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path: root/maintainers/scripts/gnu
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authorLudovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>2011-03-23 21:56:12 +0000
committerLudovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>2011-03-23 21:56:12 +0000
commite0fa94d81fbae048f64a73d8e9c8d6093c478119 (patch)
treebc76c7878bf39043a66348bdcdfe9c2260caffc4 /maintainers/scripts/gnu
parentacffafe66f0e7687ec9b01c084663edd26e61865 (diff)
Remove obsolete version of `gnupdate'.
svn path=/nixpkgs/trunk/; revision=26483
Diffstat (limited to 'maintainers/scripts/gnu')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 712 deletions
diff --git a/maintainers/scripts/gnu/gnupdate.scm b/maintainers/scripts/gnu/gnupdate.scm
deleted file mode 100644
index 3cf6e7cfaba1b..0000000000000
--- a/maintainers/scripts/gnu/gnupdate.scm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,712 +0,0 @@
-;;; GNUpdate -- Update GNU packages in Nixpkgs.     -*- coding: utf-8; -*-
-;;; Copyright (C) 2010  Ludovic Courtès <ludo@gnu.org>
-;;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;;; (at your option) any later version.
-;;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-(cond-expand (guile-2 #t)
-             (else (error "GNU Guile 2.0 is required")))
-(use-modules (sxml ssax)
-             (ice-9 popen)
-             (ice-9 match)
-             (ice-9 rdelim)
-             (ice-9 regex)
-             (ice-9 vlist)
-             (srfi srfi-1)
-             (srfi srfi-9)
-             (srfi srfi-11)
-             (srfi srfi-37)
-             (system foreign)
-             (rnrs bytevectors))
-;;; SNix.
-(define-record-type <location>
-  (make-location file line column)
-  location?
-  (file          location-file)
-  (line          location-line)
-  (column        location-column))
-(define (->loc line column path)
-  (and line column path
-       (make-location path (string->number line) (string->number column))))
-;; XXX: Hack to add missing exports from `(sxml ssax)' as of 1.9.10.
-(let ((ssax (resolve-module '(sxml ssax))))
-  (for-each (lambda (sym)
-              (module-add! (current-module) sym
-                           (module-variable ssax sym)))
-            '(ssax:warn ssax:skip-pi nl)))
-;; Nix object types visible in the XML output of `nix-instantiate' and
-;; mapping to S-expressions (we map to sexps, not records, so that we
-;; can do pattern matching):
-;;   at               (at varpat attrspat)
-;;   attr             (attribute loc name value)
-;;   attrs            (attribute-set attributes)
-;;   attrspat         (attribute-set-pattern patterns)
-;;   bool             #f|#t
-;;   derivation       (derivation drv-path out-path attributes)
-;;   ellipsis         '...
-;;   expr             (snix loc body ...)
-;;   function         (function loc at|attrspat|varpat)
-;;   int              int
-;;   list             list
-;;   null             'null
-;;   path             string
-;;   string           string
-;;   unevaluated      'unevaluated
-;;   varpat           (varpat name)
-;; Initially ATTRIBUTES in `derivation' and `attribute-set' was a promise;
-;; however, handling `repeated' nodes makes it impossible to do anything
-;; lazily because the whole SXML tree has to be traversed to maintain the
-;; list of known derivations.
-(define (xml-element->snix elem attributes body derivations)
-  ;; Return an SNix element corresponding to XML element ELEM.
