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authorProfpatsch <mail@profpatsch.de>2024-07-21 22:22:24 +0200
committerProfpatsch <mail@profpatsch.de>2024-07-21 22:22:24 +0200
commit26d77df2bf8600c7cf6ecba4125e1b6b1916a9ba (patch)
parent267638857e9b28af86cd2c59b5b754abf750deb3 (diff)
pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open: delete all dhall stuff
13 files changed, 308 insertions, 891 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/default.nix b/pkgs/profpatsch/default.nix
index 3aacd051..10864b39 100644
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/default.nix
@@ -3,6 +3,12 @@
   inherit (pkgs) callPackage;
+  pkgsWithNewHaskell = import (import ../../nixpkgs-path.nix) {
+    config = {
+      packageOverrides = import ./haskell-overlay.nix;
+    };
+  };
   # Takes a derivation and a list of binary names
   # and returns an attribute set of `name -> path`.
   # The list can also contain renames in the form of
@@ -239,35 +245,21 @@ in rec {
-  # dhall-flycheck = (import /home/philip/kot/dhall/flycheck/overlay.nix pkgs pkgs).dhall-flycheck;
-  # FIXME: removed 2021-06-13 since it doesn't evaluate with the unstable channel anymore
-  # dhall-flycheck =
-  #   (import "${pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
-  #     owner = "Profpatsch";
-  #     repo = "dhall-flycheck";
-  #     rev = "2ace6b38cec356d8821b3390b670d301d54623b";
-  #     sha256 = "0d6qjr245jmx1lvqdplvrshlkpfaqa46aizyhyb6hg37v8jq8rv7";
-  #   }}/overlay.nix" pkgs pkgs).dhall-flycheck;
-  buildDhallPackage = pkgs.callPackage ./dhall/build-dhall-package-improved.nix { };
-  inherit (import ./importDhall.nix { inherit pkgs exactSource; })
-    importDhall
-    importDhall2
-    readDhallFileAsJson
+  inherit (import ./importPurescript.nix { inherit exactSource; pkgs = pkgsWithNewHaskell; })
+    importPurescript
   rust-deps = (import ./rust-deps.nix { inherit (pkgs) buildRustCrate; });
-  inherit (import ./xdg-open { inherit pkgs tvl getBins importDhall2 writeExecline buildDhallPackage runExeclineLocal netencode-rs writeRustSimple record-get el-exec lazy-packages; })
+  inherit (import ./xdg-open { inherit pkgs tvl getBins importPurescript writeExecline runExeclineLocal netencode-rs writeRustSimple record-get el-exec lazy-packages show-qr-code; })
-    Prelude
+    xdg-open-module
+    nix
   text-letter = import ./text-letter.nix { inherit pkgs rust-deps writeRustSimple writeExecline getBins; };
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/dhall/build-dhall-package-improved.nix b/pkgs/profpatsch/dhall/build-dhall-package-improved.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 861d8aa0..00000000
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/dhall/build-dhall-package-improved.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-# simplified version of build-dhall-package.nix in nixpkgs
-# In particular, this keeps the full dhall cache instead of
-# just the outermost cache of the fully evaluated package.
-# That makes it possible to e.g. just import one function from
-# the dhall prelude instead of the whole Prelude, which speeds up
-# evaluation considerably (since dhall evaluation is not lazy).
-{ haskell, dhall, lib, lndir, runCommand, writeText }:
-{ name
-  # Expressions to add to the cache before interpreting the code
-, dependencies ? []
-  # A Dhall expression
-  #
-  # Carefully note that the following expression must be devoid of uncached HTTP
-  # imports.  This is because the expression will be evaluated using an
-  # interpreter with HTTP support disabled, so all HTTP imports have to be
-  # protected by an integrity check that can be satisfied via cached
-  # dependencies.
-  #
-  # You can add a dependency to the cache using the preceding `dependencies`
-  # option
-, code
-  # `buildDhallPackage` can include both a "source distribution" in
-  # `source.dhall` and a "binary distribution" in `binary.dhall`:
-  #
-  # * `source.dhall` is a dependency-free αβ-normalized Dhall expression
-  #
-  # * `binary.dhall` is an expression of the form: `missing sha256:${HASH}`
-  #
-  #   This expression requires you to install the cache product located at
-  #   `.cache/dhall/1220${HASH}` to successfully resolve
-  #
-  # By default, `buildDhallPackage` only includes "binary.dhall" to conserve
-  # space within the Nix store, but if you set the following `source` option to
-  # `true` then the package will also include `source.dhall`.
-, source ? false
-  file = writeText "${name}.dhall" code;
-  cache = ".cache";
-  cacheDhall = "${cache}/dhall";
-  runCommand name { inherit dependencies; } ''
-    set -eu
-    mkdir -p $out/${cacheDhall}
-    for dependency in $dependencies; do
-      ${lndir}/bin/lndir -silent $dependency/${cacheDhall} $out/${cacheDhall}
-    done
-    export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$out/${cache}
-    ${dhall}/bin/dhall --alpha --file '${file}' > alpha.dhall
-    SHA_HASH=$(${dhall}/bin/dhall hash --file alpha.dhall)
-    HASH_FILE="''${SHA_HASH/sha256:/1220}"
-    ${dhall}/bin/dhall encode --file alpha.dhall > $out/${cacheDhall}/$HASH_FILE
-  ''
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/importDhall.nix b/pkgs/profpatsch/importDhall.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 88e785ad..00000000
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/importDhall.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-{ pkgs, exactSource }:
-  # import the dhall file as nix expression via dhall-nix.
-  # Converts the normalized dhall expression to a nix file,
-  # puts it in the store and imports it.
-  # Types are erased, functions are converted to nix functions,
-  # unions values are nix functions that take a record of match
-  # functions for their alternatives.
