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1 files changed, 72 insertions, 20 deletions
diff --git a/grav1ty.hs b/grav1ty.hs
index 2a8ac8d..63f107a 100644
--- a/grav1ty.hs
+++ b/grav1ty.hs
@@ -1,13 +1,14 @@
 {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-import Linear.V2
-import Linear.Vector
-import Linear.Metric
-import Debug.Trace
-import Control.FRPNow hiding ((*^), (^/), norm)
-import Control.FRPNow.Gloss
-import Graphics.Gloss
-import Control.Lens
+import           Control.FRPNow       hiding (norm, (*^), (^/))
+import           Control.FRPNow.Gloss
+import           Control.Lens
+import           Graphics.Gloss
+import           Linear.Metric
+import           Linear.V2
+import           Linear.Vector
+-- | Statically definition of the frames
+--   per second the simulation should run at.
 fps :: Num a => a
 fps = 30
@@ -32,45 +33,75 @@ data Object
   , _pic  :: Picture  -- ^ the gloss picture to draw the object
   , _mass :: Float    -- ^ mass in kilograms
   , _acc  :: V2 Float -- ^ current manual acceleration of the object. Think of
-                      --    this as the acceleration caused by a spaceship's
-                      --    thrusters or similar.
+                      --   this as the acceleration caused by a spaceship's
+                      --   thrusters or similar.
   } deriving (Eq, Show)
 makeLenses ''Object
+-- | A Universe is a list of objects.
+--   Ordering or similar does not matter
 type Universe = [Object]
+-- | CompSt describes the state of the main
+--   computation that is mainly described by
+--   nextUniverse. In the FRP context we keep
+--   the necessary state as argument of type
+--   CompSt. It holds the current and the last
+--   Universe. Given these two we can compute
+--   the next universe
 data CompSt
   = MkCompSt {
-    _lastUni :: Universe
-  , _currUni :: Universe
+    _lastUni :: Universe -- ^ last universe
+  , _currUni :: Universe -- ^ current universe
+  }
+data AccInSt
+  = MkAccInSt {
+    _angle :: Float -- ^ current angle of the ship
+  , _norm  :: Float -- ^ current thruster power / norm of
+                    --   the acceleration vector
+-- | takePicture extracts the picture
+--   of an Object and moves it to its
+--   correct position
 takePicture :: Object -> Picture
 takePicture obj = let (V2 x y) = _loc obj
                       pic      = _pic obj
                     in translate x y pic
+-- | dropFirst drops only the first occurence
+--   of an element in a list.
 dropFirst :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a]
 dropFirst _ []     = []
 dropFirst x (y:ys) = if x == y then ys else dropFirst x ys
-toTuple :: V2 a -> (a, a)
-toTuple (V2 x y) = (x, y)
-fromTuple :: (a, a) -> V2 a
-fromTuple (x, y) = V2 x y
+-- | scaleBoth is a wrapper around scale from
+--   gloss which scales a Picture by the same
+--   ratio in both x and y dimension.
 scaleBoth :: Float -> Picture -> Picture
 scaleBoth f = scale f f
+-- | Timestep holds the time that passes between
+--   two computation steps in order to compute
+--   the next universe correctly. Time changes
+--   every frame in frpnow-gloss, so it is 1/fps
+--   seconds.
 timeStep :: Fractional a => a
 timeStep = 1 / fps
+-- | Given a Behavior unitChange returns a Behavior of
+--   Events that fire an unit if the given behavior
+--   changed. Convenience wrapper around frpnow's
+--   change.
 unitChange :: Eq a => Behavior a -> Behavior (Event ())
 unitChange behavior = (() <$) <$> change behavior
 -- TODO: think about *best* approximation
+-- | Calls nextObject on every object of the
+--   universe. Needs the last and the
+--   current state of the universe.
 nextUniverse :: Universe -> Universe -> Universe
 nextUniverse last curr = next last curr last curr
   where next last curr (l:ls) (c:cs)
@@ -78,12 +109,20 @@ nextUniverse last curr = next last curr last curr
             : next last curr ls cs
         next _ _ [] [] = []
+-- | Calculates the next position of an object using
+--   given gravity forces and the manual acceleration
+--   of the given object. It needs the last and the
+--   current state of the object since this is just
+--   an approximation.
 nextObject :: Object -> Object -> [V2 Float] -> Object
 nextObject last@(Static {}) curr@(Static {})   _ = curr
 nextObject last@(Dynamic {}) curr@(Dynamic {}) forces
   = curr & loc .~
       2 * _loc curr - _loc last + (timeStep ** 2) *^ (_acc curr + sum forces)
+-- | Calculates the gravity force between
+--   two objectts based on the standard
+--   formula.
 gravityForce :: Object -> Object -> V2 Float
 gravityForce a b = (gravityConst * ((_mass a * _mass b) / (absDistance ** 2)))
   *^ (distance ^/ absDistance)
@@ -91,6 +130,8 @@ gravityForce a b = (gravityConst * ((_mass a * _mass b) / (absDistance ** 2)))
         distance = _loc b - _loc a
         absDistance = norm distance
+-- | Calculates the gravity forces between an
+--   object and  the rest of the universe.
 gravityForces :: Object -> Universe -> [V2 Float]
 gravityForces obj uni = map (gravityForce obj) $ dropFirst obj uni
@@ -107,6 +148,7 @@ universeB state time accB = do
   e' <- snapshot (universeB newState time accB) e
   return $ pure (_currUni state) `switch` e'
+-- | A basic universe for testing purposes.
 exampleUniverse :: Universe
 exampleUniverse =
   [ Dynamic (V2 0 (earthRadius + 100000)) (color (makeColor 1 0 0 1) $ circleSolid (earthRadius / 100)) spaceshipMass (V2 0 0)
@@ -116,7 +158,17 @@ exampleUniverse =
         earthRadius = 6378137
         spaceshipMass = 1935
+--acceleration :: EvStream GEvent -> AccInSt -> Behavior (Behavior (V2 Float))
+--acceleration evs state = do
+--  interestingEvs <- filterEs isInteresting evs
+--  e' <- snapshot (acceleration evs newState
+--  return $ pure state `switch` e'
+--    where isInteresting (EventKey k _ _ _) = if k `elem` [Char '
+--          isInteresting _ = False
+-- | The main FRP routine. It basically warps
+--   universeB and renders the gloss picture
+--   for every computation step.
 mainFRP :: Universe
         -> Behavior Time
         -> EvStream GEvent