-  (define (loc)
-    (->loc (assq-ref attributes 'line)
-           (assq-ref attributes 'column)
-           (assq-ref attributes 'path)))
-  (case elem
-    ((at)
-     (values `(at ,(car body) ,(cadr body)) derivations))
-    ((attr)
-     (let ((name (assq-ref attributes 'name)))
-       (cond ((null? body)
-              (values `(attribute-pattern ,name) derivations))
-             ((and (pair? body) (null? (cdr body)))
-              (values `(attribute ,(loc) ,name ,(car body))
-                      derivations))
-             (else
-              (error "invalid attribute body" name (loc) body)))))
-    ((attrs)
-     (values `(attribute-set ,(reverse body)) derivations))
-    ((attrspat)
-     (values `(attribute-set-pattern ,body) derivations))
-    ((bool)
-     (values (string-ci=? "true" (assq-ref attributes 'value))
-             derivations))
-    ((derivation)
-     (let ((drv-path (assq-ref attributes 'drvPath))
-           (out-path (assq-ref attributes 'outPath)))
-       (if (equal? body '(repeated))
-           (let ((body (vhash-assoc drv-path derivations)))
-             (if (pair? body)
-                 (values `(derivation ,drv-path ,out-path ,(cdr body))
-                         derivations)
-                 (error "no previous occurrence of derivation"
-                        drv-path)))
-           (values `(derivation ,drv-path ,out-path ,body)
-                   (vhash-cons drv-path body derivations)))))
-    ((ellipsis)
-     (values '... derivations))
-    ((expr)
-     (values `(snix ,(loc) ,@body) derivations))
-    ((function)
-     (values `(function ,(loc) ,body) derivations))
-    ((int)
-     (values (string->number (assq-ref attributes 'value))
-             derivations))
-    ((list)
-     (values body derivations))
-    ((null)
-     (values 'null derivations))
-    ((path)
-     (values (assq-ref attributes 'value) derivations))
-    ((repeated)
-     (values 'repeated derivations))
-    ((string)
-     (values (assq-ref attributes 'value) derivations))
-    ((unevaluated)
-     (values 'unevaluated derivations))
-    ((varpat)
-     (values `(varpat ,(assq-ref attributes 'name)) derivations))
-    (else (error "unhandled Nix XML element" elem))))
-(define xml->snix
-  ;; Return the SNix represention of TREE, an SXML tree as returned by
-  ;; parsing the XML output of `nix-instantiate' on Nixpkgs.
-  (let ((parse
-         (ssax:make-parser NEW-LEVEL-SEED
-                           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces expected-content
-                                    seed)
-                             (cons '() (cdr seed)))
-                           FINISH-ELEMENT
-                           (lambda (elem-gi attributes namespaces parent-seed
-                                            seed)
-                             (let ((snix        (car seed))
-                                   (derivations (cdr seed)))
-                               (let-values (((snix derivations)
-                                             (xml-element->snix elem-gi
-                                                                attributes
-                                                                snix
-                                                                derivations)))
-                                 (cons (cons snix (car parent-seed))
-                                       derivations))))
-                           CHAR-DATA-HANDLER
-                           (lambda (string1 string2 seed)
-                             ;; Discard inter-node strings, which are blanks.
-                             seed))))
-    (lambda (port)
-      ;; Discard the second value returned by the parser (the derivation
-      ;; vhash).
-      (caar (parse port (cons '() vlist-null))))))
-(define (call-with-package snix proc)
-  (match snix
-    (('attribute _ (and attribute-name (? string?))
-                 ('derivation _ _ body))
-     ;; Ugly pattern matching.
-     (let ((meta
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute _ "meta" ('attribute-set metas)) metas)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body))
-           (package-name
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute _ "name" (and name (? string?)))
-                      name)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body))
-           (location
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute loc "name" (? string?))
-                      loc)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body))
-           (src
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute _ "src" src)
-                      src)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body)))
-       (proc attribute-name package-name location meta src)))))
-(define (call-with-src snix proc)
-  ;; Assume SNIX contains the SNix expression for the value of an `src'
-  ;; attribute, as returned by `call-with-package', and call PROC with the
-  ;; relevant SRC information, or #f if SNIX doesn't match.
-  (match snix
-    (('derivation _ _ body)
-     (let ((name
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute _ "name" (and name (? string?)))
-                      name)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body))
-           (output-hash
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute _ "outputHash" (and hash (? string?)))
-                      hash)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body))
-           (urls
-            (any (lambda (attr)
-                   (match attr
-                     (('attribute _ "urls" (and urls (? pair?)))
-                      urls)
-                     (_ #f)))
-                 body)))
-       (proc name output-hash urls)))
-    (_ (proc #f #f #f))))
-(define (src->values snix)
-  (call-with-src snix values))
-(define (open-nixpkgs nixpkgs)
-  (let ((script  (string-append nixpkgs
-                                "/maintainers/scripts/eval-release.nix")))
-    (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "nix-instantiate"
-                "--strict" "--eval-only" "--xml"
-                script)))
-(define (nix-prefetch-url url)
-  ;; Download URL in the Nix store and return the base32-encoded SHA256 hash
-  ;; of the file at URL
-  (let* ((pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "nix-prefetch-url" url))
-         (hash (read-line pipe)))
-    (close-pipe pipe)
-    (if (eof-object? hash)
-        (values #f #f)
-        (let* ((pipe (open-pipe* OPEN_READ "nix-store" "--print-fixed-path"
-                                 "sha256" hash (basename url)))
-               (path (read-line pipe)))
-          (if (eof-object? path)
-              (values #f #f)
-              (values (string-trim-both hash) (string-trim-both path)))))))
-(define (update-nix-expression file
-                               old-version old-hash
-                               new-version new-hash)
-  ;; Modify FILE in-place.  Ugly: we call out to sed(1).