-  importDhall = dhallType: file: importDhall2 {
-    name = "dhall-to-nix";
-    root = builtins.dirOf file;
-    files = [];
-    main = builtins.baseNameOf file;
-    type = dhallType;
-    deps = [];
-  };
-  # TODO: document
-  importDhall2 = { name, root, files, main, deps, type ? null }:
-    let
-      src =
-        exactSource
-          root
-          # exactSource wants nix paths, but I think relative paths
-          # as strings are more intuitive.
-          (let abs = path: toString root + "/" + path;
-           in ([ (abs main) ] ++ (map abs files)));
-      cache = ".cache";
-      cacheDhall = "${cache}/dhall";
-      convert = pkgs.runCommandLocal "${name}-dhall-to-nix" { inherit deps; } ''
-        mkdir -p ${cacheDhall}
-        for dep in $deps; do
-          ${pkgs.xorg.lndir}/bin/lndir -silent $dep/${cacheDhall} ${cacheDhall}
-        done
-        export XDG_CACHE_HOME=$(pwd)/${cache}
-        # go into the source directory, so that the type can import files.
-        # TODO: This is a bit of a hack hrm.
-        cd "${src}"
-        ${if type != null then ''
-            printf '%s' ${pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg "${src}/${main} : ${type}"} \
-              | ${pkgs.dhall-nix}/bin/dhall-to-nix \
-              > $out
-          '' else ''
-            printf '%s' ${pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg "${src}/${main}"} \
-              | ${pkgs.dhall-nix}/bin/dhall-to-nix \
-              > $out
-          ''}
-      '';
-    in import convert;
-  # read dhall file in as JSON, then import as nix expression.
-  # The dhall file must not try to import from non-local URLs!
-  readDhallFileAsJson = dhallType: file:
-    let
-      convert = pkgs.runCommandLocal "dhall-to-json" {} ''
-        printf '%s' ${pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg "${file} : ${dhallType}"} \
-          | ${pkgs.dhall-json}/bin/dhall-to-json \
-          > $out
-      '';
-    in builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile convert);
-in {
-  inherit
-    importDhall
-    importDhall2
-    readDhallFileAsJson
-    ;
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/config.dhall b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/config.dhall
deleted file mode 100644
index 48343620..00000000
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/config.dhall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
-let types = ./types.dhall
-let Executable = types.Executable
-let Special = types.Special
-let Command = types.Command
-let Arg = types.Arg
-let Mime = types.Mime
-let UriMimeGlob = types.UriMimeGlob
-let MimeMatch = types.MimeMatch
-in  λ(pkgs : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) →
-    λ(pkgsOnDemand : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) →
-    λ(special : Special) →
-      let mime =
-            let pkgSame =
-                  λ(packageAndBinaryName : Text) →
-                    pkgs
-                      { package = packageAndBinaryName
-                      , binary = packageAndBinaryName
-                      }
-            let pkgSameOnDemand =
-                  λ(packageAndBinaryName : Text) →
-                    pkgsOnDemand
-                      { package = packageAndBinaryName
-                      , binary = packageAndBinaryName
-                      }
-            let wrapCommand =
-                  λ(wrapper : Command) →
-                  λ(cmd : Command) →
-                    { exe = wrapper.exe
-                    , args =
-                        λ(template : Arg) →
-                            wrapper.args template
-                          # [ Arg.string cmd.exe ]
-                          # cmd.args template
-                    }
-            let
-                -- An executable that takes as its one argument the file to run
-                oneArg =
-                  λ(exe : Executable) → { exe, args = λ(file : Arg) → [ file ] }
-            in  { text =
-                  { html =
-                    { mime = [ "text", "html" ], cmd = special.open-in-browser }
-                  , gemini =
-                    { mime = [ "text", "gemini" ]
-                    , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "lagrange")
-                    }
-                  , gopher =
-                    { mime = [ "text", "gopher" ]
-                    , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "lagrange")
-                    }
-                  , xml =
-                    { mime = [ "text", "xml" ], cmd = special.open-in-browser }
-                  , csv =
-                    { mime = [ "text", "csv" ]
-                    , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
-                    }
-                  , any =
-                    { mime = [ "text", "any" ], cmd = special.open-in-editor }
-                  }
-                , mail-address =
-                  { mime = [ "special", "mailaddress" ]
-                  , cmd = special.compose-mail-to
-                  }
-                , torrent =
-                  { mime = [ "application", "x-bittorrent" ]
-                  , cmd = special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the torrent"
-                  }
-                , irc =
-                  { mime = [ "x-scheme-handler", "irc" ]
-                  , cmd = special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the irc link"
-                  }
-                , file =
-                  { mime = [ "x-scheme-handler", "file" ]
-                  , cmd =
-                      special.notify
-                        "No xdg-open handler for the x-scheme-handler/file"
-                  }
-                , image =
-                  { gif =
-                    { mime = [ "image", "gif" ], cmd = special.open-in-browser }
-                  , svg =
-                    { mime = [ "image", "svg+xml" ]
-                    , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "inkscape")
-                    }
-                  , any =
