_version = find_latest_version(arch)
+    if not new_version or new_version['version'] == current_version:
+        continue
+    last_current_version = current_version
+    last_new_version = new_version
+    logging.info(f"Update found ({arch}): enpass: {current_version} -> {new_version['version']}")
+    versions[arch]['path'] = new_version['path']
+    versions[arch]['sha256'] = new_version['sha256']
+    versions[arch]['version'] = new_version['version']
+if not last_new_version:
+    logging.info('#### No update found ####')
+    sys.exit(0)
+# write new versions back
+with open(DATA_JSON, "w") as versions_file:
+    json.dump(versions, versions_file, indent=2)
+    versions_file.write("\n")
+# Commit the result:
+logging.info("Committing changes...")
+commit_message = f"enpass: {last_current_version} -> {last_new_version['version']}"
+subprocess.run(['git', 'add', DATA_JSON], check=True)
+subprocess.run(['git', 'commit', '--file=-'], input=commit_message.encode(), check=True)