-  (let ((cmd (format #f "sed -i \"~a\" -e 's/~A/~a/g ; s/~A/~A/g'"
-                     file
-                     (regexp-quote old-version) new-version
-                     old-hash
-                     (or new-hash "new hash not available, check the log"))))
-    (format #t "running `~A'...~%" cmd)
-    (system cmd)))
-;;; FTP client.
-(define-record-type <ftp-connection>
-  (%make-ftp-connection socket addrinfo)
-  ftp-connection?
-  (socket    ftp-connection-socket)
-  (addrinfo  ftp-connection-addrinfo))
-(define %ftp-ready-rx
-  (make-regexp "^([0-9]{3}) (.+)$"))
-(define (%ftp-listen port)
-  (let loop ((line (read-line port)))
-    (cond ((eof-object? line) (values line #f))
-          ((regexp-exec %ftp-ready-rx line)
-           =>
-           (lambda (match)
-             (values (string->number (match:substring match 1))
-                     (match:substring match 2))))
-          (else
-           (loop (read-line port))))))
-(define (%ftp-command command expected-code port)
-  (format port "~A~A~A" command (string #\return) (string #\newline))
-  (let-values (((code message) (%ftp-listen port)))
-    (if (eqv? code expected-code)
-        message
-        (throw 'ftp-error port command code message))))
-(define (%ftp-login user pass port)
-  (let ((command (string-append "USER " user (string #\newline))))
-    (display command port)
-    (let-values (((code message) (%ftp-listen port)))
-      (case code
-        ((230)  #t)
-        ((331) (%ftp-command (string-append "PASS " pass) 230 port))
-        (else  (throw 'ftp-error port command code message))))))
-(define (ftp-open host)
-  (catch 'getaddrinfo-error
-    (lambda ()
-      (let* ((ai (car (getaddrinfo host "ftp")))
-             (s  (socket (addrinfo:fam ai) (addrinfo:socktype ai)
-                         (addrinfo:protocol ai))))
-        (connect s (addrinfo:addr ai))
-        (setvbuf s _IOLBF)
-        (let-values (((code message) (%ftp-listen s)))
-          (if (eqv? code 220)
-              (begin
-                ;(%ftp-command "OPTS UTF8 ON" 200 s)
-                (%ftp-login "anonymous" "ludo@example.com" s)
-                (%make-ftp-connection s ai))
-              (begin
-                (format (current-error-port) "FTP to `~a' failed: ~A: ~A~%"
-                        host code message)
-                (close s)
-                #f)))))
-    (lambda (key errcode)
-      (format (current-error-port) "failed to resolve `~a': ~a~%"
-              host (gai-strerror errcode))
-      #f)))
-(define (ftp-close conn)
-  (close (ftp-connection-socket conn)))
-(define (ftp-chdir conn dir)
-  (%ftp-command (string-append "CWD " dir) 250
-                (ftp-connection-socket conn)))
-(define (ftp-pasv conn)
-  (define %pasv-rx
-    (make-regexp "([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+),([0-9]+)"))
-  (let ((message (%ftp-command "PASV" 227 (ftp-connection-socket conn))))
-    (cond ((regexp-exec %pasv-rx message)
-           =>
-           (lambda (match)
-             (+ (* (string->number (match:substring match 5)) 256)
-                (string->number (match:substring match 6)))))
-          (else
-           (throw 'ftp-error conn "PASV" 227 message)))))
-(define* (ftp-list conn #:optional directory)
-  (define (address-with-port sa port)
-    (let ((fam  (sockaddr:fam sa))
-          (addr (sockaddr:addr sa)))
-      (cond ((= fam AF_INET)
-             (make-socket-address fam addr port))
-            ((= fam AF_INET6)
-             (make-socket-address fam addr port
-                                  (sockaddr:flowinfo sa)
-                                  (sockaddr:scopeid sa)))
-            (else #f))))
-  (if directory
-      (ftp-chdir conn directory))
-  (let* ((port (ftp-pasv conn))
-         (ai   (ftp-connection-addrinfo conn))
-         (s    (socket (addrinfo:fam ai) (addrinfo:socktype ai)