-                    { mime = [ "image", "*" ], cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "imv") }
-                  }
-                , pdf =
-                  { mime = [ "application", "pdf" ]
-                  , cmd = oneArg (pkgSame "zathura")
-                  }
-                , pgp-key =
-                  { mime = [ "application", "pgp-keys" ]
-                  , cmd =
-                    { exe = pkgs { package = "gnupg", binary = "gpg" }
-                    , args =
-                        λ(file : Arg) →
-                          [ Arg.string "--import"
-                          , Arg.string "--import-options"
-                          , Arg.string "show-only"
-                          , file
-                          ]
-                    }
-                  }
-                , directory =
-                  { mime = [ "inode", "directory" ]
-                  , cmd =
-                      special.exec-in-terminal-emulator
-                        (oneArg (pkgSame "ranger"))
-                  }
-                , opendocument-any =
-                  { mime = [ "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*" ]
-                  , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
-                  }
-                , openxmlformats-any =
-                  { mime = [ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.*" ]
-                  , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
-                  }
-                , msword =
-                  { mime = [ "application/msword" ]
-                  , cmd = oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
-                  }
-                , any =
-                  { mime = [ "*" ], cmd = special.dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec }
-                }
-      let orderedMimeMatchers =
-            [ mime.text.html
-            , mime.text.gemini
-            , mime.text.gopher
-            , mime.text.xml
-            , mime.text.csv
-            , mime.text.any
-            , mime.mail-address
-            , mime.torrent
-            , mime.irc
-            , mime.file
-            , mime.image.gif
-            , mime.image.svg
-            , mime.image.any
-            , mime.pdf
-            , mime.opendocument-any
-            , mime.openxmlformats-any
-            , mime.pgp-key
-            , mime.directory
-            , mime.any
-            ]
-      let uriMimeGlobs
-          : List UriMimeGlob
-          = [ { desc = "http link"
-              , glob = [ "http://*", "https://*" ]
-              , schema-prefix = [ "http", "https" ]
-              , handler = mime.text.html
-              }
-            , { desc = "gemini link"
-              , glob = [ "gemini://*" ]
-              , schema-prefix = [ "gemini" ]
-              , handler = mime.text.gemini
-              }
-            , { desc = "gemini link"
-              , glob = [ "gopher://*", "gophers://*" ]
-              , schema-prefix = [ "gopher", "gophers" ]
-              , handler = mime.text.gopher
-              }
-            , { glob = [ "mailto:*" ]
-              , desc = "mail address"
-              , schema-prefix = [ "mailto" ]
-              , handler = mime.mail-address
-              }
-            , { glob = [ "magnet:*" ]
-              , desc = "bittorrent magnet link"
-              , schema-prefix = [ "magnet" ]
-              , handler = mime.torrent
-              }
-            , { desc = "irc channel"
-              , glob = [ "irc:*", "ircs:*" ]
-              , schema-prefix = [ "irc", "ircs" ]
-              , handler = mime.irc
-              }
-            ]
-      in  { uriMimeGlobs
-          , UriMimeGlob
-          , orderedMimeMatchers
-          , Executable
-          , Command
-          , MimeMatch
-          , Special
-          , Mime
-          , Arg
-          }
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/default.nix b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/default.nix
index a79f1d40..72f2622f 100644
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/default.nix
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/default.nix
@@ -1,8 +1,6 @@
 { pkgs, getBins, tvl,
@@ -42,11 +40,11 @@ let
-  get-mime-type = writeExecline "get-mime-type" { readNArgs = 1; } [
+  getMimeType = writeExecline "get-mime-type" { readNArgs = 1; } [
     bins.file "-E" "--brief" "--mime-type" "$1"
-  compose-mail-to = {
+  composeMailTo = {
     exe = writeExecline "emacs-mail" { readNArgs = 1; } [
@@ -69,17 +67,17 @@ let
   #   args = file: [ file ];
   # };
-  open-in-browser = {
+  openInBrowser = {
     exe = bins.firefox;
     args = file: [ file ];
-  open-in-editor = {
+  openInEditor = {
     exe = bins.emacsclient;
     args = file: [ file ];
-  dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec = {
+  dmenuListBinariesAndExec = {
     exe = writeExecline "dmenu-query" { readNArgs = 1; } [
       "backtick" "-in" "cmd" [
         "pipeline" [ bins.dmenu_path ] bins.dmenu
@@ -90,7 +88,7 @@ let
     args = file: [ file ];
-  exec-in-terminal-emulator = {exe, args}: {
+  execInTerminalEmulator = {exe, args}: {
     exe = tvl.users.Profpatsch.alacritty;
     args = file: [
       ({variable, string}: string "--execute")
@@ -98,11 +96,11 @@ let
     ] ++ args file;
-  fetch-command-on-demand = cmd: lazy-packages.mkWrapper {
+  fetchCommandOnDemand = cmd: lazy-packages.mkWrapper {
     package = cmd;
-  fetch-http-url-mime = {
+  fetchHttpUrlMime = {
     exe = writeExecline "fetch-http-url-mime" { readNArgs = 1; } [
       "pipeline" [ read-headers-and-follow-redirect "$1" ]
       record-get [ "content-type" ]
@@ -111,63 +109,44 @@ let
     args = file: [ file ];
-  Prelude =
-    let src = (import ./imports.nix { inherit pkgs; }).Prelude;
-    # TODO: bs, make dhall version overridable
-    in buildDhallPackage {
-      name = "Prelude";
-      code = "${src.repo}/${src.mainFile}";
-    };
-  xdg-open-config = importDhall2 {
-      name = "xdg-open-config";
-      root = ./.;
-      main = "config.dhall";
-      files = [
-        "types.dhall"
-        "imports/Prelude/Text/concatSep"
