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authorsternenseemann <0rpkxez4ksa01gb3typccl0i@systemli.org>2021-03-16 17:58:58 +0100
committersternenseemann <0rpkxez4ksa01gb3typccl0i@systemli.org>2021-03-16 17:58:58 +0100
commit8aa1911f993fd84dc6004787e803171906cfffd0 (patch)
parent176bc3c711a8b6395bbd705c21552b680c815454 (diff)
chore(cabal): add baseline lower bounds for every dependency
Upper bounds need constant maintenance which is not really worth it as
often the downstream usage doesn't break and if it breaks it breaks at
compile time, so we don't really need upper bounds to tell us that

Ideally I'll notice in time so nobody wastes time with futile
compilation. This should be possible with the cron CI and stackage could
also help if we add spacecookie to that.
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 11 deletions
diff --git a/spacecookie.cabal b/spacecookie.cabal
index f9be4bc..b5d79c7 100644
--- a/spacecookie.cabal
+++ b/spacecookie.cabal
@@ -35,24 +35,24 @@ extra-source-files:  CHANGELOG.md
 common common-settings
   default-language:    Haskell2010
   build-depends:       base >=4.9 && <5
-                     , bytestring
-                     , attoparsec
-                     , directory
+                     , bytestring >= 0.10
+                     , attoparsec >= 0.13
+                     , directory >= 1.3
                      , filepath-bytestring >=1.4
-                     , containers
+                     , containers >= 0.6
 common gopher-dependencies
-  build-depends:       unix
-                     , socket
-                     , mtl
-                     , transformers
-                     , text ^>= 1.2
+  build-depends:       unix >= 2.7
+                     , socket >= 0.8.2
+                     , mtl >= 2.2
+                     , transformers >= 0.5
+                     , text >= 1.2
 executable spacecookie
   import:              common-settings, gopher-dependencies
   main-is:             Main.hs
   build-depends:       spacecookie
-                     , aeson
+                     , aeson >= 1.5
                      , systemd >= 2.1.0
                      , fast-logger >= 2.4.0
   hs-source-dirs:      server
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ library
   other-modules:       Network.Gopher.Types
                      , Network.Gopher.Log
                      , Network.Gopher.Util.Socket
-  build-depends:       hxt-unicode
+  build-depends:       hxt-unicode >= 9.0
                      , async >= 2.2
   ghc-options:         -Wall -Wno-orphans