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authoraszlig <aszlig@nix.build>2018-02-03 12:26:53 +0100
committeraszlig <aszlig@nix.build>2018-02-04 03:40:33 +0100
commitdc827486365b3e2d47c32ea5b11f7f539fd621b0 (patch)
parentaf9b0f092b75279b098baea1361acc3915efbfda (diff)
games/opus-magnum: Update to latest version
Upstream changelog summarized:

 * Switch to DirectSound on Windows.
 * Remove iron-on patch link.
 * The Hexstabilized Salt puzzle now requires 18 outputs instead of 6.
 * Add a new journal issue that is entirely production puzzles.
 * Add a hidden option that will hopefully fix some of the sound issues
   that were introduced when we rewrote our audio backend.
 * Add a new issue to the journal with some "battlefield medicine"
   themed puzzles.
 * The game's content files are now opened as read-only, which should
   hopefully fix some of the antivirus-related crashes some players have
   been experiencing.
 * Atom spawn/consume effects on glyphs are now cleared when the
   simulation is stopped, which should fix a bug causing "ghost atoms" to
   linger on the board.

I've made this summary by picking the relevant parts of the upstream
Steam announcement page at:


The best part about the changes is that content files are now opened
read-only, so we can finally drop all that patching. This also is the
first time I can say something positive about AV software, so thanks for
bugging Zachtronics into fixing this issue for Nix as well :-)

Signed-off-by: aszlig <aszlig@nix.build>
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/pkgs/games/humblebundle/opus-magnum.nix b/pkgs/games/humblebundle/opus-magnum.nix
index 9b6d27cd..f7b2a244 100644
--- a/pkgs/games/humblebundle/opus-magnum.nix
+++ b/pkgs/games/humblebundle/opus-magnum.nix
@@ -1,95 +1,20 @@
 { stdenv, lib, buildGame, fetchHumbleBundle, makeWrapper, mono50
 , SDL2, SDL2_image, SDL2_mixer, libvorbis
-, fetchNuGet, writeText
-  cecil = fetchNuGet {
-    baseName = "Mono.Cecil";
-    version = "0.10-beta7";
-    sha256 = "03bina3llcnylrfrvp5psnwrfn757j7zch5r360rpdn7gmcjjcpl";
-    outputFiles = [ "lib/net40/*" ];
-  };
-  patcher = writeText "patcher.cs" ''
-    using System.Linq;
-    using System.Collections.Generic;
-    using Mono.Cecil;
-    using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
-    using Mono.Cecil.Rocks;
-    public class patcher {
-      public static void Main() {
-        var module = ModuleDefinition.ReadModule("Lightning.exe");
-        var typesToPatch = new List<string>() {
-          "#=qpBcj_0KQZcJ0ffkrxQcNZQ==",
-          "#=qEMEvBoEQXql_zRuLLk1x6w==",
-          "#=qZzmwsUfWWbRLjboUcCgm9sc9s0f6yVsIVJ2gWSL_c4g=",
-          "PsdImage"
-        };
-        var filtered = module.Types.Where(p => typesToPatch.Contains(p.Name));
-        foreach (var toPatch in filtered) {
-          foreach (MethodDefinition md in toPatch.Methods) {
-            var il = md.Body.GetILProcessor();
-            var fileStreams = md.Body.Instructions
-              .Where(i => i.OpCode == OpCodes.Newobj)
-              .Where(i => (i.Operand as MethodReference).DeclaringType
-                          .FullName == "System.IO.FileStream");
-            foreach (Instruction i in fileStreams.ToList()) {
-              var fileAccessRead = il.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
-              il.InsertBefore(i, fileAccessRead);
-              var ctorType = module.AssemblyReferences.Select(
-                x => new {
-                  type = module.AssemblyResolver.Resolve(x)
-                         .MainModule.GetType("System.IO.FileStream")
-                }
-              ).Where(x => x.type != null).Select(x => x.type).First();
-              string wantedCtor = "System.Void System.IO.FileStream"
-                                + "::.ctor(System.String,"
-                                + "System.IO.FileMode,"
-                                + "System.IO.FileAccess)";
-              var newCtor = ctorType.GetConstructors()
-                .Single(x => x.ToString() == wantedCtor);
-              var refCtor = module.ImportReference(newCtor);
-              il.Replace(i, il.Create(OpCodes.Newobj, refCtor));
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        module.Write("LightningPatched.exe");
-      }
-    }
-  '';
-in buildGame rec {
+buildGame rec {
   name = "opus-magnum-${version}";
-  version = "1";
+  version = "20180111";
   src = fetchHumbleBundle {
     machineName = "opus_magnum_4vffp_linux_Z9zWf";
     suffix = "zip";
-    md5 = "aefe8aae8cd3dd3915be8d8cd6f3705d";
+    md5 = "8bfc49528b69630f8df983fd545518bb";
   arch = if stdenv.system == "x86_64-linux" then "x86_64" else "x86";
-  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper mono50 cecil ];
-  patchPhase = ''
-    { export MONO_PATH=${cecil}/lib/dotnet/Mono.Cecil
-      mcs ${lib.escapeShellArg patcher} -out:patcher \
-        -lib:${cecil}/lib/dotnet/Mono.Cecil \
-        -r:Mono.Cecil -r:Mono.Cecil.Rocks
-      mono patcher
-      mv LightningPatched.exe Lightning.exe
-    }
-  '';
+  nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
   buildPhase = let
     dllmap = {