-        "imports/Prelude/Text/concatMap"
-        "imports/Prelude/Text/concat"
-        "imports/Prelude/List/map"
-        "imports/Prelude/List/concatMap"
-      ];
-      deps = [ Prelude ];
-    }
-    ({binary, package}: "${lib.getBin pkgs.${package}}/bin/${binary}")
-    ({binary, package}: "${lazy-packages.mkWrapper {
-      package = (lib.getBin pkgs.${package});
-    }}/bin/${binary}")
-    {
-      inherit
-        compose-mail-to
-        open-in-browser
-        fetch-http-url-mime
-        fetch-command-on-demand
-        open-in-editor
-        dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec
-        exec-in-terminal-emulator
-        notify
-        # add-to-calendar
-        ;
-    };
+  xdg-open-module = (importPurescript {
+    name = "xdg-open-module";
+    root = ./purs;
-  xdg-open-module = importPurescript {
-      name = "xdg-open-module";
-      root = ./purs;
+    mainModule = "Main";
+    files = [
+      "Main.purs"
+      "XdgOpen.purs"
+      "XdgOpen.nix"
+      "Config.purs"
+    ];
+  });
-      mainModule = "XdgOpen";
-      files = [
-        "XdgOpen.purs"
-        "XdgOpen.nix"
-      ];
+  xdg-open = xdg-open-module.main
+    {
+      writeDash = pkgs.writers.writeDash;
+      escapeShellArg = pkgs.lib.escapeShellArg;
+      pkgs = {
+        pkg = ({binary, package}: "${lib.getBin pkgs.${package}}/bin/${binary}");
+        pkgOnDemand = ({binary, package}: "${lazy-packages.mkWrapper {
+          package = (lib.getBin pkgs.${package});
+        }}/bin/${binary}");
+      };
+      special = {
+          inherit
+          composeMailTo
+          openInBrowser
+          fetchHttpUrlMime
+          fetchCommandOnDemand
+          openInEditor
+          dmenuListBinariesAndExec
+          execInTerminalEmulator
+          notify
+          # add-to-calendar
+          ;
+      };
-  xdg-open = xdg-open-module.main {
-    writeDash = pkgs.writers.writeDash;
-    uriMimeGlobs = xdg-open-config.uriMimeGlobs;
-    orderedMimeMatchers = xdg-open-config.orderedMimeMatchers;
-  };
   httparse = pkgs.buildRustCrate {
     pname = "httparse";
     version = "1.3.4";
@@ -302,8 +281,6 @@ in {
-    xdg-open-config
-    Prelude
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/Config.purs b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/Config.purs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eb0f94b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/Config.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+module Config where
+import XdgOpen
+type Special cmd =
+  { openInEditor :: cmd
+  , openInBrowser :: cmd
+  , fetchHttpUrlMime :: cmd
+  , composeMailTo :: cmd
+  , execInTerminalEmulator :: cmd -> cmd
+  , dmenuListBinariesAndExec :: cmd
+  , notify :: String → cmd
+  }
+type DrvBinary = { package :: String, binary :: String }
+type Pkgs = { pkg :: DrvBinary -> Executable, pkgOnDemand :: DrvBinary -> Executable }
+wrapCommand :: Command -> Command -> Command
+wrapCommand wrapper cmd =
+  { exe: wrapper.exe
+  , args: \(template :: Arg) ->
+      wrapper.args
+        template ++ [ ArgString cmd.exe ] ++ cmd.args template
+  }
+oneArg :: Executable -> Command
+oneArg exe = { exe, args: \(file :: Arg) -> [ file ] }
+mime :: Pkgs -> Special Command -> Config
+mime pkgs special = do
+  let
+    pkgSame :: String -> Executable
+    pkgSame name = pkgs.pkg { package: name, binary: name }
+    pkgSameOnDemand :: String -> Executable
+    pkgSameOnDemand name = pkgs.pkgOnDemand { package: name, binary: name }
+  let
+    m =
+      { text:
+          { html: { mime: [ "text", "html" ], cmd: special.openInBrowser }
+          , gemini:
+              { mime: [ "text", "gemini" ]
+              , cmd: oneArg (pkgSame "lagrange")
+              }
+          , gopher:
+              { mime: [ "text", "gopher" ]
+              , cmd: oneArg (pkgSame "lagrange")
+              }
+          , xml:
+              { mime: [ "text", "xml" ], cmd: special.openInBrowser }
+          , csv:
+              { mime: [ "text", "csv" ]
+              , cmd: oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
+              }
+          , any:
+              { mime: [ "text", "any" ], cmd: special.openInEditor }
+          }
+      , mailAddress:
+          { mime: [ "special", "mailaddress" ]
+          , cmd: special.composeMailTo
+          }
+      , torrent:
+          { mime: [ "application", "x-bittorrent" ]
+          , cmd: special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the torrent"
+          }
+      , irc:
+          { mime: [ "x-scheme-handler", "irc" ]
+          , cmd: special.notify "No xdg-open handler for the irc link"
+          }
+      , file:
+          { mime: [ "x-scheme-handler", "file" ]
+          , cmd:
+              special.notify
+                "No xdg-open handler for the x-scheme-handler/file"
+          }
+      , image:
+          { gif:
+              { mime: [ "image", "gif" ], cmd: special.openInBrowser }
+          , svg:
+              { mime: [ "image", "svg+xml" ]
+              , cmd: oneArg (pkgSame "inkscape")
+              }
+          , any:
+              { mime: [ "image", "*" ], cmd: oneArg (pkgSame "imv") }
+          }
+      , pdf:
+          { mime: [ "application", "pdf" ]
+          , cmd: oneArg (pkgSame "zathura")
+          }
+      , pgpKey:
+          { mime: [ "application", "pgp-keys" ]
+          , cmd:
+              { exe: pkgs.pkg { package: "gnupg", binary: "gpg" }
+              , args:
+                  \(file :: Arg) ->
+                    [ ArgString "--import"
+                    , ArgString "--import-options"
+                    , ArgString "show-only"
+                    , file
+                    ]
+              }
+          }
+      , directory:
+          { mime: [ "inode", "directory" ]
+          , cmd:
+              special.execInTerminalEmulator
+                (oneArg (pkgSame "ranger"))
+          }
+      , opendocumentAny:
+          { mime: [ "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.*" ]
+          , cmd: oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