-                       (addrinfo:protocol ai))))
-    (connect s (address-with-port (addrinfo:addr ai) port))
-    (setvbuf s _IOLBF)
-    (dynamic-wind
-      (lambda () #t)
-      (lambda ()
-        (%ftp-command "LIST" 150 (ftp-connection-socket conn))
-        (let loop ((line   (read-line s))
-                   (result '()))
-          (cond ((eof-object? line) (reverse result))
-                ((regexp-exec %ftp-ready-rx line)
-                 =>
-                 (lambda (match)
-                   (let ((code (string->number (match:substring match 1))))
-                     (if (= 126 code)
-                         (reverse result)
-                         (throw 'ftp-error conn "LIST" code)))))
-                (else
-                 (loop (read-line s)
-                       (let ((file (car (reverse (string-tokenize line)))))
-                         (cons file result)))))))
-      (lambda ()
-        (close s)
-        (let-values (((code message) (%ftp-listen (ftp-connection-socket conn))))
-          (or (eqv? code 226)
-              (throw 'ftp-error conn "LIST" code message)))))))
-;;; GNU.
-(define %ignored-package-attributes
-  ;; Attribute name of packages to be ignored.
-  '("bash" "bashReal" "bashInteractive" ;; the full versioned name is incorrect
-    "autoconf213"
-    "automake17x"
-    "automake19x"
-    "automake110x"
-    "automake" ;; = 1.10.x
-    "bison1875"
-    "bison23"
-    "bison" ;; = 2.3
-    "emacs22"
-    "emacsSnapshot"
-    "gcc295"
-    "gcc33"
-    "gcc34"
-    "gcc40"
-    "gcc41"
-    "gcc42"
-    "gcc43"
-    "glibc25"
-    "glibc27"
-    "glibc29"
-    "guile_1_9"
-    ))
-(define (gnu? package)
-  ;; Return true if PACKAGE (a snix expression) is a GNU package (according
-  ;; to a simple heuristic.)  Otherwise return #f.
-  (match package
-    (('attribute _ attribute-name ('derivation _ _ body))
-     (any (lambda (attr)
-            (match attr
-              (('attribute _ "meta" ('attribute-set metas))
-               (any (lambda (attr)
-                      (match attr
-                        (('attribute _ "description" value)
-                         (string-prefix? "GNU" value))
-                        (('attribute _ "homepage" value)
-                         (string-contains value "www.gnu.org"))
-                        (_ #f)))
-                    metas))
-              (_ #f)))
-          body))
-    (_ #f)))
-(define (gnu-packages packages)
-  (fold (lambda (package gnu)
-          (match package
-            (('attribute _ "emacs23Packages" emacs-packages)
-             ;; XXX: Should prepend `emacs23Packages.' to attribute names.
-             (append (gnu-packages emacs-packages) gnu))
-            (('attribute _ attribute-name ('derivation _ _ body))
-             (if (member attribute-name %ignored-package-attributes)
-                 gnu
-                 (if (gnu? package)
-                     (cons package gnu)
-                     gnu)))
-            (_ gnu)))
-        '()
-        packages))
-(define (ftp-server/directory project)
-  (define quirks
-    '(("commoncpp2"   "ftp.gnu.org"   "/gnu/commoncpp" #f)
-      ("libgcrypt"    "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt" #t)
-      ("libgpg-error" "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt" #t)
-      ("gnupg"        "ftp.gnupg.org" "/gcrypt" #t)
-      ("gnu-ghostscript" "ftp.gnu.org"  "/ghostscript" #f)
-      ("GNUnet"       "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/gnunet" #f)
-      ("mit-scheme"   "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/mit-scheme/stable.pkg")
-      ("icecat"       "ftp.gnu.org" "/gnu/gnuzilla" #f)
-      ("TeXmacs"      "ftp.texmacs.org" "/TeXmacs/targz" #f)))
-  (let ((quirk (assoc project quirks)))
-    (match quirk
-      ((_ server directory subdir?)
