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path: root/nixos/tests/misc.nix
diff options
authorRaito Bezarius <masterancpp@gmail.com>2024-05-11 21:33:12 +0200
committerRaito Bezarius <masterancpp@gmail.com>2024-05-11 21:33:25 +0200
commit81854ca60475872c7946f0b70789260fb9c99460 (patch)
tree02e401583221f10f9b4fba1079eba21a2784322a /nixos/tests/misc.nix
parenta047bae9f3f9a0f3a00964f1b6bbfef61485880d (diff)
nixos/tests/misc: rework and take ownership
`nixosTests.misc` is an interesting smoketest as a last (cheap) line of
defense against Nix regressions.

We rework it to accept any arbitrary package manager for Lix.

Signed-off-by: Raito Bezarius <masterancpp@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'nixos/tests/misc.nix')
1 files changed, 179 insertions, 161 deletions
diff --git a/nixos/tests/misc.nix b/nixos/tests/misc.nix
index e7842debba7a2..aa9b9fbe29a52 100644
--- a/nixos/tests/misc.nix
+++ b/nixos/tests/misc.nix
@@ -1,164 +1,182 @@
 # Miscellaneous small tests that don't warrant their own VM run.
-import ./make-test-python.nix ({ lib, pkgs, ...} : let
-  foo = pkgs.writeText "foo" "Hello World";
-in {
-  name = "misc";
-  meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ eelco ];
-  nodes.machine =
-    { lib, ... }:
-    { swapDevices = lib.mkOverride 0
-        [ { device = "/root/swapfile"; size = 128; } ];
-      environment.variables.EDITOR = lib.mkOverride 0 "emacs";
-      documentation.nixos.enable = lib.mkOverride 0 true;
-      systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /tmp 1777 root root 10d" ];
-      systemd.tmpfiles.settings."10-test"."/tmp/somefile".d = {};
-      virtualisation.fileSystems = { "/tmp2" =
-        { fsType = "tmpfs";
-          options = [ "mode=1777" "noauto" ];
-        };
-        # Tests https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-make-a-derivations-executables-have-the-s-permission/8555
-        "/user-mount/point" = {
-          device = "/user-mount/source";
-          fsType = "none";
-          options = [ "bind" "rw" "user" "noauto" ];
-        };
-        "/user-mount/denied-point" = {
-          device = "/user-mount/denied-source";
-          fsType = "none";
-          options = [ "bind" "rw" "noauto" ];
+{ pkgs, ... }:
+  inherit (pkgs) lib;
+  tests = {
+    default = testsForPackage { nixPackage = pkgs.nix; };
+    lix = testsForPackage { nixPackage = pkgs.lix; };
+  };
+  testsForPackage = args: lib.recurseIntoAttrs {
+    miscFeatures = testMiscFeatures args;
+    passthru.override = args': testsForPackage (args // args');
+  };
+  testMiscFeatures = { nixPackage, ... }: pkgs.testers.nixosTest (
+  let
+    foo = pkgs.writeText "foo" "Hello World";
+  in {
+    name = "misc";
+    meta.maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ raitobezarius ];
+    nodes.machine =
+      { lib, ... }:
+      { swapDevices = lib.mkOverride 0
+          [ { device = "/root/swapfile"; size = 128; } ];
+        environment.variables.EDITOR = lib.mkOverride 0 "emacs";
+        documentation.nixos.enable = lib.mkOverride 0 true;
+        systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /tmp 1777 root root 10d" ];
+        systemd.tmpfiles.settings."10-test"."/tmp/somefile".d = {};
+        virtualisation.fileSystems = { "/tmp2" =
+          { fsType = "tmpfs";
+            options = [ "mode=1777" "noauto" ];
+          };
+          # Tests https://discourse.nixos.org/t/how-to-make-a-derivations-executables-have-the-s-permission/8555
+          "/user-mount/point" = {
+            device = "/user-mount/source";
+            fsType = "none";
+            options = [ "bind" "rw" "user" "noauto" ];
+          };
+          "/user-mount/denied-point" = {
+            device = "/user-mount/denied-source";
+            fsType = "none";
+            options = [ "bind" "rw" "noauto" ];
+          };
+        systemd.automounts = lib.singleton
+          { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
+            where = "/tmp2";
+          };
+        users.users.sybil = { isNormalUser = true; group = "wheel"; };
+        users.users.alice = { isNormalUser = true; };
+        security.sudo = { enable = true; wheelNeedsPassword = false; };
+        boot.kernel.sysctl."vm.swappiness" = 1;
+        boot.kernelParams = [ "vsyscall=emulate" ];
+        system.extraDependencies = [ foo ];
+        nix.package = nixPackage;
-      systemd.automounts = lib.singleton
-        { wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
-          where = "/tmp2";
-        };
-      users.users.sybil = { isNormalUser = true; group = "wheel"; };
-      users.users.alice = { isNormalUser = true; };
-      security.sudo = { enable = true; wheelNeedsPassword = false; };
-      boot.kernel.sysctl."vm.swappiness" = 1;
-      boot.kernelParams = [ "vsyscall=emulate" ];
-      system.extraDependencies = [ foo ];
-    };
-  testScript =
-    ''
-      import json
-      def get_path_info(path):
-          result = machine.succeed(f"nix --option experimental-features nix-command path-info --json {path}")