+          }
+      , openxmlformatsAny:
+          { mime: [ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.*" ]
+          , cmd: oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
+          }
+      , msword:
+          { mime: [ "application/msword" ]
+          , cmd: oneArg (pkgSameOnDemand "libreoffice")
+          }
+      , any:
+          { mime: [ "*" ], cmd: special.dmenuListBinariesAndExec }
+      }
+  { orderedMimeMatchers:
+      [ m.text.html
+      , m.text.gemini
+      , m.text.gopher
+      , m.text.xml
+      , m.text.csv
+      , m.text.any
+      , m.mailAddress
+      , m.torrent
+      , m.irc
+      , m.file
+      , m.image.gif
+      , m.image.svg
+      , m.image.any
+      , m.pdf
+      , m.opendocumentAny
+      , m.openxmlformatsAny
+      , m.pgpKey
+      , m.directory
+      , m.any
+      ]
+  , uriMimeGlobs:
+      [ { desc: "http link"
+        , glob: [ "http://*", "https://*" ]
+        , schemaPrefix: [ "http", "https" ]
+        , handler: m.text.html
+        }
+      , { desc: "gemini link"
+        , glob: [ "gemini://*" ]
+        , schemaPrefix: [ "gemini" ]
+        , handler: m.text.gemini
+        }
+      , { desc: "gemini link"
+        , glob: [ "gopher://*", "gophers://*" ]
+        , schemaPrefix: [ "gopher", "gophers" ]
+        , handler: m.text.gopher
+        }
+      , { glob: [ "mailto:*" ]
+        , desc: "mail address"
+        , schemaPrefix: [ "mailto" ]
+        , handler: m.mailAddress
+        }
+      , { glob: [ "magnet:*" ]
+        , desc: "bittorrent magnet link"
+        , schemaPrefix: [ "magnet" ]
+        , handler: m.torrent
+        }
+      , { desc: "irc channel"
+        , glob: [ "irc:*", "ircs:*" ]
+        , schemaPrefix: [ "irc", "ircs" ]
+        , handler: m.irc
+        }
+      ] :: Array UriMimeGlob
+  }
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/Main.purs b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/Main.purs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..479e6715
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/Main.purs
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+module Main where
+import Config
+import XdgOpen (Arg(..), Command, CommandTemplate, lib, xdgOpen)
+type ArgR r = { string :: String -> r, variable :: String -> r } -> r
+type Command2 = CommandTemplate (ArgR Arg)
+type Opts =
+  { writeDash :: String -> String -> String
+  , escapeShellArg :: String -> String
+  , pkgs :: Pkgs
+  , special :: Special Command2
+  }
+main :: Opts -> String
+main opts =
+  xdgOpen opts.writeDash opts.escapeShellArg (mime opts.pkgs (special2ToSpecial opts.special))
+command2ToCommand :: Command2 -> Command
+command2ToCommand cmd2 =
+  { exe: cmd2.exe
+  , args:
+      let
+        conv = convArg
+      in
+        \arg -> lib.map conv.arg2ToArg (cmd2.args (conv.argToArg2 arg))
+  }
+commandToCommand2 :: Command -> Command2
+commandToCommand2 cmd =
+  { exe: cmd.exe
+  , args:
+      let
+        conv = convArg
+      in
+        \arg2 -> lib.map conv.argToArg2 (cmd.args (conv.arg2ToArg arg2))
+  }
+convArg :: { arg2ToArg :: ArgR Arg -> Arg, argToArg2 :: Arg -> ArgR Arg }
+convArg =
+  { arg2ToArg: \arg2 ->
+      arg2
+        { string: \t -> ArgString t
+        , variable: \t -> ArgVariable t
+        }
+  , argToArg2: \arg -> case arg of
+      ArgString t -> \{ string } -> string t
+      ArgVariable t -> \{ variable } -> variable t
+  }
+special2ToSpecial :: Special Command2 -> Special Command
+special2ToSpecial special =
+  { openInEditor: command2ToCommand special.openInEditor
+  , openInBrowser: command2ToCommand special.openInBrowser
+  , fetchHttpUrlMime: command2ToCommand special.fetchHttpUrlMime
+  , composeMailTo: command2ToCommand special.composeMailTo
+  , execInTerminalEmulator: \cmd -> command2ToCommand (special.execInTerminalEmulator (commandToCommand2 cmd))
+  , dmenuListBinariesAndExec: command2ToCommand special.dmenuListBinariesAndExec
+  , notify: \str -> command2ToCommand (special.notify str)
+  }
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.js b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.js
index 4edf476b..0d16507d 100644
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.js
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.js
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-export function nixpkgs(){}
 export function lib(){}
 export function appendString(){}
 export function appendArray(){}
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.nix b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.nix
index 509bcdee..c9bc0326 100644
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.nix
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.nix
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
-rec {
   # TODO: use nixpkgs from packageset
   nixpkgs = import <nixpkgs> {};
+in {
   lib = nixpkgs.lib;
   appendString = s: s2: s + s2;
   appendArray = a: a2: a ++ a2;
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.purs b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.purs
index 986e4f33..c87830eb 100644
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.purs
+++ b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/purs/XdgOpen.purs
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module XdgOpen where
 data Drv
 type Executable = String
-foreign import nixpkgs :: { hello :: Drv }
 foreign import lib
   :: { map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> Array a -> Array b
      , concatMap :: forall a b. (a -> Array b) -> Array a -> Array b
@@ -40,10 +39,12 @@ prettyLines lines = lib.concatMapStrings (\line -> (lib.concatStrings [ repeatTe
 type Mime = Array String
-type Arg = forall r. { string :: String -> r, variable :: String -> r } -> r
+data Arg
+  = ArgString String
+  | ArgVariable String
 type CommandTemplate templates =
-  { exe :: Executable, args :: templates → Array Arg }
+  { exe :: Executable, args :: templates → Array templates }
 -- Given an executable and args to pass to the executable,
 -- which might be a bash variable or a simple command line string.