-       (values server (if (not subdir?)
-                          directory
-                          (string-append directory "/" project))))
-      (else
-       (values "ftp.gnu.org" (string-append "/gnu/" project))))))
-(define (nixpkgs->gnu-name project)
-  (define quirks
-    '(("gcc-wrapper" . "gcc")
-      ("ghostscript" . "gnu-ghostscript") ;; ../ghostscript/gnu-ghoscript-X.Y.tar.gz
-      ("gnum4"       . "m4")
-      ("gnugrep"     . "grep")
-      ("gnused"      . "sed")
-      ("gnutar"      . "tar")
-      ("gnunet"      . "GNUnet") ;; ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gnunet/GNUnet-x.y.tar.gz
-      ("mitscheme"   . "mit-scheme")
-      ("texmacs"     . "TeXmacs")))
-  (or (assoc-ref quirks project) project))
-(define (releases project)
-  ;; TODO: Handle project release trees like that of IceCat and MyServer.
-  (define release-rx
-    (make-regexp (string-append "^" project "-[0-9].*\\.tar\\.")))
-  (catch #t
-    (lambda ()
-      (let-values (((server directory) (ftp-server/directory project)))
-        (let* ((conn  (ftp-open server))
-               (files (ftp-list conn directory)))
-          (ftp-close conn)
-          (map (lambda (tarball)
-                 (let ((end (string-contains tarball ".tar")))
-                   (substring tarball 0 end)))
-               ;; Filter out signatures, deltas, and files which are potentially
-               ;; not releases of PROJECT (e.g., in /gnu/guile, filter out
-               ;; guile-oops and guile-www).
-               (filter (lambda (file)
-                         (and (not (string-suffix? ".sig" file))
-                              (regexp-exec release-rx file)))
-                       files)))))
-    (lambda (key subr message . args)
-      (format (current-error-port)
-              "failed to get release list for `~A': ~A ~A~%"
-              project message args)
-      '())))
-(define version-string>?
-  (let ((strverscmp
-         (let ((sym (or (dynamic-func "strverscmp" (dynamic-link))
-                        (error "could not find `strverscmp' (from GNU libc)"))))
-           (make-foreign-function int sym (list '* '*))))
-        (string->null-terminated-utf8
-         (lambda (s)
-           (let* ((utf8 (string->utf8 s))
-                  (len  (bytevector-length utf8))
-                  (nts  (make-bytevector (+ len 1))))
-             (bytevector-copy! utf8 0 nts 0 len)
-             (bytevector-u8-set! nts len 0)
-             nts))))
-    (lambda (a b)
-      (let ((a (bytevector->foreign (string->null-terminated-utf8 a)))
-            (b (bytevector->foreign (string->null-terminated-utf8 b))))
-        (> (strverscmp a b) 0)))))
-(define (latest-release project)
-  ;; Return "FOO-X.Y" or #f.
-  (let ((releases (releases project)))
-    (and (not (null? releases))
-         (fold (lambda (release latest)
-                 (if (version-string>? release latest)
-                     release
-                     latest))
-               ""
-               releases))))
-(define (package/version name+version)
-  (let ((hyphen (string-rindex name+version #\-)))
-    (if (not hyphen)
-        (values name+version #f)
-        (let ((name    (substring name+version 0 hyphen))
-              (version (substring name+version (+ hyphen 1)
-                                  (string-length name+version))))
-          (values name version)))))
-(define (file-extension file)
-  (let ((dot (string-rindex file #\.)))