-          parsed = json.loads(result)
-          return parsed
-      with subtest("nix-db"):
-          info = get_path_info("${foo}")
-          print(info)
-          if (
-              info[0]["narHash"]
-              != "sha256-BdMdnb/0eWy3EddjE83rdgzWWpQjfWPAj3zDIFMD3Ck="
-          ):
-              raise Exception("narHash not set")
-          if info[0]["narSize"] != 128:
-              raise Exception("narSize not set")
-      with subtest("nixos-version"):
-          machine.succeed("[ `nixos-version | wc -w` = 2 ]")
-      with subtest("nixos-rebuild"):
-          assert "NixOS module" in machine.succeed("nixos-rebuild --help")
-      with subtest("Sanity check for uid/gid assignment"):
-          assert "4" == machine.succeed("id -u messagebus").strip()
-          assert "4" == machine.succeed("id -g messagebus").strip()
-          assert "users:x:100:" == machine.succeed("getent group users").strip()
-      with subtest("Regression test for GMP aborts on QEMU."):
-          machine.succeed("expr 1 + 2")
-      with subtest("the swap file got created"):
-          machine.wait_for_unit("root-swapfile.swap")
-          machine.succeed("ls -l /root/swapfile | grep 134217728")
-      with subtest("whether kernel.poweroff_cmd is set"):
-          machine.succeed('[ -x "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/poweroff_cmd)" ]')
-      with subtest("whether the io cgroupv2 controller is properly enabled"):
-          machine.succeed("grep -q '\\bio\\b' /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers")
-      with subtest("whether we have a reboot record in wtmp"):
-          machine.shutdown
-          machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target")
-          machine.succeed("last | grep reboot >&2")
-      with subtest("whether we can override environment variables"):
-          machine.succeed('[ "$EDITOR" = emacs ]')
-      with subtest("whether hostname (and by extension nss_myhostname) works"):
-          assert "machine" == machine.succeed("hostname").strip()
-          assert "machine" == machine.succeed("hostname -s").strip()
-      with subtest("whether systemd-udevd automatically loads modules for our hardware"):
-          machine.succeed("systemctl start systemd-udev-settle.service")
-          machine.wait_for_unit("systemd-udev-settle.service")
-          assert "mousedev" in machine.succeed("lsmod")
-      with subtest("whether systemd-tmpfiles-clean works"):
-          machine.succeed(
-              "touch /tmp/foo", "systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-clean", "[ -e /tmp/foo ]"
-          )
-          # move into the future
-          machine.succeed(
-              'date -s "@$(($(date +%s) + 1000000))"',
-              "systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-clean",
-          )
-          machine.fail("[ -e /tmp/foo ]")
-      with subtest("whether systemd-tmpfiles settings works"):
-          machine.succeed("[ -e /tmp/somefile ]")
-      with subtest("whether automounting works"):
-          machine.fail("grep '/tmp2 tmpfs' /proc/mounts")
-          machine.succeed("touch /tmp2/x")
-          machine.succeed("grep '/tmp2 tmpfs' /proc/mounts")
-      with subtest(
-          "Whether mounting by a user is possible with the `user` option in fstab (#95444)"
-      ):
-          machine.succeed("mkdir -p /user-mount/source")
-          machine.succeed("touch /user-mount/source/file")
-          machine.succeed("chmod -R a+Xr /user-mount/source")
-          machine.succeed("mkdir /user-mount/point")
-          machine.succeed("chown alice:users /user-mount/point")
-          machine.succeed("su - alice -c 'mount /user-mount/point'")
-          machine.succeed("su - alice -c 'ls /user-mount/point/file'")
-      with subtest(
-          "Whether mounting by a user is denied without the `user` option in  fstab"
-      ):
-          machine.succeed("mkdir -p /user-mount/denied-source")
-          machine.succeed("touch /user-mount/denied-source/file")
-          machine.succeed("chmod -R a+Xr /user-mount/denied-source")
-          machine.succeed("mkdir /user-mount/denied-point")
-          machine.succeed("chown alice:users /user-mount/denied-point")
-          machine.fail("su - alice -c 'mount /user-mount/denied-point'")
-      with subtest("shell-vars"):
-          machine.succeed('[ -n "$NIX_PATH" ]')
-      with subtest("nix-db"):
-          machine.succeed("nix-store -qR /run/current-system | grep nixos-")
-      with subtest("Test sysctl"):
-          machine.wait_for_unit("systemd-sysctl.service")
-          assert "1" == machine.succeed("sysctl -ne vm.swappiness").strip()
-          machine.execute("sysctl vm.swappiness=60")
-          assert "60" == machine.succeed("sysctl -ne vm.swappiness").strip()
-      with subtest("Test boot parameters"):
-          assert "vsyscall=emulate" in machine.succeed("cat /proc/cmdline")
-    '';
+    testScript =
+      ''
+        import json
+        def get_path_info(path):
+            result = machine.succeed(f"nix --option experimental-features nix-command path-info --json {path}")