@@ -60,10 +61,11 @@ shellEscapeExecCommand :: (String -> String) -> String -> Command -> String
 shellEscapeExecCommand shellEscape file cmd =
   lib.concatStringsSep " "
     ( [ "exec", shellEscape cmd.exe ] ++ lib.map
-        ( \(arg :: Arg) ->
-            arg { string: \t -> shellEscape t, variable: \t -> t }
+        ( \(arg :: Arg) -> case arg of
+            ArgString t -> shellEscape t
+            ArgVariable t -> t
-        (cmd.args (\{ variable } -> variable file))
+        (cmd.args (ArgVariable file))
 mimeMatcherCase :: (String -> String) -> String -> MimeMatch -> Array String
@@ -92,16 +94,6 @@ mimeGlobCase shellEscape file g = lib.concatMap
--- type Special =
---   { openInEditor :: Command
---   , openInBrowser :: Command
---   , fetchHttpUrlMime :: Command
---   , composeMailTo :: Command
---   , execInTerminalEmulator :: Command -> Command
---   , dmenuListBinariesAndExec :: Command
---   , notify :: String → Command
---   }
 type Config =
   { uriMimeGlobs :: Array UriMimeGlob
   , orderedMimeMatchers :: Array MimeMatch
@@ -149,18 +141,3 @@ xdgOpen writeDash shellEscape config = writeDash "xdg-open"
-type Opts =
-  { uriMimeGlobs :: Array UriMimeGlob
-  , orderedMimeMatchers :: Array MimeMatch
-  , writeDash :: String -> String -> String
-  }
-  :: Opts
-  -> String
-main opts = xdgOpen opts.writeDash (\txt -> txt)
-  { uriMimeGlobs: opts.uriMimeGlobs
-  , orderedMimeMatchers:
-      opts.orderedMimeMatchers
-  }
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/types.dhall b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/types.dhall
deleted file mode 100644
index 27fd8141..00000000
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/types.dhall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-let Mime = List Text
-    -- TODO use library like with shell commands
-    Executable =
-      Text
-let Arg = < string : Text | variable : Text >
-let CommandTemplate =
-      λ(templates : Type) → { exe : Executable, args : templates → List Arg }
-    -- Given an executable and args to pass to the executable,
-    -- which might be a bash variable or a simple command line string.
-    -- Should remove that indirection at some point and just generate execline strings/scripts instead. (?)
-    Command =
-      CommandTemplate Arg
-let Special =
-      { open-in-editor : Command
-      , open-in-browser : Command
-      , fetch-http-url-mime : Command
-      , compose-mail-to : Command
-      , exec-in-terminal-emulator : ∀(args : Command) → Command
-      , dmenu-list-binaries-and-exec : Command
-      , notify : ∀(message : Text) → Command
-      }
-    -- describes the command `cmd` to run for the matched mime type `mime`
-    MimeMatch =
-      { mime : Mime, cmd : Command }
-let UriMimeGlob =
-      { desc : Text
-      , -- less specific than glob, used by firefox to refer to the schema
-        schema-prefix : List Text
-      , -- schema shell glob to check whether a link corresponds to the schema
-        glob : List Text
-      , handler : MimeMatch
-      }
-in  { Mime
-    , Executable
-    , Arg
-    , CommandTemplate
-    , Command
-    , Special
-    , UriMimeGlob
-    , MimeMatch
-    }
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/xdg-open.dhall b/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/xdg-open.dhall
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d412309..00000000
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xdg-open/xdg-open.dhall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-let Text/concatSep = ./imports/Prelude/Text/concatSep
-let Text/concatMap = ./imports/Prelude/Text/concatMap
-let List/concatMap = ./imports/Prelude/List/concatMap
-let List/map = ./imports/Prelude/List/map
-    -- TODO use library like with shell commands
-    Executable =
-      Text
-let types = ./types.dhall
-let renderMime = Text/concatSep "/"
-    -- Escape the given shell command, at least the String arguments of it.
-    -- Passes `$file` as variable argument.
-    -- The final shell command is executed into.
-    shellEscapeExecCommand =
-      λ(shellEscape : Text → Text) →
-      λ(file : Text) →
-      λ(cmd : types.Command) →
-          Text/concatSep
-            " "
-            (   [ "exec", shellEscape cmd.exe ]
-              # List/map
-                  types.Arg
-                  Text
-                  ( λ(arg : types.Arg) →
-                      merge
-                        { String = λ(t : Text) → shellEscape t
-                        , Variable = λ(t : Text) → t
-                        }
-                        arg
-                  )
-                  (cmd.args (types.Arg.Variable file))
-            )
-        : Text
-let repeatText =
-      λ(t : Text) →
-      λ(n : Natural) →
-        Natural/fold n Text (λ(t2 : Text) → t ++ t2) ""
-let Lines = { indent : Natural, lines : List Text }
-let prettyLines =
-      λ(lines : Lines) →
-        Text/concatMap
-          Text
-          (λ(line : Text) → repeatText " " lines.indent ++ line ++ "\n")
-          lines.lines
-let xdg-open =
-      let mimeMatcherCase =
-            λ(shellEscape2 : Text → Text) →
-            λ(file2 : Text) →
-            λ(m : types.MimeMatch) →
-              [ "${renderMime m.mime})"
-              , "${shellEscapeExecCommand shellEscape2 file2 m.cmd}"
-              , ";;"
-              ]
-      let mimeGlobCase =
-            λ(shellEscape2 : Text → Text) →
-            λ(file2 : Text) →
-            λ(g : types.UriMimeGlob) →
-                List/concatMap
-                  Text
-                  Text
-                  ( λ(match : Text) →
-                      [ "${match})"
-                      , shellEscapeExecCommand shellEscape2 file2 g.handler.cmd
-                      , ";;"
-                      ]
-                  )
-                  g.glob
-              : List Text
-      in  λ(bins : { get-mime-type : Executable }) →
-          λ(write-dash : Text → Text → Executable) →
-          λ(shellEscape : Text → Text) →
-          λ(pkgs : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) →
-          λ(pkgsOnDemand : { package : Text, binary : Text } → Executable) →