-    (and dot (substring file (+ 1 dot) (string-length file)))))
-(define (packages-to-update gnu-packages)
-  (fold (lambda (pkg result)
-          (call-with-package pkg
-            (lambda (attribute name+version location meta src)
-              (let-values (((name old-version)
-                            (package/version name+version)))
-                (let ((latest (latest-release (nixpkgs->gnu-name name))))
-                  (cond ((not latest)
-                         (format #t "~A [unknown latest version]~%"
-                                 name+version)
-                         result)
-                        ((string=? name+version latest)
-                         (format #t "~A [up to date]~%" name+version)
-                         result)
-                        (else
-                         (let-values (((project new-version)
-                                       (package/version latest))
-                                      ((old-name old-hash old-urls)
-                                       (src->values src)))
-                           (format #t "~A -> ~A [~A]~%" name+version latest
-                                   (and (pair? old-urls) (car old-urls)))
-                           (let* ((url      (and (pair? old-urls)
-                                                 (car old-urls)))
-                                  (new-hash (fetch-gnu project new-version
-                                                       (if url
-                                                           (file-extension url)
-                                                           "gz"))))
-                             (cons (list name attribute
-                                         old-version old-hash
-                                         new-version new-hash
-                                         location)
-                                   result))))))))))
-        '()
-        gnu-packages))
-(define (fetch-gnu project version archive-type)
-  (let-values (((server directory)
-                (ftp-server/directory project)))
-    (let* ((base    (string-append project "-" version ".tar." archive-type))
-           (url     (string-append "ftp://" server "/" directory "/" base))
-           (sig     (string-append base ".sig"))
-           (sig-url (string-append url ".sig")))
-      (let-values (((hash path) (nix-prefetch-url url)))
-        (pk 'prefetch-url url hash path)
-        (and hash path
-             (begin
-               (false-if-exception (delete-file sig))
-               (system* "wget" sig-url)
-               (if (file-exists? sig)
-                   (let ((ret (system* "gpg" "--verify" sig path)))
-                     (false-if-exception (delete-file sig))
-                     (if (and ret (= 0 (status:exit-val ret)))
-                         hash
-                         (begin
-                           (format (current-error-port)
-                                   "signature verification failed for `~a'~%"
-                                   base)
-                           (format (current-error-port)
-                                   "(could be because the public key is not in your keyring)~%")
-                           #f)))
-                   (begin
-                     (format (current-error-port)
-                             "no signature for `~a'~%" base)
-                     hash))))))))
-;;; Main program.
-(define %options
-  ;; Specifications of the command-line options.
-  (list (option '(#\h "help") #f #f
-                (lambda (opt name arg result)
-                  (format #t "Usage: gnupdate [OPTIONS...]~%")
-                  (format #t "GNUpdate -- update Nix expressions of GNU packages in Nixpkgs~%")
-                  (format #t "~%")
-                  (format #t "  -x, --xml=FILE      Read XML output of `nix-instantiate'~%")
-                  (format #t "                      from FILE.~%")
-                  (format #t "  -d, --dry-run       Don't actually update Nix expressions~%")
-                  (format #t "  -h, --help          Give this help list.~%~%")
-                  (format #t "Report bugs to <ludo@gnu.org>~%")
-                  (exit 0)))
-        (option '(#\d "dry-run") #f #f
-                (lambda (opt name arg result)
-                  (alist-cons 'dry-run #t result)))
-        (option '(#\x "xml") #t #f
-                (lambda (opt name arg result)
-                  (alist-cons 'xml-file arg result)))))
-(define-public (main . args)
-  ;; Assume Nixpkgs is under $NIXPKGS or ~/src/nixpkgs.
-  (let* ((opts      (args-fold args %options
-                               (lambda (opt name arg result)
-                                 (error "unrecognized option `~A'" name))
-                               (lambda (operand result)
-                                 (error "extraneous argument `~A'" operand))
-                               '()))
-         (home      (getenv "HOME"))
-         (path      (or (getenv "NIXPKGS")
-                        (string-append home "/src/nixpkgs")))
-         (snix      (begin
-                      (format (current-error-port) "parsing XML...~%")
-                      (xml->snix
-                       (or (and=> (assoc-ref opts 'xml-file) open-input-file)
-                           (open-nixpkgs path)))))
-         (packages  (match snix
-                      (('snix _ ('attribute-set attributes))
-                       attributes)
-                      (else #f)))
-         (gnu       (gnu-packages packages))
-         (updates   (packages-to-update gnu)))
-    (format #t "~%~A packages to update...~%" (length updates))
-    (for-each (lambda (update)
-                (match update
-                  ((name attribute
-                    old-version old-hash
-                    new-version new-hash
-                    location)
-                   (if (assoc-ref opts 'dry-run)
-                       (format #t "`~a' would be updated from ~a to ~a (~a -> ~a)~%"
-                               name old-version new-version
-                               old-hash new-hash)
-                       (update-nix-expression (location-file location)
-                                              old-version old-hash
-                                              new-version new-hash)))
-                  (_ #f)))
-              updates)
-    #t))