+            parsed = json.loads(result)
+            return parsed
+        with subtest("nix-db"):
+            info = get_path_info("${foo}")
+            print(info)
+            if (
+                info[0]["narHash"]
+                != "sha256-BdMdnb/0eWy3EddjE83rdgzWWpQjfWPAj3zDIFMD3Ck="
+            ):
+                raise Exception("narHash not set")
+            if info[0]["narSize"] != 128:
+                raise Exception("narSize not set")
+        with subtest("nixos-version"):
+            machine.succeed("[ `nixos-version | wc -w` = 2 ]")
+        with subtest("nixos-rebuild"):
+            assert "NixOS module" in machine.succeed("nixos-rebuild --help")
+        with subtest("Sanity check for uid/gid assignment"):
+            assert "4" == machine.succeed("id -u messagebus").strip()
+            assert "4" == machine.succeed("id -g messagebus").strip()
+            assert "users:x:100:" == machine.succeed("getent group users").strip()
+        with subtest("Regression test for GMP aborts on QEMU."):
+            machine.succeed("expr 1 + 2")
+        with subtest("the swap file got created"):
+            machine.wait_for_unit("root-swapfile.swap")
+            machine.succeed("ls -l /root/swapfile | grep 134217728")
+        with subtest("whether kernel.poweroff_cmd is set"):
+            machine.succeed('[ -x "$(cat /proc/sys/kernel/poweroff_cmd)" ]')
+        with subtest("whether the io cgroupv2 controller is properly enabled"):
+            machine.succeed("grep -q '\\bio\\b' /sys/fs/cgroup/cgroup.controllers")
+        with subtest("whether we have a reboot record in wtmp"):
+            machine.shutdown
+            machine.wait_for_unit("multi-user.target")
+            machine.succeed("last | grep reboot >&2")
+        with subtest("whether we can override environment variables"):
+            machine.succeed('[ "$EDITOR" = emacs ]')
+        with subtest("whether hostname (and by extension nss_myhostname) works"):
+            assert "machine" == machine.succeed("hostname").strip()
+            assert "machine" == machine.succeed("hostname -s").strip()
+        with subtest("whether systemd-udevd automatically loads modules for our hardware"):
+            machine.succeed("systemctl start systemd-udev-settle.service")
+            machine.wait_for_unit("systemd-udev-settle.service")
+            assert "mousedev" in machine.succeed("lsmod")
+        with subtest("whether systemd-tmpfiles-clean works"):
+            machine.succeed(
+                "touch /tmp/foo", "systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-clean", "[ -e /tmp/foo ]"
+            )
+            # move into the future
+            machine.succeed(
+                'date -s "@$(($(date +%s) + 1000000))"',
+                "systemctl start systemd-tmpfiles-clean",
+            )
+            machine.fail("[ -e /tmp/foo ]")
+        with subtest("whether systemd-tmpfiles settings works"):
+            machine.succeed("[ -e /tmp/somefile ]")
+        with subtest("whether automounting works"):
+            machine.fail("grep '/tmp2 tmpfs' /proc/mounts")
+            machine.succeed("touch /tmp2/x")
+            machine.succeed("grep '/tmp2 tmpfs' /proc/mounts")
+        with subtest(
+            "Whether mounting by a user is possible with the `user` option in fstab (#95444)"
+        ):
+            machine.succeed("mkdir -p /user-mount/source")
+            machine.succeed("touch /user-mount/source/file")
+            machine.succeed("chmod -R a+Xr /user-mount/source")
+            machine.succeed("mkdir /user-mount/point")
+            machine.succeed("chown alice:users /user-mount/point")
+            machine.succeed("su - alice -c 'mount /user-mount/point'")
+            machine.succeed("su - alice -c 'ls /user-mount/point/file'")
+        with subtest(
+            "Whether mounting by a user is denied without the `user` option in  fstab"
+        ):
+            machine.succeed("mkdir -p /user-mount/denied-source")
+            machine.succeed("touch /user-mount/denied-source/file")
+            machine.succeed("chmod -R a+Xr /user-mount/denied-source")
+            machine.succeed("mkdir /user-mount/denied-point")
+            machine.succeed("chown alice:users /user-mount/denied-point")
+            machine.fail("su - alice -c 'mount /user-mount/denied-point'")
+        with subtest("shell-vars"):
+            machine.succeed('[ -n "$NIX_PATH" ]')
+        with subtest("nix-db"):
+            machine.succeed("nix-store -qR /run/current-system | grep nixos-")
+        with subtest("Test sysctl"):
+            machine.wait_for_unit("systemd-sysctl.service")
+            assert "1" == machine.succeed("sysctl -ne vm.swappiness").strip()
+            machine.execute("sysctl vm.swappiness=60")
+            assert "60" == machine.succeed("sysctl -ne vm.swappiness").strip()
+        with subtest("Test boot parameters"):
+            assert "vsyscall=emulate" in machine.succeed("cat /proc/cmdline")
+      '';
+  });
+  in
+  tests