-          λ(special : types.Special) →
-            let config = ./config.dhall pkgs pkgsOnDemand special
-            in  write-dash
-                  "xdg-open"
-                  (     ''
-                        # partially taken from
-                        # https://github.com/march-linux/mimi/blob/master/xdg-open
-                        set -e
-                        file="$1"
-                        mime=
-                        # TODO: --dry-run to display what would be opened and why
-                        notify-send --expire-time=500 -- "xdg-open: $1"
-                        # match on protocols
-                        # if you want to match files reliably, start with file://
-                        case "$file" in
-                        ${prettyLines
-                            { indent = 2
-                            , lines =
-                                List/concatMap
-                                  types.UriMimeGlob
-                                  Text
-                                  (mimeGlobCase shellEscape "\"\$file\"")
-                                  config.uriMimeGlobs
-                            }}
-                          *)
-                            # it’s a file
-                            # strip possible protocol
-                            file=''
-                    ++  "\$"
-                    ++  ''
-                        {file#file://}
-                            mime=$(file -E --brief --mime-type "$file") \
-                            || (echo "$mime" 1>&2; exit 1)
-                            # ^ echo the error message of file
-                            ;;
-                        esac
-                        case "$mime" in
-                        ${prettyLines
-                            { indent = 2
-                            , lines =
-                                List/concatMap
-                                  types.MimeMatch
-                                  Text
-                                  (mimeMatcherCase shellEscape "\"\$file\"")
-                                  config.orderedMimeMatchers
-                            }}
-                        esac
-                        ''
-                  )
-in  xdg-open
diff --git a/pkgs/profpatsch/xmonad/DhallTypedInput.hs b/pkgs/profpatsch/xmonad/DhallTypedInput.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 18c32b22..00000000
--- a/pkgs/profpatsch/xmonad/DhallTypedInput.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-{-# language RecordWildCards, NamedFieldPuns, OverloadedStrings, ScopedTypeVariables, KindSignatures, DataKinds, ScopedTypeVariables, RankNTypes, GADTs, TypeApplications, AllowAmbiguousTypes, LambdaCase #-}
-{- Exports the `inputWithTypeArgs` function, which is able to read dhall files of the normalized form
-\(CustomType: Type) ->
-\(AnotherType: Type) ->
-and set their actual representation on the Haskell side:
-This has various advantages:
-- dhall files still type check & normalize with the normal dhall
-  tooling, they are standalone (and the types can be instantiated from
-  dhall as well without any workarounds)
-- It can be used like the default `input` function, no injection of
-  custom symbols in the Normalizer is reqired
-- Brings this style of dhall integration to Haskell, where it was only
-  feasible in nix before, because that is untyped
-The dhall types can be instantiated by every Haskell type that has an
-`Interpret` instance. The “name” of the type lambda variable is
-compared on the Haskell side with a type-level string that the user
-provides, to prevent mixups.
-- Improve error messages (!)
-- Provide a way to re-use the type mapping on the Haskell side, so
-  that the returned values are not just the normal `Interpret` types,
-  but the mapped ones (with name phantom type)
-module DhallTypedInput
-( inputWithTypeArgs, TypeArg(..), TypeArgError(..), TypeArgEx(..),  typeArg
-import Control.Monad.Trans.State.Strict as State
-import Data.List (foldl')
-import Control.Exception (Exception)
-import qualified Control.Exception
-import qualified Data.Text as Text
-import GHC.TypeLits (KnownSymbol, Symbol, symbolVal)
-import Data.Proxy (Proxy(Proxy))
-import Dhall (Type(..), InvalidType(..), InputSettings(..), EvaluateSettings(..), rootDirectory, startingContext, normalizer, standardVersion, sourceName, defaultEvaluateSettings, Interpret(..), auto)
-import Dhall.TypeCheck (X)
-import Dhall.Core
-import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
-import qualified Dhall.Import
-import qualified Dhall.Pretty
-import qualified Dhall.TypeCheck
-import qualified Dhall.Parser
-import Lens.Family (LensLike', set, view)
-import Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc (Pretty)
-import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc               as Pretty
-import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.Text   as Pretty
-import qualified Data.Text.Prettyprint.Doc.Render.String as Pretty
--- | Information about a type argument in the dhall input
--- If the dhall file starts with @\(CustomType : Type) ->@,
--- that translates to @TypeArg "CustomType" interpretionType@
--- where @"CustomType"@ is a type-level string describing the
--- name of the type in the dhall file (as a sanity check) and
--- @interpretationType@ is any type which implements
--- 'Dhall.Interpret'.
--- This is basically a specialized 'Data.Proxy'.
-data TypeArg (sym :: Symbol) t = TypeArg
--- | Existential wrapper of a 'TypeArg', allows to create a list
--- of heterogenous 'TypeArg's.
-data TypeArgEx
-  where TypeArgEx :: (KnownSymbol sym, Interpret t) => TypeArg sym t -> TypeArgEx
--- | Shortcut for creating a 'TypeArgEx'.
--- Use with @TypeApplications@:
--- @
--- typeArg @"CustomType" @Integer
--- @
-typeArg :: forall sym t. (KnownSymbol sym, Interpret t) => TypeArgEx
-typeArg = TypeArgEx (TypeArg :: TypeArg sym t)
--- | Possible errors returned when applying a 'TypeArg'
--- to a 'Dhall.Expr'.
-data TypeArgError
-  = WrongLabel Text.Text
-  -- ^ The name (label) of the type was different,
-  -- the text value is the expected label.
-  | NoLambda
-  -- ^ The 'Dhall.Expr' does not start with 'Dhall.Lam'.
--- | Apply a 'TypeArg' to a 'Dhall.Expr'.
--- Checks that the dhall file starts with the 'Dhall.Lam'
--- corresponding to 'TypeArg`, then applies @t@ (dhall type application)
--- and normalizes, effectively stripping the 'Dhall.Lam'.
-  :: forall sym t. (KnownSymbol sym, Interpret t)
-  => Expr Src X
-  -> TypeArg sym t
-  -> Either TypeArgError (Expr Src X)
-applyTypeArg expr ta@(TypeArg) = case expr of
-  (Lam label (Const Dhall.Core.Type) _)
-    -> let expectedLabel = getLabel ta
-        in if label /= getLabel ta
-           then Left (WrongLabel expectedLabel)
-           else let expr' = (normalize (App expr tExpect))
-                  in Right expr'
-    where
-        Dhall.Type _ tExpect = Dhall.auto :: Dhall.Type t
-  expr -> Left NoLambda
--- | Inflect the type-level string @sym@ to a text value.
-getLabel :: forall sym t. (KnownSymbol sym) => TypeArg sym t -> Text.Text
-getLabel _ = Text.pack $ symbolVal (Proxy :: (Proxy :: Symbol -> *) sym)
-instance (KnownSymbol sym) => Show (TypeArg sym t) where
-  show TypeArg =
-    "TypeArg "
-    ++ (symbolVal (Proxy :: (Proxy :: Symbol -> *) sym))
--- | Takes a list of 'TypeArg's and parses the given
--- dhall string, applying the given 'TypeArg's in order
--- to the opaque dhall type arguments (see 'TypeArg' for
--- how these should look).
--- This is a slightly changed 'Dhall.inputWith'.
--- Discussion: Any trace of our custom type is removed from
--- the resulting
-  :: InputSettings
-  -> [TypeArgEx]
-  -> Dhall.Type a
-  -> Text.Text
-  -> IO a
-inputWithTypeArgs settings typeArgs (Dhall.Type {extract, expected}) txt = do
-    expr <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText (view sourceName settings) txt)
-    -- TODO: evaluateSettings not exposed
-    -- let evSettings = view evaluateSettings settings
-    let evSettings :: EvaluateSettings = defaultEvaluateSettings
-    -- -vvv copied verbatim from 'Dhall.inputWith' vvv-
-    let transform =
-               set Dhall.Import.standardVersion
-               (view standardVersion evSettings)
-            .  set Dhall.Import.normalizer
-               (view normalizer evSettings)
-            .  set Dhall.Import.startingContext
-               (view startingContext evSettings)
-    let status = transform (Dhall.Import.emptyStatus
-                            (view rootDirectory settings))
-    expr' <- State.evalStateT (Dhall.Import.loadWith expr) status
-    -- -^^^ copied verbatim ^^^-
-    let
-      -- | if there’s a note, run the transformation and rewrap with the note
-      skipNote e f = case e of
-          Note n e -> Note n $ f e
-          e -> f e
-    let
-      -- | strip one 'TypeArg'
-      stripTypeArg :: Expr Src X -> TypeArgEx -> Expr Src X
-      stripTypeArg e (TypeArgEx ta) = skipNote e $ \e' -> case e' of
-          (Lam label _ _) ->
-            case applyTypeArg e' ta of
-              Right e'' -> e''
-              -- TODO obvously improve error messages
-              Left (WrongLabel l) ->
-                error $ "Wrong label, should have been `" ++ Text.unpack l ++ "` but was `" ++ Text.unpack label ++ "`"
-              Left NoLambda -> error $ "I expected a lambda of the form λ(" ++ Text.unpack label ++ ": Type) → but got: " ++ show e
-          e' -> error $ show e'
-    -- strip all 'TypeArg's
-    let expr'' = foldl' stripTypeArg expr' typeArgs
-    -- -vvv copied verbatim as well (expr' -> expr'') vvv-
-    let suffix = prettyToStrictText expected
-    let annot = case expr'' of
-            Note (Src begin end bytes) _ ->
-                Note (Src begin end bytes') (Annot expr'' expected)
-              where
-                bytes' = bytes <> " : " <> suffix
-            _ ->
-                Annot expr'' expected
-    _ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWith (view startingContext settings) annot)
-    case extract (Dhall.Core.normalizeWith (Dhall.Core.getReifiedNormalizer (view normalizer settings)) expr'') of
-        Just x  -> return x
-        Nothing -> Control.Exception.throwIO InvalidType
--- copied from Dhall.Pretty.Internal
-prettyToStrictText :: Pretty a => a -> Text.Text
-prettyToStrictText = docToStrictText . Pretty.pretty
--- copied from Dhall.Pretty.Internal
-docToStrictText :: Pretty.Doc ann -> Text.Text
-docToStrictText = Pretty.renderStrict . Pretty.layoutPretty options
-  where
-   options = Pretty.LayoutOptions { Pretty.layoutPageWidth = Pretty.Unbounded }
--- copied from somewhere in Dhall
-throws :: Exception e => Either e a -> IO a
-throws (Left  e) = Control.Exception.throwIO e
-throws (Right r) = return r
--- TODO: add errors like these
--- data WrongTypeLabel = WrongTypeLabel deriving (Typeable)
--- _ERROR :: String
--- _ERROR = "\ESC[1;31mError\ESC[0m"
--- instance Show WrongTypeLabel where
---     show WrongTypeLabel =
---         _ERROR <> ": Mislabelled type lambda
---         \                                                                                \n\
---         \Expected your t provide an extract function that succeeds if an expression      \n\
---         \matches the expected type.  You provided a Type that disobeys this contract     \n"